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  • UK Government Thread
  • squirrelking
    Free Member

    The election is done, it’s old news, let’s move on.

    Pastry based bets will be still be honored.

    Let’s gooooo!

    Full Member

    Oooo a freshly branded thread title!

    Does the Labour membership card still say a ‘democratic socialist’ party or have they rebranded to the ‘fiscal rules’ party?

    Be interesting what Starmer has to say about Leeds…

    Full Member

    Why would Starmer say anything about an incident in Leeds other than…violence against police is unacceptable?

    Full Member

    It’s the Home Secretary Yvette Cooper’s first crises, she can deal with it

    Free Member

    What’s the crack with Leeds? I’ve deleted Twitter, Guardian aren’t reporting it, not much on BBC? Only coverage seems to be Daily Mail and Express which I’ll not be clicking on.

    Full Member

    The Daily Mail reader’s comment bit is raging about immigrants and people living off benefits

    Full Member

    Be interesting what Starmer has to say about Leeds…

    The Home Secretary, who’s job it is to deal with such things, has said this…

    I see that unlike her predecessors, she’s not bothered to indulge the far right with any racist dog whistling, which is a rather pleasant change.

    Not that’s it’s stopped Mr Yaxley Lennon from trying to stir things up, but this time he’s not got any tacit allies in the Home Office

    Full Member

    I see that Nigel Farage is milking it with a comment claiming, “The politics of the subcontinent are currently playing out on the streets of Leeds. Don’t say I didn’t warn you”

    Edit: I don’t know what subcontinent he means btw, the people in the photos don’t make that obvious imo.

    Full Member

    Well, , whoever runs his social media while he’s out sucking up to Trump in Milwaukee.

    Reforms posts are now indistinguishable from Tommy Robinson and the EDL. Neither bother to let the facts get in the way of a bit of racist rabble rousing

    Full Member

    Edit: I don’t know what subcontinent he means btw, the people in the photos don’t make that obvious imo.

    Apparently the issue is with Romanian kids being taken into local authority care, so that’ll be the subcontinent of Europe and it’s the politics of Leeds that are playing out in Leeds

    Full Member

     Be interesting what Starmer has to say about Leeds…

    You dirty Northern Bast**ds!


    maybe 1 too many :)

    Full Member

    The Home Secretary, who’s job it is to deal with such things, has said this…

    So we have a government/minister quietly responding to things in a “just doing their job” kind of way, rather than a “let’s find someone to blame and dog whistle” kind of way.

    Free Member

    That’s the far right creep right there. Mainstreaming of fascism. It’s very dangerous and it needs calling out for what it is.

    Full Member

    Apparently the issue is with Romanian kids being taken into local authority care, so that’ll be the subcontinent of Europe and it’s the politics of Leeds that are playing out in Leeds

    If that turns out to be the case, there needs to be a big social media push to call out Farages knee jerk dog whistling without actually checking the facts.

    Need to expose the Honourable Member for Clacton as the shit stirring little twerp that he is.

    Full Member

    You dirty Northern Bast**ds!

    Oi! Don’t be lumping us all in with people from Yorkshire ;)

    Full Member

    Yeah I got the impression that the people in the photos looked East European.

    Full Member


    Here’s the explanation, if you can understand what he is saying.

    He claims that a child was taken by the parents to a hospital with a bump on the head to be checked out, and that caused a chain of events.

    I have no idea what Nigel Farage was talking about

    Full Member

    LOL….a brilliant article in the Daily Mail reporting on the criticism, including from the police, of Nigel Farage for trying to inflame the situation with misinformation, some of their readers won’t like that!


    Edit: And they even managed to shoehorn the suggestion that Farage was an uninvited guest at the Republican National Convention!

    Free Member

    so a few kids taken into care, and an angry mob smash up and roll over a police car and then torch a double decker bus on fire..  good job people are thick, their faces are clear as day on the pictures circulating on social media..

    hopefully cps will prosecute and hand down adequate custodial sentences

    Full Member

    Leeds is a little skirmish compared to the riots of the ’80s – some perspective is needed.

    Full Member

    Yeah I would expect plenty of arrests from all the social media footage. But why necessarily the need for custodial sentences?

    And I suspect that anger rather than stupidity is the explanation for their carelessness in not hiding their identities. The incident was presumably not preplanned

    Full Member

    Oi! Don’t be lumping us all in with people from Yorkshire ;)

    Oi! Don’t lump all us Yorkshire folk in with Leeds ;)

    Leeds is a little skirmish compared to the riots of the ’80s – some perspective is needed.

