Home Forums Chat Forum Smartphones – have we reached peak innovation or have they got further to go?

  • This topic has 89 replies, 47 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by mega.
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  • Smartphones – have we reached peak innovation or have they got further to go?
  • flyingmonkeycorps
    Full Member

    bartyp – Member

    Would that work on a standard computer screen? IE, not a tv, as they already have such technology built-in.

    As far as I understand (I haven’t got one yet but it’s on my purchase list!) a Chromecast will work on any screen with a HDMI port. You’ll need wifi also.

    Full Member

    There have been keyboard cases around for quite a while for perverts people like you:

    They’re all massive, I’d like it to fit in the current sized phone!

    Full Member

    I give you the YotaPhone

    Bastards ! That’s my 3rd fortune down the pan 🙁

    Full Member

    They’re all massive, I’d like it to fit in the current sized phone!

    Right so something as small as the screen, that doesn’t extend the form factor and has no room for physical key actuation.

    Hmmm… maybe some kind of on-screen keyboard then? 😉

    Full Member

    you dont need a cradle for wireless charging


    im sure once apple invent it, kleenex shares will surge

    Full Member

    Can’t say I’ve ever found plugging in a cable terribly difficult.

    I mean I could invest in charging pads, cradles and furniture and then leave them all turned on to save myself up to several seconds a fortnight – but really there are a lot of others things I’d rather they got sorted first!

    The only really good point I can see with inductive charging is that it makes it easier to seal the phone to make it waterproof.

    Free Member

    I think we need to make the distinction between induction charging with proximity to pads, and wide area wireless charging. Imagine shoes having wireless charging transmitters from walking energy, or solar panel hats? The future’s coming people!

    I do like that yotaphone though.

    Full Member

    wide area wireless charging

    The future is here. Electricity over the airwaves.

    Full Member

    My contribution is to say that nobody knows. Yes we will see the refinements above. But they are not the revolution that a touch screen smart phone is to a Nokia brick.

    Key board and mouse has been stable on a PC for a while. So maybe the essence of a phone might not change for a bit, with the current touch screen being the as good as it gets

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t count on hydrogen fuel cells anytime soon! There are substantial issues with hydrogen power (infrastructure, refueling, safety, packaging etc) before they become a mainstream product.

    I do know that intelligent energy are playing around with planar fuel cells for embedded systems in consumer electronics applications though.

    Free Member

    Talking about wireless charging. There was a story in a recent New Scientist where radio authorities investigating a black spot in the LW frequency narrowed it down to a house where a guy had hidden an aerial around his garden fence and using it to charge a load of batteries to power 12v lighting in his house he’d pinched from a railway depot. He was also in the process of setting up an inverter to get 240v. That was 50 years ago. 🙂

    Free Member

    Screens that can provide feedback by changing shape – IIRC it’s been done already but not ready for production yet – eg that little icon would actually be slightly raised so you could feel when you press the right part of the screen. That would significantly improve accuracy of smart screen use.

    And ultimately they’ll be integrated into your body with a screen in your eye initially and ultimately projected into your mind’s eye. Those two may be a little way off though.

    Free Member

    in his house he’d pinched from a railway depot

    Good effort!

    Full Member

    Graphene is the future. Smaller, lighter, bendier, everythinger

    Full Member

    mikewsmith – Member
    geoffj – Member
    Wireless charging will be the next big one,
    seriously about 2 years late on that one….

    Native on an iPhone? Nope

    Yes your phone maker has decided to stick it’s head in the sand, sad isn’t it? You only get the tech they decide you can have, that they think you are ready for. Could that be one of the biggest stumbling blocks in tech advancement?
    As a mate pointed out watching an ad for one of those phones at the cinema, you still have to have a charging pad plugged into something to supply power, so what’s the difference between that and just using the little cable so thoughtfully supplied by Apple, that not only allows the device to be charged up, but simultaneously allows the transference of data!
    I don’t see charging pads allowing the device to sync data.
    Frankly, it’s an answer to a problem that most people just don’t have.

