The bike I use/d for primary transport is the most upright bike I’ve had, including a 1936 police bike.
To echo what others have said, if you spend a lot of time using a bike for transport then upright rules the roost. It’s also relaxing and gives excellent traffic visibility/visual awareness. No sore back or neck after hours and hours in the saddle. I find it helps that my dutch bike has the B/B positioned appreciably further forward. Not as far as those Electra cruisers, but definitely re-laxed. Took me a while to find a suitable saddle and settled on a Specalized Sonoma, and wider than I would normally use.
Obviously the extra pressure goes here rather than shared with the arms. It helps to periodically stand and pedal, but I found with the right seat/cutout it just disappears and I don’t get sore. I spent more time on this just for the sheer pleasure of riding/moving along on own steam than any other bike in the same length of ownership. Relaxercise. Even go out for no reason in middle of the night just to ride it for fun and meditation. Weird.