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  • Site Update
  • scotroutes
    Full Member

    What does the Subscribe feature do(assuming it’s working)?

    Full Member

    If a reply is made to a thread you get alerted by email…

    Full Member



    Any comment on this?

    Is this related to the forum flicking back up to the top of the page every time you press back on an iPhone?

    Been happening since the weekend -ish…

    Happening for me too.

    Any updates? It’s making the forum a right pain in the ‘arris to use.

    Thank you

    Full Member

    The forum back issue looks to be something beyond our scope…

    that said we are trying to replicate it to at least work out what is going on. Why it’s just started happening is suspicious so we’ll keep looking.

    Full Member

    Some topics are a bit tricky to read in dark theme on Android.

    Full Member

    Those are deleted topics.

    Free Member

    The forum back issue looks to be something beyond our scope…

    FWIW, this is the only forum where this happens of about half a dozen that I read regularly.

    A bit more info in case it helps:

    Say I tap on the (for example) 10th topic down the bike/chat topic list, the topic loads, I read it, then tap the back button on Safari. This takes me back to the topic list at the 10th topic (as I would expect). However after a 3-5 second delay the topic list page reloads (updating the thread order / number of replies). If I have touched the screen in the meantime (like tapping on another topic) the page still reloads, but re-loaded page goes back to the top and stays there. If I have managed not to tap on something else, the reloaded page flashes up to the top of the page, then moves to roughly the 10th topic down. If the topic has had a new reply, it isn’t there any more though (it’s somewhere further up the page).

    Free Member

    I’m also experiencing the above on my 11pro using safari. STW is the only site that it happens on and only since the forum update.

    Full Member

    Those are deleted topics.

    It would be nice to be able to see that for myself ;-)

    Full Member

    Click the thread and it goes to an oops message…job done.

    Full Member


    jumps nearly 5 seconds after reloading the page

    (I know it’s not important in the grand scheme of things etc)

    Full Member

    Hello, void :)

    “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” is a great new feature by the sounds of it – are there a plans in the pipeline so it’s not reliant on posting something?

    I’ve tried to follow a kitchen thread, but appears I need to make a comment to be notified. And as we all know, I’ve infrequently got anything useful to say.

    Full Member

    I’ve tried to follow a kitchen thread, but appears I need to make a comment to be notified.

    Don’t you need the Subscribe tool on the first post of the page?

    Full Member

    I press/click/mash furiously that link but nothing happens, so guess not. But thanks for the suggestion.

    *Selects “notify me of replies” check box*

    Full Member

    I’ve tried to follow a kitchen thread, but appears I need to make a comment to be notified.

    Ooh, update, appears I don’t need to make a comment. I selected the check-box and naff all happened by way of confirmation, but I’ve just had an exciting email to notify me of a new post.

    Off to the kitchen thread I go!

    (A confirmation something/message would be good, if any hamsters are reading)

    Free Member

    Anyone else not see page numbers on the overview page? Or should I say randomly! After posting this, the page no.s came back. Went to Chat forum and had no page no.s on there. Weird

    Full Member


    Did you get anywhere with this? That article is a year old and this is the only website I’ve ever experienced the issue with.

    The forum back issue looks to be something beyond our scope…

    that said we are trying to replicate it to at least work out what is going on. Why it’s just started happening is suspicious so we’ll keep looking.

    Do any of you have an iPhone? It should be easy to replicate.



    Full Member

    The back button issue happens on Safari on a Mac as well as iPhone.

    Free Member

    and this is the only website I’ve ever experienced the issue with.

    Funny that… but it’s always our end

    Full Member

    I’m randomly showing as logged in and logged out. Even when logged in I’m getting small adverts at the bottom the pages and some click through. Only started today.
    On safari on iPhone

    Full Member

    We are changing some settings with website caching after changing DNS settings. Things look to be settling down now but we are keeping a very close eye on things. If it’s still causing issues tomorrow then let us know.

    Free Member

    P20-Full Member

    I’m randomly showing as logged in and logged out. Even when logged in I’m getting small adverts at the bottom the pages and some click through. Only started today.
    On safari on iPhone

    Me too. Driving me bonkers…

    Full Member

    Any full members currently seeing any ads while logged in still?

    Full Member

    I’m about top throw the switch on our new ad system. Full members should not see ads. If you do, just do me a favour a refresh the page or move to another page and back again before reporting it here. We are also running it 50/50 with our current system for a few days so you may not see the changes without a page refresh or so.

    Full Member

    Also, if we’ve got it right, for anyone who sees ads they may appear in some odd places at first. The system is powered by AI and so it needs to learn where the best places are. In my control panel I have a slider that goes from Revenue Focus on the left to User Experience on the right. I have it set in the middle right now. I can adjust things as we go and hopefully we’ll find the sweet spot for everyone.

    Full Member

    As above.  Saw ads initially but just hit refresh and they went away.

    Full Member

    There’s a cookie that is encoded for full members which is validated by our system on every page refresh. That is why you may need to refresh the page or move to a new one to kick the system into gear in your browser.

    Full Member

    Only started getting issues today. Refresh didn’t work for me. Logging out and in again didn’t help either. Had to do delete of all cookies and history then log in again. Working fine now, thank god.

    Full Member

    If anyone else is having issues like that this may help. It’s our STW Cookie Cutter

    Full Member

    Tried the cookie killer and I’m still getting endless ads 😕

    Full Member

    Yup me too logged in – ads everywhere …. giving up now 😡

    Full Member

    Really sorry about that. We won’t give up. Can you fill in the bug report form with as much detail as you can and we’ll make it a priority job.

    Website bug report form

    Full Member

    Bizarrely this morning it seems to be ok. If it happens again I’ll get the form filled out though.

    Full Member

    We have some ideas to make it extra ‘ad safe’ for members that we’ll look into next week. Glad they’ve gone for you now.

    Full Member

    I’m having trouble starting any new threads with pictures in them?
    Just tells me it need moderating and doesn’t show up on the forum.
    Emailed the mods but it still doesn’t work?

    Full Member

    I’ve been approving the post but for some reason it gets unapproved again. I’ve replied to see if that blocks it.

    Full Member

    I’m having trouble starting any new threads with pictures in them?

    Just tells me it need moderating and doesn’t show up on the forum.

    Emailed the mods but it still doesn’t work?

    Limit is 5 photos/links.

    I think there also some sort of loop going on with approvals. Try starting a new thread with fewer photos AND a different title

    Full Member

    Limit is 5 photos/links

    You sure? Sometimes Flickr uses 3 or 4 urls in the embedded pic links (that you get when posting from a pc, rather than mobile) which is why threads with not that many actual pics in get flagged.

    Full Member

    There were only five pics so that can’t be right?

    Full Member

    There were only five pics so that can’t be right?

    Each one has more than one url though

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