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  • The Conservative Party leadership vote…
  • Tom-B
    Free Member

    Gullis ? what a weapons grade ****. There’s a joke there about the old adage of ‘Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach’.

    Full Member

    Have they not learned you can’t out-Reform Reform?

    Full Member

    You’d think there would be some private schools that would be falling over themselves to offer Gullis a job – if it weren’t for the negative publicity it would bring.

    I guess it just shows what an echo chamber the Con party has been.

    Who’d have thought there’d be consequences eh? Love the way he’s doing his best to build bridges with the profession in order to get himself (back?) in . . . . oh hang on. . . .

    I do feel sorry for his kids – must be terrible to grow up with a dad like that.

    Full Member

    If I were a headteacher, I’d be happy to waste an hour of my time and probably several of his getting him in for an interview and asking him lots of questions centred about what he’d describe as the ‘woke’ bits of education.

    Free Member

    Maternity leave is straight out of the US nutter playbook

    And just like the US blaming the media for spinning her words out of context.

    This sort of crap needs to be stamped on now, or we will be following the US model of politicking.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure who the bigger nutter is: Badenock or Jenrick….

    Full Member

    Have they not learned you can’t out-Reform Reform?

    It would appear not. Farage must be laughing his tits off!

    They’d reached the conclusion weeks, possibly months before losing the election that all their woes were because they aren’t right wing enough. Now that’s being put in to practice with even the likes of Mel Stride spouting far right gibberish. Its like a cult. They were queueing around the block today to listen to a speech by Liz Truss. LIZ ****ING TRUSS!! Just look at her….

    I’m not sure who the bigger nutter is: Badenock or Jenrick….

    They’re both madder than a tube of weasels! So either is perfect to lead the present Tory party. Talking of which it would appear that Miriam Cates, who is no longer even a Tory MP, was sent out to do the media rounds today. She’s absolutely hatstand! Completely barking! She’s like some mad Victorian Workhouse owner. It goes without saying that she’s a Badanoch fan

    Full Member

    Tom getting down wit da yoof….

    Full Member

    I suppose Liz is like the local loon, fascinating to watch but useless for sage advice.

    Free Member

    I braved a read of toynbees column on the Tory conference. I actually thought it was quite a good piece and pretty much on the money

    They really are a bunch of monstrous fools.

    Pretty much every interview I’ve seen is like a Bird & Fortune skit.

    Full Member

    I suppose Liz is like the local loon, fascinating to watch but useless for sage advice.

    Sounds like something a member of the Underground Transgender Mafia would say.

    Full Member

    Sounds like a Bill Drummond / KLF spinoff. Are they touring?

    Full Member

    She is mentally ill. It is getting to the point where those who are continuing to put her on stage or give interviews knowing full well they are doing so for shits and giggles are guilty of abuse.

    I really really really want to keep laughing at the idiocy, but I am also starting to feel a bit uneasy about the situation.

    Full Member

    I’m all in for this absolute car crash of a leadership election. It all helps in the agenda of punting Conservatives to to the far back benches as the third party and a footnote of horrible history for a generation.

    Free Member

    I’m all in for this absolute car crash of a leadership election. It all helps in the agenda of punting Conservatives to to the far back benches as the third party and a footnote of horrible history for a generation.

    Who fills the vacuum?

    Full Member

    That’s the problem, Reform must be laughing their heads off at the moment, the Tories are in disarray, Labour seem to just be carrying on where the Tories left off by doing nothing for “normal working people” but in a slightly less corrupt way. Someone I know said Reform were running a stall at their local market and probably doing quite well from it because as misguided as it is they are about the only people claiming to offer something other than more of the same.

    Full Member

    misguided as it is they are about the only people claiming to offer something other than more of the same

    I’m not sure I agree, as the Greens and to a lesser extent the Libdems are offering something fundamentally different.

    The only reason people are listening to Reform is because they are offering convenient scapegoats and even more importantly, offering up simple solutions to complex problems.

    This is all easy to do when you are in no position to actually enact change. If Reform ever get into power the people that voted for them will be the same people that start accusing them of being just like Labour/ the Tories after a matter of months.  Reform would soon find out that governing is actually pretty difficult as it happens when you have to actually enact promises made.

    The Tories already tried to enact Reform policy, let’s not forget. It doesn’t work.

    Full Member

    Who fills the vacuum?

    I dont think youll ever fill up Truss’s head

    Full Member

    they are about the only people claiming to offer something other than more of the same

    Yeah, it’s fine to say that nobody will pay tax on earnings under 20 grand when you’re just a joke party, so nobody is reading the small print about how that’s going to be paid for

    When people find out it’s to be financed by privatising the entire health service and make everyone take out private medical insurance instead, they’ll probably be less keen

    Farage and Co have no interest in being in power and actually enacting any of their policies anyway. Actually take responsibility and do some hard graft? No chance! Which makes the Tory’s present determination to ape them doubly stupid

    Farage must be finding this whole leadership election absolutely hilarious as they all just unquestioningly parrot whatever nonsense he dreams up

    Free Member

    Gullis ? what a weapons grade ****. There’s a joke there about the old adage of ‘Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach’.

