[url= https://i.postimg.cc/vBqQDY0N/PXL-20240711-120526568.jp g" target="_blank">https://i.postimg.cc/vBqQDY0N/PXL-20240711-120526568.jp g"/> [/img][/url]
Orange sky at night, the neds have torched the recycling centre???
Semi-comatose bee I found on my front doorstep after taking the cloud photo, picked it up and put it on a flower out the back, which didn’t work, so mixed up some sugary water, which it’s drinking in the photo. After a while it revived and flew off - my good deed for the day. The squadron of bumblebees nesting just inside my garden shed need no such help.
(Not got the emoji issue sorted yet, then?)
I have loads of photos to post……when it gets fixed!
Some of my garden visitors:
It’s very happy scavenging the sunflower seeds from the fatballs the birds won’t eat.
“He he, I’m in disguise, he won’t recognise me like this…”
Baby Blackbird…
Daddy Blackbird…
This one popped up on Friendface memories today. I took this a year ago of TJ of this parish…
[url= https://i.postimg.cc/vmffJBRn/20240727-202112.jp g" target="_blank">https://i.postimg.cc/vmffJBRn/20240727-202112.jp g"/> [/img][/url]
Backlit Bert (same photo as the dog thread but now levelled a bit)
[url= https://i.ibb.co/27fdNLV/IMG-8750.jp g" target="_blank">https://i.ibb.co/27fdNLV/IMG-8750.jp g"/> [/img][/url]
“No mum, that’s a starling, I’m behind you!”
“That’s better, thank you!”
The irony being that the food mum’s giving baby is all around it, all it’s got to do is pick it up! Lazy little wretch!
That grass needs cutting!
A friend of mine’s front garden, with lovely clouds.
The night sky from my front garden; who sez you can’t see stars in an urban environment! There’s Ursa Major, Polaris and Ursa Minor, Cassiopeia, Perseus, part of Auriga, Camelopardalis and a few other minor asterisms. Ten second night view with the phone resting on the roof of my car. ?
First time I’ve tried this, a photo I’ve just taken of the Milky Way from my back garden, using a GorillaPod analog. I’ve done a wee bit of tweaking, but just a bit of increased contrast.
Bet that made his eyes water…
It’ll be nice when it’s finished, but what with Brexit, Covid and government spending cutbacks, who knows when that’ll be… ?