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  • UK Government Thread
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    Full Member

    Is it just me or is everyone on the last page a bit inebriated?

    You weren’t?  (• ◡•)

    “lets just change the rules” :-D

    Is anyone actually, genuinely, surprised?

    Full Member

    Dips into thread….

    Observes prolonged, tangental, pedantic bickering.

    ….Bye for now

    Full Member

    I wish labour ministers would dial down the shouting a bit at conference. Reeves doing a passable Scargill yesterday, now we have Cooper ranting and raving about the riots. You’d think they’d be in more of a celebratory mood rather than all this fire and brimstone stuff. Watching conference is like being told off by an authoritarian headmistress, it’s quite terrifying.

    Full Member

    Dips into thread….

    Observes prolonged, tangental, pedantic bickering.

    ….Bye for now

    Buyers remorse disguised as Centrist cool-aid?

    Fair enough but there’s nothing pedantic about working through the political hope pinned on the Labour party.

    Always the same on here. Pages and pages of Tory implosion – hysterics and accepted consensus. Truss thread is still turning itself inside out for instance.

    Scrutiny and criticism of the Labour party – pedantic.

    Labour have made a complete mess at the start by any metric.

    We’re simply reflecting that.

    Whereas yeah – a Centrist sits on the sidelines working through narrow ideas defined by failed Tory rule as a Labour plan.

    Full Member

    Dips into thread….

    What’s worse, lighthearted bickering/banter or posting a ‘I’m too sexy for this thread’ comment?

    Free Member

    What’s worse, lighthearted bickering/banter or posting a ‘I’m too sexy for this thread’ comment?

    Definitely the first one. Shame as it’s an important subject, well worth discussing but it is impossible in this thread.

    The same half dozen people utterly unwilling to change their minds saying the same thing over and over.

    Full Member

    If you can make the effort to post that ^^ you can make the effort to comment on the FT article which I linked at the bottom of the previous page.

    And then maybe this thread would stay on topic, no?

    Full Member

    now we have Cooper ranting and raving about the riots

    Cooper was spot on. In tone as well as content. Call out the racists, call out the arsonists, stop flouncing around them as people with “legitimate concerns”. The government supporting the police, supporting the judiciary. The public standing up for those under attack, and welcomed for doing so passionately by a key minister. No “enemies of the people” jibes at people working in the legal system. No attacks on the police for doing their job from this politician. No claims of double standards because violent racists are facing the full force of the law. No blaming this on immigrants. No “both sides” when it comes to the riots.

    Full Member

    I’ve not been very active on the thread lately but for me at least that’s a good sign, I’m generally happy with things.

    Overall happy at the direction of travel but I’m keen to hear what the budget brings. I’m unlikely to agree with everything announced of course but I want to see a clear divergence from where the Tories were talking us.

    Largely positive results in ending perpetual strikes and yes, the ongoing nursing dispute will be resolved, totally confident of that.

    Books being cooked as widely predicted on here to find £50 billion down the back of the sofa to fund public services etc.

    Attempting to claw back fraudulent covid contact monies.

    Ambivalent towards winter fuel payments (I expect some sort of rowing back from that but we’ll see) and very sceptical about clamping down on benefit “fraud”.

    Politically naive to take money for clothing, birthday party etc. They should know better and we deserve better. They need to learn swift lessons from that as it’s not acceptable, within the rules or not.

    That said, if Starmer decided to ride to work every day on a bike he would still be on the front page of the Express as his £1k bike “costs not than most people’s cars!!” or whatever, whether he paid for it or not. All the more reason not to give them ammunition.

    If the GE were held tomorrow I would still vote the same way and I still have to pinch myself occasionally as I still can’t quite believe the Tories are finally out of power.

    (Other people’s mileage may vary on all off the above!)

    Full Member

    If you can make the effort to post that ^^ you can make the effort to comment on the FT article which I linked at the bottom of the previous page.

    I would, but someone has commented on the article via the website already with my thoughts, which they states ‘Apologies but is there a story here? Heavy on conjecture, low on facts‘.

    Full Member

    “lets just change the rules” :-D

    The treasury are normally v keen to write down debt as quickly as they can. The BoE QT rules are currently moving to ‘get rid’ of debts quicker or within a shorter time frame than perhaps is necessary – it’s not completely arbitrary, but if the “rules are changed” to write them down over a longer period (or let bonds naturally come to their end) could ‘save’ the treasury billions in payments, which could instead be used for investment/spending.

    It’s what you wanted remember? More money to be spent.

    Full Member

    It’s what you wanted remember? More money to be spent.

    Absolutely. I just find it amusing that despite her hawkish rhetoric and talk of black holes and balancing the books she’s been forced to do what everyone from a left leaning perspective told her to do in the first place. It’s a victory I guess.

    Full Member

    It’s what you wanted remember? More money to be spent.

    You’ll put them off their pessimistic stride (yeah right) ;o)

    Full Member

    I’m glad the sausages got a mention.

    Full Member

    Is that the wurst moment of the conference?

    Full Member

     It’s a victory I guess.

    praise indeed.

    Full Member

    I’m glad the sausages got a mention.


    Full Member

    Just checked in – good to see it’s still all the fault of the bastard centralists.

