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  • Volvo for sale
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    I’ve been getting a lot of adverts for Volvo finance deals on my sosheeals that feature an estate car, thought it was odd as they’d announced they were to stop selling them to the public in the UK, so I looked in to it and they’ve started selling them again.


    (probably old news to some but a good excuse to use that thread title)

    Full Member


    The good old Tag days,oh what fun we had 😉🙃

    Full Member

    Volvo estate you say?

    Electric you say?

    Yes please*.
    *Just need to save more mahoney.

    Full Member

    They really need to bring back the V70 or XC70.   The whole point is carrying capacity and volume.  The fashionable yet fhecken purpose-defeating cropping the back end at 45 degrees for ‘aero’ / style is exactly that – style over substance.   Buying an estate is about practically… give us an estate with the tailgate that is vertical so it doesn’t pish away room inside for vanity.

    Free Member

    That’s the punchline of an old joke.

    Full Member

    I’ve got a v90 and it’s surprisingly less roomy than it ought to be given the size of the whole car.

    Full Member

    There is currently £7k off list offer on a V90 hybrid, and £10k on others.

    Full Member


    The good old Tag days,oh what fun we had 😉🙃

    I’m waiting for TJ to buy shares in sugar free chewing gum…

    Full Member

    Volvo estate?……..

    only 5 years worth of chunner about MrsRNP favourite car

    Volvo estate appreciation

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