Every political leader needs an STW thread...
I'll just re-post what I posted on the Corbyn thread:
I’m just hoping the rumours are true (IIRC it was in the Guardian) that the first thing Kier Starmer is going to do is have a night of the long knives to clear out every last one of the utterly useless Corbynites, both on the front bench and behind the scenes, and actually appoint some people who are capable of finding their own arses using both hands.
I’m also hoping that involves firing Richard Burgon into the sun.
There needs to be a Kinnock/Militant style purge to even think dragging the labour party back from its Corbynite political irrelevence, where its presently languishing in its own delusional 'we won the argument' bullshit
I’m also hoping that involves firing Richard Burgon into the sun.
I voted for him as deputy leader.
I'd vote labour for the first time ever with Starmer at the helm.
Would the libs be up for a coalition with a Starmer labour party as he seems like a sensible person?
I voted for him as deputy leader.
Well I am shocked. Which policies of his appealed, particularly?. The Labour national newspaper to be given out free to all the now non-existant commuters or the Tony Benn memorial University of Political Education?
I though they were both guaranteed vote-winners which showcased Richards genius, and the inference that it was typically dim-witted and had worrying overtones of Stalinist totalitarianism was completely unfair
I love it when Binners sits on the fence!
I’d vote labour for the first time ever with Starmer at the helm.
Would the libs be up for a coalition with a Starmer labour party as he seems like a sensible person?
Why don’t you just vote ‘libs’?
Why don’t you just vote ‘libs’?
I do/have consistently, as they've been the left-of-middle party that matches my outlook, regardless of the fact that they'll never win. With Starmer at the helm, I think Labour would take a large portion of that vote and, you know, stand a chance of winning an election.
Why don’t you just vote ‘libs’
Lib party member but for the life of me I can't see why they agreed to an election .
God help me, we need some sort of centre left purge to come up with a sensible alternative to the Tories and mount a credible, united opposition. Starmer might be the man, but might split the Labour party doing it, so a Starmer led Lib/Lab pact may be the solution.
This whole sorry mess needs to be taken as an opportunity to redesign the political/democratic system from the ground up!
Lib party member but for the life of me I can’t see why they agreed to an election .
Same here, but it applies to Labour too. A terrible gaffe.
Would the libs be up for a coalition with a Starmer labour party as he seems like a sensible person?
I'm sure they would. What kind of coalition though? With the numbers they have between them, is it to split the cost of a cab?
I’m also hoping that involves firing Richard Burgon into the sun
Among the glittering cavalcade of mediocrity that is the current Labour front bench he really does stand out. Will him and Barry Gardiner
Lib party member but for the life of me I can’t see why they agreed to an election .
Without the benefit of hindsight, I think they over-estimated the Remain feeling in the UK, I think we (STW) did too.
I voted for him as deputy leader.
Among the glittering cavalcade of mediocrity that is the current Labour front bench he really does stand out.
Do you follow him on Twitter? You should do. Its absolute (inadvertent) comedy gold. The bloke is a complete idiot. He just spews out endless absolutely preposterous, ill-conceived, nonsensical policy ideas into the ether like a sort of political Alan Partridge. Literally MONKEY TENNIS!!
Thankfully it looks like he's no chance of the deputy leadership. The article in the Guardian on what Kier is planning was saying that, as uber-Corbynites, Comrade Richard and Rebecca Wrong-Daily will both be getting nowhere near the font bench ever again. Thank christ!
Hell no, but I figured the thread was worth a punt at this stage.
Good - the only sensible option. Is this confirmed?
my only real issue with him is that i've spent 37 years not ever really hearing my name used unless it's "for me".
Rebecca Wrong-Daily
Do you make these up yourself? Because they really are ’comedy gold’, like literally(sic).
If Daisy Cooper throws her hat in the ring for the Lib Dems she ands Kier would be a hell of a combination.
Much as the Tories and thier majority aren't going anywhere anytime soon it will be quite fun to see Boris get rhetorically hoofed in the slats every Wednesday by those 2.