    Full Member


    Country First, Party Second………

    This lot are so full of crap…..

    Full Member

    I’m glad the sausages got a mention.


    Good work.

    Full Member

    The BoE QT rules are currently moving to ‘get rid’ of debts quicker or within a shorter time frame than perhaps is necessary – it’s not completely arbitrary, but if the “rules are changed” to write them down over a longer period (or let bonds naturally come to their end) could ‘save’ the treasury billions in payments, which could instead be used for investment/spending

    I did offer this up last week!

    However 10bn is not much really. But we should be grateful apparently to an institution that takes its orders from the government for helping the government out ?

    (It’s not necessary though they can just create the money like they do every single day.)

    It does demonstrate the power of money creation though because all bonds purchased through Q/E were with created money.

    Q/T is used to also keep support higher interest rates. Which is an indication that they won’t be cutting any time soon.

    There’s no way we will get through this cycle without Q/E though. When interest rates eventually settle down.

    Just checked in – good to see it’s still all the fault of the bastard centralists.

    They are in government?

    Full Member

    So now the Centrist’s attack line to us progressives is that we’re talking the government down and being negative?

    Lol – wasn’t that the tactic from the last lot criticising people for talking the country down. Defo heard Bozza say that.

    Do you Centrists have anything that isn’t a remotely worn down excuse from the last lot?

    Because that’s the basis of the new government. Excuse after excuse.

    Full Member

    Bloody centrists, coming over here, stifling our progressiveness!

    Full Member

    us progressives

    You mustn’t group yourselves like that, Ransos gets really cross.

    Full Member

    So now the Centrist’s attack line to us progressives

    Do you Centrists have anything that isn’t a remotely worn down excuse from the last lot?

    Oh my sweet summer child… what on earth are you talking about?

    You fling phrases around as insults and sound bites, pretend that centrist and progressive are mutually exlusive.

    I’m progressive and technically centrist, does that mean we are political enemies? of course not.

    Does It mean I’m happy with the current labour government, also not.

    Does it mean I think the curent labour government is better than the outgoing conservatives? That would be an astounding YES! but it’s a very low bar to beat, to be honest.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    So now the Centrist’s attack line to us progressives is that we’re talking the government down and being negative?

    Lol – wasn’t that the tactic from the last lot criticising people for talking the country down. Defo heard Bozza say that.

    Do you Centrists have anything that isn’t a remotely worn down excuse from the last lot?

    Johnson’s criticism was of his opponents talking the country down.

    The accusation here is of talking the Government down. Which you’re entitled to do, but it’s two different things.

    Full Member

    I think rone is conflating political philosophy with reality.

    Full Member

    So are we the Progressive Popular Peoples Front or the Peoples Progressive Popular Front?


    Free Member

    You mustn’t group yourselves like that, Ransos gets really cross.

    I thought you’d left?

    Full Member

    Still love that sketch Martyfez. Saw something yesterday about why he felt he wouldn’t do it today… and that the online clips always stop before the “nothing” crescendo… will look for it…

    Full Member

    Luckily for you, I stuck around and was able to defend your wish not to be lumped in with the others that you articulated so strongly yesterday.

    Full Member

    I’m ruddy confused as much as anything else.

    Depending upon the political or social subject I can be progressive, regressive,a leftie, centre left or centrist.

    On top of that lot I’m a pragmatist on occasion but one that knows the world is changed for the better much of the time by those that are not; the dreamers**/ idealists** that can actually make the world a better place to live in and the people that many pragmatists actually admire whether they admit it or not.

    Like so many things in life and in this thread, pragmatism isn’t the enemy of idealism or visa versa, the real magic happens when they compliment each other.

    I find myself agreeing with every regular poster on this thread much of the time, based upon the subject and that individual post. I don’t see opposing and incompatible views here, just people disagreeing on how to make the country’s lot a better one. None if you lot are bad actors, argumentative buggers that can’t see the wood for trees sometimes yes (me included), but not bad actors. ;-)

    **Most definitely not a put down, to be crystal clear. The absolute opposite.

    Full Member

    Yeah, when people on any extreme of the political spectrum use the term ‘centrist’ as an insult to people who are more moderate, it kind of undermines them, and exposes them as the shills that they are.

    Full Member

    It’s almost like the Donald Trump rhetoric when he demonises ‘liberals’

    Free Member

    The fact is the Labour Party is closer to centrist than to an actual Labour Party. That is why some of us are disappointed. The Labour Party was used as a vehicle to get into power because not many other options with a two party system but ideally all the Starmer supporters should have really just voted Lib Dem leaving left wing people with their Labour Party. That would have mean’t a Lib Dem government but at least it would have been true to itself.
    It is not great when we are left with a tory party and a slightly less tory party is it as it will be very easy for people to swing between the two which I guess we will see in 5 years time.

    Free Member

    Luckily for you, I stuck around and was able to defend your wish not to be lumped in with the others that you articulated so strongly yesterday.

    Great to hear, but rest assured, I can fight my own battles, should the need arise.

    Full Member

    Starmer supporters should have really just voted Lib Dem leaving left wing people with their Labour Party

    And we’d have had a Tory government again.

    Free Member

    And we’d have had a Tory government again.

    We’ve still got one :-)

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