Home Forums Chat Forum Stop with the leg tattoos already

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  • Stop with the leg tattoos already
  • iolo
    Free Member

    To the uninked masses.
    There is no pressure. There is no stupidity. All who chose to get a tattoo do so due to wanting one.
    The same as some here ride single speeds while there’s gears on other bikes. To some it seems ludicrous but singlespeeders are happy.
    Some like Windows PC’s while others are Mac fanbois.
    The point I’m trying to make is we will have to agree to disagree with tattoos. Those who have them enjoy having them. Those who don’t enjoy don’t.
    Let’s all hug and kiss with tongues in celebration of our bodies.

    Full Member

    except for those that got them, then realised they messed up, and now find that laser removal is really frickin’ painful. and takes multiple visits.

    but we’ll assume they’re a very small minority.

    Free Member

    Who’d of thunk it? People doing their own thing. That is a crazy notion!!! I’m off into the cupboard as it’s scary out there. There’s mad folk getting really annoyed at individuals doing something “they want to do”.

    Free Member

    I think the anti-tattoo lot have a hell of a lot of misconceptions about tattooing, and they don’t seem to want to listen to people explain reality.

    Full Member

    Let’s all hug and kiss with tongues in celebration of our bodies.

    Now I’m really feeling a little sick in my mouth…

    andytherocketeer – Member
    except for those that got them, then realised they messed up, and now find that laser removal is really frickin’ painful. and takes multiple visits.

    but we’ll assume they’re a very small minority.
    Quite probably, those who succumbed to peer pressure, were pissed, or more likely both.
    Or had really, really poor taste.

    Full Member

    or female and teenagers and got one because all their friends did
    and now in 30’s are asking why the heck did they do it

    i have no misconceptions. i understand some have real art or something that has real meaning to them. but if that art is on display to me… expect me to have an opinion on whether it looks good, impressive or just plain ridiculous. and as I said before… if it’s on view to me but needs contortionism and mirrors for the owner to even see it, let alone appreciate it, then it’s obviously on show to me to form an opinion on its impressiveness or shyteness.

    Free Member

    Having an opinion about the art is fine. But don’t then extrapolate ideas about the person’s intelligence or worth. That’s prejudice, and it’s bad.

    Free Member

    Having an opinion about the art is fine.

    Art? The vast majority of tattoos are just pointless scribbles, faux tribal bullshit or tramp stamps. Not “art” by any stretch of the imagination.

    And yes, that’s an opinion.

    Free Member

    A bit more prejudice opinion for you to fight there mol. 😐

    Full Member

    You can tell it’s art when

    a) it involves colouring in


    b) the eyes follow you round the room.

    Free Member

    Embrace the love for inked skin.
    Action man has tattoos and we all know how cool he is.

    Full Member

    All art is pointless scribbles to someone, that is the wonderful diversity of humans, if its from cultural tastes, sub cultural tastes or just a personal dislike of a constable if we all looked the same and had the same ideas of beauty we would have died off as a species a long time ago. In nature its the most decorated and flamboyant males that get to mate…maybe all this anti tattoo angst from the unipressive beige men is pure jealousy as they know that they aren’t sexually attractive and only have a rudimentary peni

    Free Member

    Tattoo’s are very silly though aren’t they? Regardless of whether you like them or not we all know they are silly.

    As you were.

    Full Member

    Nearly as silly as grown men riding bikes 😀

    Free Member

    Exactly! Other people’s opinions aren’t important to what you choose but don’t pretend to yourself or anyone else it is anything other than silly.

    Free Member

    The vast majority of tattoos are just pointless scribbles, faux tribal bullshit or tramp stamps. Not “art” by any stretch of the imagination

    Took a while for Impressionism to catch on though with the establishment 😉

    Seriously check out one of the tat mags the really good stuff is truly art. I can send you some back issues if you like but yes lots of it is shit just like proper art…have you seen tracey emins stuff now that really is scribbles 😉

    All in the eye of the beholder and i can see thet art and the crap in both

    Free Member

    Junky, the really good stuff is indeed art. Debbie from accounts has a dolphin on her ankle, which isn’t. 🙂 I would posit the opinion that there are waaaaay more Debbies* than art-wearers.

    *Or Samanthas. Even though it was always her sister that was the goer. Allegedly.