    He’s actually thick enough not have sorted a retainer or non-exec directorship from a shadowy backer or two? I presume this means he was a Brexit true believer – aka a **** idiot. PMSL.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure who the bigger nutter is: Badenock or Jenrick….

    Badenoch. She’s actually deranged enough to believe the drivel she spouts.

    Jenrick was originally nicknamed ‘Robert Generic’ when he entered parliament as a centrist, remainer non-entity. Since the Brexit vote exposed a rich seam of bigotry, racism and xenophobia that could be tapped for personal advancement… He hasn’t looked back.

    There’s more conviction and integrity in the reptile house at London Zoo – Jenrick is just a symptom.

    Free Member

    Did anyone get a party membership in anticipation of this calamity? I mean, there’s got to be at least some sleepers in the membership, surely?

    Full Member

    Why bother? It’s going to be Honest Bob and Badanoch that get put to the membership, so whichever of those maniacs gets the poisoned chalice, this is the Tories ‘Corbyn Moment’

    The ‘membership’ love both of them, but most voters will find both their views and their general demeanours utterly repellent

    The ‘logic’ is breathtaking in its stupidity. Lose a couple of seats to Farage, soil yourself in blind panic, and go chasing after his voters.

    Lose countless previously safe seats to the Lib Dems and say “well you lot can all **** off to the Lib Dems then! See if we care!”

    I’m loving it! :D

    Free Member

    Why bother?


    Full Member

    Who fills the vacuum?

    Lib Dems are kicking at the heels of Tory. Might not look like traditional left/right Gov/opposition but why the hell not? If that is how people want to vote then great.

    Full Member

    It’s difficult to keep track on the latest unhinged ramblings

    Free Member

    She is mentally ill. It is getting to the point where those who are continuing to put her on stage or give interviews knowing full well they are doing so for shits and giggles are guilty of abuse.

    I really really really want to keep laughing at the idiocy, but I am also starting to feel a bit uneasy about the situation.

    No she is not. She’s just niched herself way too far in her pursuit of personal advancement. Now there is no going back and the seemingly unhinged bollocks has to get more extreme for her to keep getting paid by her backers.

    If nothing else, she has £115k (ish) per year in perpetuity for 42 disastrous days in office.

    **** her and her backers. In any case, if she ends up in a loony bin then it’ll be a nice private one and not the run-down, de-funded, under-resourced, shite ‘system’ that an ordinary Joe would find themselves in.

    Full Member

    and go chasing after his voters.

    They have no choice. The Tories didn’t loose to Labour, as so much that Labour won in Tory/Labour constituencies becasue the Tory votes was split between them and Reform. If they want to get to power again, they have to have those Reform votes back

    Full Member

    They have no choice. The Tories didn’t loose to Labour, as so much that Labour won in Tory/Labour constituencies becasue the Tory votes was split between them and Reform. If they want to get to power again, they have to have those Reform votes back

    They made themselves a hostage to their own promises really. By saying, “you don’t need to vote for Reform, we’ll implement all their policies so you can still vote for us!” they put themselves in the position of actually having to try to reject the mad stuff that Reform (hopefully) never have a chance to make work.

    Free Member

    Did anyone get a party membership in anticipation of this calamity? I mean, there’s got to be at least some sleepers in the membership, surely?

    I couldn’t possibly comment.

    Free Member

    I just read that honest Bob’s daughter’s middle name is Thatcher.

    I mean , calling your cat Corbyn or Disraeli or Churchill fine.

    But your daughter??

    Full Member

    Maybe he likes rush based roofing?

    Free Member

    Next election is already set up…

    Reform loose seats/votes

    Tory gets seats/votes back possibly 250+ seats

    Labour loose seats but not votes down to 250 seats

    Lib Dems pickup new seats/votes possibly 100+

    Hung parliament, Labour and lib dems coalition….

    Full Member

    Free Member
    Next election is already set up…

    Reform loose seats/votes

    Tory gets seats/votes back possibly 250+ seats

    Labour loose seats but not votes down to 250 seats

    Lib Dems pickup new seats/votes possibly 100+

    Hung parliament, Labour and lib dems coalition….

    Far from the worst outcome but not the best either.

    In truth theres is just so much that can happen in the next few years I think it’s impossible to predict. Traditional voting predictors have eroded, add in tactical voting and pretty much any party could win the next GE or be the power broker in a coalition deal.

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