Ive just partly gone back to toe-clips and straps !!
On my old bikes , that is .
I mostly use spuds though , and have for a good while . Like , years . I went onto them after a year of roadie commuting left me unable to use spuds all week , and then clips and straps on Sunday . I pullup and out , y'know .
So I went ' full spd ' . Does that make sense . ?
OK , why clips and straps .
When I first started MTBing , in er , the 80s , we had BMX pedals . Of course we didnt call them ' flatties ' or owt , as they were just pedals .
Some were ' beartraps ' , some were ' DX ' . We'd used them extensively for BMX so were familiar with their predictable levels of grip , and the ability to dab .
Ah , but , I'm convinced that the geometry of a BMX , and where you hold the bars , and how much you ' weight ' the pedals on a bmx , sorry B M X , gives them more grip than on a mountainbike .
So , fairly early on , we fastened toe-clips and straps to our MTBs . This is not as bonkers scary as you think , but like SPDs takes some learning . You run em slack , but they just secure the foot enough to stop it rolling off the pedal , and down the shin .
So , I think . Flats are OK for jumping the trails or at the track , but if the trails are bumpy rocky , theyre too sketch .
Clips and straps are OK if you're a raving mad luddite going through a mid-life crisis .
SPDs are a pretty good all round system . Run em loose and there's never a problem getting out .
I would definitely try to decide on one system or the other though , as it's abugger riding without em .