• This topic has 709 replies, 133 voices, and was last updated 3 days ago by _tom_.
Viewing 40 posts - 281 through 320 (of 710 total)
  • The Midweek Ride Picture Thread.
  • 1
    Full Member

    If you live in the UK, own a fatbike and it snows even a little.
    The law states that you must go for a ride.

    Full Member

    Last night’s midweek social

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    Full Member

    Fresh powder on the tops last night, lots more now but no charge on my lights :(

    Full Member

    Early start and 1600 metres of descent before 12.00.
    Was a tad fresh first thing but I feel so lucky to live with views like this on my doorstep.

    First Up. by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Crispy by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    Got caught in a bit of snow last night. Had to take shelter for 10 minutes inside Darwen Tower.



    Free Member

    This mornings commute https://flic.kr/p/2ondsQf

    Full Member

    Job in Eyemouth this week, so stopped off in the Peaks on the way home for a 32km, 1000m, Ladybower/Derwent loop, tye drove up to the top of the Snakes Pass and rode/hike-a-biked to the B29 “Overexposed” crash site.

    Full Member

    Out for a short local ‘spin’ this morning – last day of holiday used. Most definitely a slop-fest in all directions!

    Full Member

    Weather looked reasonable this morning, got the train to Blackburn, pedalled east along the leeds-liverpool canal to Bradford, train home. A Scottish C2C2C planned for the end of May, so need to get some reasonable time in the saddle and the MTB is still half way to being rebuilt.

    This I think is the Haweswater aqueduct, between Blackburn and Church..

    Fueling up at Bingley five locks cafe.
    Lots of clarty muddy sections on the towpath, after Blackburn, after Barlick, and just before Silsden – the 45mm dimply schwalbe tyres are not ideal for that. The “Bradford cycle super highway” is good, finding it from Shipley was not so easy.
    Need to get the MTB sorted, getting bored with roads, tracks and towpaths.

    Full Member

    Wednesday morning solo ride.
    **** me the wind was bad today.
    Even had to pedal pretty hard on a couple of the downs just to keep moving forward.
    Wind actually blew one of my earphones out😂

    Wall by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Couldn’t hold my phone still in the wind.
    Click for wind action.
    All of the winds. by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Daff. by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    The river has washed half the path away. That’s around an eight foot drop into a raging river and what’s left of the bank is undercut by three foot. Good job I noticed.
    Path has gone. by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    Well, despite the weather having been largely miserable over the past couple of weeks, and the forecast still being pretty mixed, the patches of warmer, sunnier and breezier weather do seem to have slightly offset the wetness in the trails. Choose carefully… and they’re not too bad in and around North Leeds.

    2 lovely commutes today on the SS CX Hack 😁



    Full Member

    Long day on Tiree yesterday, landed back into Glasgow at 9pm, so drove down to a days inn on the M6 in Lanarkshire, checking the weather for somewhere to ride on the way back home to Bournemouth, the forecast was dismal for just about everywhere, with South Wales looking the best, a diversion to Monmouth was only an extra 10 miles, so I popped in to Geometron to get some set up help on my new Storia V3, a chat with Marcel and Sam and some car park drill resulted in a couple of clicks less LSC and a couple of clicks more HSC, and I headed to Staunton meend for a few runs, 2 runs on the quarry side which were great at the top but pretty slick at the bottom, and 2 runs down “Joney’s side” which was running sweet, bike felt better turning, a more balanced turn in and less 50p’ing, even saw a legendary piece of mtb history.

    Full Member

    I just played a game of ‘where’s that loch’ with your aerial shot Jimmy (Loch Tarsan just inland from Dunoon). I’m surprised there’s still snow on the tops! And they’re only 600m summits! Hopefully the weather will change soon, I don’t fancy Torridon in the snow in 5 weeks time! 😬

    Full Member

    Got a mate stopping with us for a few days so a quick 1300 meters of descent with him this morning while he adapts to our local stuff.


    Full Member

    The filth continues:

    First "Night Light" ride of the year

    First night ride in the light. The mud was slicker and deeper than last week, and the rain more persistent! This time last year we were riding dusty trails!