    Free Member

    project ara where the phone is modula


    I’d like to see flexible folding screens. Some sort of bio mechanical control. Maybe make calls by movement so you dont even need to look at a screen and tap your contact.
    Separate the screen from the phone so we can project the phone ui onto any device we are currently using ( pc, tablet, wrist / arm display)

    Full Member

    CountZero: True, but then physically plugging something in so you can transfer data is a pretty archaic practise anyway.

    Free Member

    Surely long range wireless charging (as in walk into a room/starbucks with your phone in your pocket and it will start charging) is going to be insanely inefficient? Unless the power transmitter is able to know where a given phone is, and then send power in a narrow beam directly towards the phone (which might well be possible one day, but seems very difficult).

    Otherwise with power being beamed out in all directions, it will be analogous to walking around a room that has a lightbulb in the middle of it and a phone-sized solar panel in you pocket. Only a fraction of a percent of the power would make it to the phone.

    The New Scientist article about the guy harvesting power from lw radio signals sounds absurd, maybe a fun experiment but the wattage must have been miniscule.

    Personally I think that the changes to phones since iOS and android first came about have been mostly gimmicks (galaxy s2 still going strong here). I really don’t get what the newest phones can do that mine can’t.

    Like others, I think the next big thing is being able to wirelessly use a phone to connect to mouse, keyboard and tv/monitor, and have a fully working computer, either using the processor in the phone or a cloud.

    Full Member

    Fueled I can’t find a link to the full story

    But you know the Droitwich Transmitting Station is 500KW?

    Chorlton, do you have a link to the article?

    Full Member

    Frankly, it’s an answer to a problem that most people just don’t have.

    Yes this thank you not just me. All its saving is the action of plugging and taking a big chunk of plastic and electronics to do so. I’ve seen people get excited by this and have to wonder why.

    Free Member

    Surely battery technology is lagging behind. It’d be nice for a smartphone to last a week of heavy use in between charges.

    Full Member

    Imagine a world where you could pop the back of your phone off and easily insert a spare battery when your one is flat.
    I would have bought an iPhone if Apple could trust me to perform that simple manoeuvre.

    Free Member

    Well the internet appears divided on the truthfulness of the anecdote:


    Even at 500kw at source, it will be a whole lot less once you are just a mile or so away. Can lw transmitters be directional? ie. more power going away closer to a flat plane rather than up and downwards?

    Full Member

    The manufacture of these are very close to reaching a price point where they can be integrated into future phones.

    Free Member

    the moto g is the pinnacle of smart phones for me, don’t need any more, or rather I’m not willing to spend any more.

    Might invest in new tech when the suss out proper augmented reality (it’s a silly idea on a phone)and your phone turns into a contact lens, which is the only way that technology will ever catch on. you can shove yer google glass nonsense! 😆

    tbh implants and the like are the natural conclusion to the smart phone and technology I reckon. It’s seems weird to us, but in the next couple of generations they won’t think twice about it.

    Free Member

    As a mate pointed out watching an ad for one of those phones at the cinema, you still have to have a charging pad plugged into something to supply power, so what’s the difference between that and just using the little cable so thoughtfully supplied by Apple, that not only allows the device to be charged up, but simultaneously allows the transference of data!
    I don’t see charging pads allowing the device to sync data.
    Frankly, it’s an answer to a problem that most people just don’t have.

    My phone is sat on one now, I can’t actually remember the last time I used a cable to transfer data. It’s all done via wifi or data connection. There comes a point where you could seal up that little hole.
    Things like Sonos, Chromecast etc. all show what you can do. With a couple of taps I can send whatever I’m looking at on my phone to a TV screen in the room I’m in, I can send the music I’m listening to from my phone or control an online/shared library. If I see something about an app on my PC couple of clicks before it appears on my phone by the time I pick it up again.

    Unfortunatly the lack of common place integrated wireless charging in tables etc. may have something to do with apple not adopting a standard and being worried they will end up with incompatible tech.

    Free Member

    Chorlton, do you have a link to the article?