    It’s not a competition. It’s still a pretty unsavoury episode and there was plenty of opportunities for people to get seriously hurt

    Full Member

    What I would be interested in knowing is why did the hospital apparently refer the case to social services. I am assuming that not all cases of child trauma injuries seen at A&E are referred to social services?

    Full Member

    But why necessarily the need for custodial sentences?

    Why bother having law and order, just pointless really

    Free Member

    the hospital was just doing their job, we had some extensive questions when we took our eldest, as a toddler, to A&E with a split lip, apparently the nature of it could constitute them being force fed a bottle.  As it was he had face planted on some decking in the garden.  Anyway, whilst being terrified I was going to loose my son at that point at no time did getting a bunch of my mates & family involved and torching some cars even enter my head.  Yes they should be in jail.

    Full Member

    What I would be interested in knowing is why did the hospital apparently refer the case to social services. I am assuming that not all cases of child trauma injuries seen at A&E are referred to social services?

    There are protocols if a child is seen by a medical professional or emergency services to trigger an assessment by social services. If they’re then taking the children away then something must have happened to cause concern. I believe it’s sometimes precautionary; get the child into short term care whilst an assessment is made rather than risk leaving them in the home and something bad happening. It’d be pretty traumatic for the family, but it’s too mitigate a greater risk of harm

    Free Member

    Why bother having law and order, just pointless really

    You can have law and order without sending everyone to prison, but then you know that.

    Full Member

    But why necessarily the need for custodial sentences?

    Why bother having law and order, just pointless really

    So the solution to all law and order issues is custodial sentences, if you don’t always lock up people you might as well not bother with law and order?

    Well it’s certainly a widely held opinion but I only generally see it in the Daily Mail reader’s comment sections

    Full Member

    Have custodial sentences ever been shown to reduce the likelihood of acts of civil unrest?

    I guess if you subscribe to the idea that ‘criminal justice’ and ‘revenge’ are interchangeable terms then it makes perfect sense to assume putting as many people in prison as possible for rioting is just what the country needs.

    Once you’ve somehow found space for all those prisoners, of course.

    Maybe that’s why Labour aren’t lifting the two child cap.  They need every penny they can get their hands on to lock people up.

    Full Member

    With having a debate over the relative merits of custodial sentances, its probably a good thing that Labour have put somebody in charge of prison policy who’s a genuine expert on the subject, and believes in reform and rehabilitation rather than just banging people up, eh?

    Full Member

    It is for me but not apparently for everyone

    Full Member

    With having a debate over the relative merits of custodial sentances, its probably a good thing that Labour have put somebody in charge of prison policy who’s a genuine export on the subject, and believes in reform and rehabilitation rather than just banging people up, eh?

    To be fair, so far everyone seems to have reacted in the best way possible but this is not going to be the last incident like this.  I suspect it’s going to be pretty common over the next few years.

    Let’s see if Labour are going to be able to keep their sensible hats on and resist the calls to smash ’em with riot police and lock ’em up.  Judging by this thread, plenty are going to be screaming for this kind of reaction.

    Full Member

    I bet these cretins who have wrongly blamed Muslims haven’t shared videos of locals putting out the fires.

    Full Member

    plenty are going to be screaming for this kind of reaction.

    The kind of people screaming for that kind of reaction were also last night screaming to send the army in, then deport people, so I can’t really see the government paying too much attention to them.

    Even the Daily Mail are taking the piss out of Farage and co for their knee-jerk reaction and trying to imply it was some kind of muslim uprising.

    When even the Daily Mail is laughing at your reactionary far right nonsense….

    Free Member

    You dirty Northern Bast**ds!


    maybe 1 too many :)

    We should build a wall….

    Free Member

    With having a debate over the relative merits of custodial sentances, its probably a good thing that Labour have put somebody in charge of prison policy who’s a genuine export on the subject, and believes in reform and rehabilitation rather than just banging people up, eh?

    Yup, and having a former human rights lawyer as PM and another in the Cabinet hopefully they’ll find ways to decriminalise legitimate protest.

    Full Member

    We should build a wall….

    Yeah, but then you’d have to have a debate about where to build the wall where ‘The North’ starts?

    Some say Watford, Some say Gretna Green

    Full Member

    Some of the online stuff (including Farage) is aimed at the USA at this point… Republicans go all in on the “no go zones in British cities” nonsense. It’s not all ignorance… some of it is manipulative and designed to amplify hatred for votes well beyond the UK (and also in certain areas of the UK of course).

    Free Member

    torching a £300k-350k bus for no reason, seems fair game for a custodial sentence, community orders, bound over to keep the peace for the rest

    Full Member

    Very much so.  I was in an online debate recently where I was told by a trumper that the UK was heading for muslim rule.

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