    We were riding some of those trails last sunday @jimmy748 – they were pretty slick!

    Full Member

    Windy but fairly dry local lap last night, it started to rain 30 seconds after I walked in the house and it hasn’t stopped since.

    Full Member

    I had my first ride on my new Epic Evo. It was very wet, but very very fun.

    Full Member

    I guess it’s not new anymore.

    Full Member

    Instead of commuting on roads on my hybrid took the rigid mtb to work and back yesterday on a slightly extended and semi off road route. Still only 18 miles total, but more fun than the hybrid.

    Full Member

    Glorious morning ride today. Great thing about the tropics is the speed with which the sun rises. Set off at 5.30am in pitch dark and within a few minutes I didn’t need the light.



    Bought some flat pedals to help with coaching a couple of weeks ago … it’s been going reasonably well. But this morning just as I thought I’d nailed it, I floated nicely off a rock ledge and somehow scraped a pedal up the back of my calf.

    Full Member

    Fantastic few day weather so couldnt resist last night, local woods were damn near perfect to ride.

    Full Member

    As I’m WFH this week, and I’ve started C25k again, I thought I’d head out for a sunrise commute replacement yesterday.

    Full Member

    First train yesterday to Blackpool, rode home to Hebden Bridge over Trough of Bowland, Smallden Lane and Twiston Moor. Was going to finish over Widdop but couldn’t face that after Twiston and poor lunch strategy! So it was canal to Burnley, road to Tod and canal home. Glorious day, Freezing on Blackpool prom, quite warm later on.

    Full Member

    I keep forgetting to take any pictures when I’m out so snapped a few on this mornings ride.

    2023-04-06_01-30-44 by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Wid. by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    2023-04-06_01-32-16 by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    Hardtail fun today.
    Spin round with Mrsstu in the sunshine and hail showers.

    Hail and sun by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Live Streaming. by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Heading home. by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    out with Sophie visiting play parks

    Free Member

    A short loop around Lochs Voil and Doine this afternoon, which turned out not to be a loop..

    Everything is green and squishy follow much recent rain..

    After a bit of road and gravel, including the very pleasant sections of Cycle route 7, the Komoot route I’d created took an interesting turn..

    The route then demanded I cross the Invernenty Burn which was a bit too lively looking for a paddle…

    and then suggested I head across a pathless bog for some further unknown river crossings..

    So back up the hill it was along the way I came..

    Nice to be out in this part of the world again.. Last time was a canoe trip down to Loch Lubnaig 10 years ago..

    Note to self, spend a bit more time cross-referencing Komoot routes against OS maps, and always make sure I have backup nav.. Locus Pro on my phone appears to have lost all my offline maps since I last used it…

    Free Member

    Took the long way to work today
    The long way to work

    Full Member

    Pre-work pedal with another of this parish. Just a short jaunt, but the sunrise was epic😁

    Full Member

    Monday night

    Wednesday night.

    Full Member

    Already posted on another thread but should really be here

    I ain’t been bivvying for a while but thought that the recent weather was too good to waste.

    Woke up just after 5am and caught some early dawn light

    Truth is, this was only 11km from home so not much actual riding involved :-)

    Full Member

    Slowly recovering from manflu with a gentle eeber ride on Tuesday
    2023-04-18_01-13-34 by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Then a spin round with Mrsstu this evening.

    Stumped by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Old and new. by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    Cracking evening for a ride last night

    Full Member

    Showing a forumite round his morning.
    Clicky for movie.
    VID-20230425-WA0000 by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    Cheers for the tour @singlespeedstu – my legs are in tatters now!

    Cracking day, actually warm (which was an unexpected surprise!).

    Full Member

    No problems.
    Always willing to show folks round our neck of the woods.

    Full Member

    Couple from GT today.

    Full Member

    Mint ride tonight, somewhere in Yorkshire. Expected it to cloud over but the weather totally played ball! Trails running primo.

    Full Member

    Dry and bright, but cold this evening, nice to have the mud free back.

Viewing 40 posts - 281 through 320 (of 710 total)

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