    No. Looked for it myself and thinking about it, it was on the letters pages. Just thought it was a good story.

    Free Member

    Battery tech is unlikely to see massive jumps just incremental improvements. Until then buy a Sony far better battery life than Apple and Samsung IME.

    I’m always amazed at how long the battery lasts on my Xperia SP (so not even one of the flagship models!) compared to friend’s phones, especially IPhones. So liberating to be able to listen to music in the car for a few hours, do a bit of surfing and make phone calls for 2-3 days without a charger being thought of! It’s like having a modern Nokia 😀

    I don’t really want longer battery life especially; it’s rare than I’m away from a power source for long enough to merit it. Rather, batteries need to be much, much smaller.

    Try working in a job where ready access to a socket is not guaranteed. Just witness the shock of the teenagers when the battery warning pings onto the screen. It’s all very well having all the latest connectivity but if the battery is dead it’s just a pretty brick of plastic and precious metals. From a semi-luddite perspective the power appetite of IPhones etc seems to be the barrier to everything else mentioned here. Same as with electric cars.

    Free Member


    The smart phone no bloody good as a sat nav at least mine isn’t so i have a garmin for that

    to small for email despite the 5 inch screen so i have a tablet for that.

    touch screen is bloody annoying for my fat fingers battery is always flat if i tun anything on..games are all the same you are just chasing pixels across the screen and its to big and fragile for my pocket.

    My next phone will be dumb! fed up with the smartphone it promises much and delivers little.

    Free Member

    I don’t know about peak innovation but the usefulness peak is in the past. 3/4G is about the Internet right?

    The browser will give you a lot of advertising rather than something that really corresponds to the key words you entered.

    When you find what you are looking for you click and get something else due to an advertising hijack.

    When you get rid of the redirect site you find so much advertising on the site itself you have to zoom and move around then accidentally click on something and get more advertising.

    I use my phone as a phone, for SMS and as an mp3 player.

    Free Member

    A solar charger in the screen wouldn’t go amiss…

    Free Member

    The browser will give you a lot of advertising rather than something that really corresponds to the key words you entered.

    When you find what you are looking for you click and get something else due to an advertising hijack.

    When you get rid of the redirect site you find so much advertising on the site itself you have to zoom and move around then accidentally click on something and get more advertising.

    This seems very strange and nothing like the browsing experience I have at all, in most cases it’s either exactly the same as the web page or a decent mobile version that scales correctly. The only annoying bit is when people don’t get the keyboard switch from text to numbers right.

    Free Member

    I was in Spain and trying to find a hotel for the night. I gave up and went to the tourist office.

    Full Member

    The smart phone no bloody good as a sat nav at least mine isn’t so i have a garmin for that

    My phone is often used in preference to my in-car sat nav – which is crap.

    games are all the same you are just chasing pixels across the screen

    In the same way that books are all the same because they just have words in them.

    This seems very strange and nothing like the browsing experience I have at all…

    Ditto. That sounds more like a Pebcak issue with the sites you were using, rather than any particular failing of smart phones in general.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Graphene. Photoshop fantasy

    Wake me up when they can do any of that.

    Free Member

    Bit like “science fiction” you mean?

    Full Member

    Well yeah, but that science fiction capsule has one foot in science.

    As far as I know, graphene isn’t actually invisible.

    Here’s a more realistic sci-fi future:


    Free Member

    They could make the things a bit tougher…. I’m sick of replacing phone and tablet screens where someone in the house (even the cat!) has dropped, stood upon or just plain unexplainably broken the **** thing. There must be a polycarbonate type material out there that can withstand scratches like glass and still has the slick touch feel of glass but is practically unbreakable?

    Full Member

    CountZero: True, but then physically plugging something in so you can transfer data is a pretty archaic practise anyway


    Previous definition: of an early period of art or culture, especially the 7th–6th centuries BC in Greece.

    Current definition: about 3 years


    I was in Spain and trying to find a hotel for the night. I gave up and went to the tourist office.

    Google Maps -> set to current location -> search for “hotel”. ???

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