Ya, the leftie are rather nosey paranoid controlling bunch of “know all”. Get them into power within such a short period you are doomed as this is a bunch only suitable for having the position of customer service in call centre, certainly Not to put in position of power as their “good intention” are generally rather skewed.
Just watched the political debate on telly just now … one of the NE council wanted regional control to give councils more power. If they get it we are doomed. This bunch just wants to increase tax to the hilt at will. Give them a bit of power then power gets to their head. The know-it-all heads become bigger.
This is a bunch that will suck the blood out of hardworking people without them knowing as they hide behind the views that they represent the workers … ya, vote them for the personal profile so when they retire they get handsome payout … ya, put them in high profile jobs then they retire to earn even more in the private sector.
Labour – should Not get voted in for at least 3 terms.
After 3 terms, then perhaps you can re-consider to see if they have changed their ways.