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  • Site Update
  • Mark
    Full Member

    We are currently in the middle of rolling out a software update across the site. There’s always a few bugs to iron out when this happens so bare with us if things glitch.

    This update brings in some back admin changes and site optimisations but front end all stories we publish will have a forum topic created for the comments. These will have a ‘news’ icon in the main forum overview.

    I’ll keep you updated.

    Full Member

    Disappointed, I thought the little ‘M’ (rather than chat or bike) referred to Mark rather than members forum…

    Full Member

    There’s always a few bugs to iron out when this happens so bare with us if things glitch.

    WHAT?! I work in IT and there are never, EVER any glitches and everything works perfectly first time!

    Who am I kidding? Keep on keeping on @mark!

    Full Member

    Will the updates include a spell and context checker?

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Spelling author’s own.

    Full Member

    The database is currently being rebuilt and this is creating a strain on the server. That means the site may be running a bit slow until that process has finished.

    Full Member

    2009 already!!? My, doesn’t time fly! :-)

    Full Member

    What? A second hamster!

    Free Member

    Is it me, or are old PMs coming up as new? I’m guessing it’s something to do with this change, as I can’t actually see a new message (I don’t think)

    Full Member

    You got PMs?

    Full Member

    Does the wallpaper change?

    Full Member

    Love the article links in the forum. Think I have read more articles today than ever before.

    Full Member

    I like how when you swoosh the page up and down the photo background in the box at the top stays still but the box moves.

    Full Member

    I thought you must be up to something as the forum page has been playing up recently on iPad Pro whilst in landscape mode, sorted now but I keep getting “this page is using excessive memory blah….blah” messages on my 2020 iMac 27″ with 32gb ram

    Full Member

    The forum story comments are not playing very well with dark mode right now but Tom is fixing that in the morning

    Full Member

    I enjoy the new sign in every time you visit the site feature, and you’re a paid in member. 👍

    Full Member

    The forum story comments are not playing very well with dark mode right now but Tom is fixing that in the morning

    I love the test it in live attitude, so not what I used to have to deal with 😀

    Full Member

    We don’t test with live. We have two dev environments plus a server based testbed. But when dealing with a site with over 11 million posts in its database that changes by the minute it’s not always possible to maintain a true and perfect sync on everything. So some glitches get through to live. This is especially the case when dealing with multiple browsers that are updated often.

    But I’ll keep you guys updated on everything we are doing despite the sideways digs at our incompetence ;-)

    Full Member

    If you are interested, there’s a new forum just for the news stories from the front page here

    When it’s got maybe a full page’s worth of stories in it we’ll add it into the menu.

    Full Member

    there’s a new forum just for the news stories from the front page

    just out of interest, will my view of that forum be filtered according to my channel preferences like the front page is?  Not a bad thing if it isn’t, I sometimes miss things I’m interested in because they fall under a channel I’m mostly not interested in

    Full Member

    That will list all stories…. eventually.
    Because the channels are technically on other sub sites they won’t automatically be included. However, we have begun a process of migration of the channels into the main site, starting with the Tech channel. So as of now it’s Singletrack and Tech stories that will appear there. Gritcx and Charged will follow soon.

    Full Member

    Is this related to the forum flicking back up to the top of the page every time you press back on an iPhone?

    Been happening since the weekend -ish…



    Full Member

    What? A second hamster!

    No, but the hamster wheel has been upgraded from 26”

    Full Member

    Thanks for the work and explanations Mark

    Free Member

    If anyone’s reading this, in the STW offices, like. The PM system is currently borked. I’m showing 3 new messages. I know have 1, but it won’t open, just a circle thing goes round on the sender’s name. Must be awful for anyone trying to sell on the classifieds at the mo.

    I would report it on the fault page, but I’ve reported an issue on ipad with the overview page a couple of times and nothings happened, so I’m dubious that that is going anywhere.

    Full Member

    Have you Tried PMing them?

    Full Member

    “Notify me of follow up replies via email” – when did that appear? Are we back to the good old days of “ticking the box” posts?

    Full Member

    Give it a try

    Full Member

    Already had, and it works :)

    Full Member

    Can you undo it?

    Full Member

    Do you mean can you unsubscribe? Or can we turn it off?

    Free Member


    Have you Tried PMing them?

    I have now. The red “1” is doing my head in :D

    Full Member

    The old version had a bug that meant you couldn’t switch the alerts off, this appears to have an option on first post to unsubscribe, so might have fixed that ‘feature’, which is good.

    Full Member

    You can also go into your profile and turn off individual topics under ‘Forums’ > ‘subscriptions’.

    Full Member

    Nice! Thanks for this…working much better than last one, great stuff.

    Free Member

    Any comment on this?

    Is this related to the forum flicking back up to the top of the page every time you press back on an iPhone?

    Been happening since the weekend -ish…

    Happening for me too.

    Free Member

    Site updates ongoing I take it?

    I’ve still got unread messages (I haven’t). Getting on my tits
    “Subscribe” showing for subscribers
    No page numbers at the bottom (or top) of page 1 of the forum page

    Display layout is fixed on ipad! Yay

    Free Member

    Just had a thought that the “Subscribe” probably means Subscribe to the thread? Then there’s one at the top of the forum page, so I clicked on it to see what happened – it just changed to “Unsubscribe” and and.. the missing page numbers appeared! :D

    Full Member

    The topic subscription feature has been causing some high load spikes on our server and so while we investigate what needs to be fixed we’ve had to deactivate it. We hope to have it back very soon but I’ll keep you updated.

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