    Free Member

    Some of you guys really need to have a word with yourself in a padded room.
    To have a tattoo does not mean you’re a peodaphile or rapist.
    Chillax haters. You all seem very tense. Maybe we could have a group meeting in Coed y Brenin caff. Us inked devils could show you our art over a nice cup of herb tea. You might actually like what you see and not want to ridicule us for our decisions.

    Free Member

    if it’s on view to me but needs contortionism and mirrors for the owner to even see it, let alone appreciate it, then it’s obviously on show to me to form an opinion on its impressiveness or shyteness.

    No. Some people just enjoy getting tattoos and the artwork, and some tattoos work better in different places on the body. Not everyone wants their art on show all the time because of certain judgemental pricks out there and so the stuff thats a bit more hidden can make sense.

    Free Member

    _tom_ – Member
    The octopus on my leg only has 7 tentacles as adding the 8th in made the particular design look a bit messy. I’m sure this will end up upsetting some sad bastard one day

    Then it’s a heptapus shirley?

    Full Member

    Got tattoo’d with a dirty needle, got heptapus.

    Free Member

    never had you down as the type to have done time NW 😉

    I would posit the opinion that there are waaaaay more Debbies* than art-wearers.

    I think we can both agree we are outnumbered by those plebs without taste 😉

    Free Member

    Enlightening thread. Not one for tattoos myself but accept that some look good but some a bit less so.
    Still I have found out about an ‘apparently’ unpleasant woman called Katie Hopkins (thanks Wiki) but most importantly a ‘clowder of cats’.
    For a relatively neutral and only occasional Singletrack visitor it has been an amazingly furious debate about something not that important. Do it if you want to, don’t if you don’t.

    Full Member

    Hi, first post on here. Seems to be some lonely people who hang around on STW! I’ve got 4 tats, all over 20 years old and all pretty crap, don’t regret them as they are part of me growing up. The new stuff is pretty awesome but I won’t get anymore.

    One is on my calf, but not a dolphin!

    Free Member

    I’m going to get a Chainring mark tattoo.

    Boo to you OP.

    Free Member


    Flash’s next tattoo:


    Free Member

    Great Uninked and the tattooed classes

    Being tattooed is now a social class?

    Free Member

    The forest of bowland was absolutely delightful tonight… So much so, that I think I shall get the vista from dunsop fell emblazoned across my shoulders.

    I see a few more of that silent majority have plucked up the courage to share their thoughts in my absence. And I see the tattooed classes are still harping on with the same old badly-spelled diatribe. 😉

    Being tattooed is now a social class?

    “Underclass” is probably a better word… 😉

    Full Member

    Have you tried viagra or enlargement surgery to help with your issues?

    Free Member

    I’m concerned about you Tazzy. You need to stop spending so much time thinking about my penis!

    Full Member

    But it so difficult not to, when its so clearly displayed on your forehead

    Free Member

    Hi baby shizolah. We love you xxxxxx
    Taz, you got the hammer drill? I’ve got my Sony camcorder charging.

    Free Member

    Oh my god, can you see me?? Are you outside my house again??? This is getting out of hand…

    Oh, here’s iolo… What would be known in angling parlance as a mug fish, always there to rise to the bait… And this time, conspiring to commit an assault with a drill! Very clever…

    Free Member

    Rejoining the thread, i know silly me!
    But I was thinking about this while riding home today (yes, road riding is that boring!) – if there is one personality trait which all tattooed people have, could it be… decisiveness?

    I mean, I’ve never been good at making decisions, and I have got no inkings. The sort of person that can go “Right! I’m doing that!” could get a tat and not dither around on if its wrong or right like what I would.

    Thats about as much of a generalisation there can be, surely?

    Full Member

    Out of hand? *resists further little knob jokes, as shib is clearly sensitive about his issue*

    Free Member

    Careful Shib, remember Cougar hadn’t taken his tablets this morning!

    Free Member

    an amazingly furious debate about something not that important

    I don’t know if the forum has a strapline, but it should, and this should be it.

    Full Member


    Just do me a favour, ‘cos I’m not as eloquent as you, like.

    One sentence please; what’s your point?

    Full Member

    Shib trolls therefore he is. Think that covers it?

    edlong, if you add mass to the debate I think you pretty much have what seems to stir and excite some little forum tollikins on here

    Free Member

    Where did I ever in this thread threaten anybody with violence? I’ve offered my services as a camcorderist. That’s all.
    Actually as bear said, what is your point?

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