As regards agreeing to the election, the opposition parties looked at the historical precedent that politicians seen to be avoiding them tend to do badly in the public eye (Gordon Brown for instance) and the fact that Johnson was very likely to get his Brexit deal through parliament anyway so why not roll the dice?
At the time Labour greatly underestimated the public's antipathy towards Corbyn, a factor so strong that it also scuppered the Lib Dems in many seats as the 'keep Corbyn out' vote was so strong. Jo Swinson's inexperience and the revoke Article 50 policy didn't help but on the doorstep it was Corbyn, Corbyn, Corbyn.
The rest is history
Where has this been announced? I cannot find it
Voting closes tomorrow, announcement Saturday (well, that was the plan).
In his defence Burgon did have this to say:
“ You know, I’m no expert at that”
Where has this been announced?
He is the forerunner but hasn't yet been announced.
Good to see Binners is now in favour of purging the ideological impure.
Not so much ideological. More a case of clearing out the quite staggeringly incompetent, really.
The most truly inept of the lot bowed out today in characteristic style with a letter demonstrating he can’t count from one to six (way to go Jezza!), hopefully the imbeciles he surrounded himself with won’t be far behind him.
Daisy Cooper for Lib Dem leader? Blimey.
I remember when she was our Lib candidate before the Tories parachuted Therese Coffey in to scoop up the local "will vote for any thing in blue" vote.
It would be ace if she helped oust the Tories at some point.
Richard Burgon is a at best thick as s**t, i want Kier to remove the collective bunch of **** wits (including Jenny Formby) that have infected the Labour Party.
We (the socialists) need to get a grip and understand the needs and aspirations of the general public.
The world has changed..
Roll with it.
The most truly inept of the lot
I thought that was McCluskey?
Daisy Cooper for Lib Dem leader?
After voting for Tim and then Jo, I am sitting this one out…
In a Tory landslide election Daisy pretty comprehensively turfed a long standing Tory MP out of St Albans and now statistically has one of the safest LD seats.
She's quite something on the campaign trail.
Whether this translates to effective party leadership remains to be seen but she's certainly earned a swing at it.
For the record I voted Ed Davey last time but was pretty conflicted about it as it was high time we had a women as a leader.
Just googled Daisy Cooper as i couldn't picture her , wasn't expecting to see Kerry Mucklowe 🙂
The only people who can remove Red Len are the members of his union. Union elections generally have a voter turnout of about 10% of the membership, which is the only reason that idiot ever got to where he is.
If he ever stood for an election with a higher turnout than that then I wouldn’t fancy his chances. A fact he’s more than aware of.
I hope that as well as getting rid of the useless Corbynites from the front bench that Starmer puts Len back in his box
Every time that *-wit opens his mouth (and let’s face it, the * never shuts up), the Tory poll ratings go up 5%
Seeing him basically dictating policy as if he was the party leader was a major contributory factor to the Labour party’s electoral catastrophe last December
The ultimate joke.
A Labour Party with a titled leader.
Why not just call themselves Tory-Lite?
Neoliberalism has many forms
The ultimate joke.
A Labour Party with a titled leader.
Why not just call themselves Tory-Lite?
Trolling or narrow minded?
Having a title does not mean someone can’t care about their fellow man.
Why not just call themselves Tory-lite?
Because the kind of complacent, sanctimonious, reactionary, left-wing idiots who like lobbing around terms like ‘Tory-lite’ just led the Labour Party to its worst election result in 85 years.
Do you actually know anything about Kier Starmers background?
He got the title for being outstanding in his field. It’s not like he inherited it along with a Manor House.
Maybe you should do a bit of research?
Without the benefit of hindsight, I think they over-estimated the Remain feeling in the UK, I think we (STW) did too.
This. They had a policy that should have strongly appealed to literally half the voters. In the event it didn't and everyone voted for a Leave party and a 'don't know' party lead by lifelong Brexiteers.
Nobody foresaw that, the polls were a total surprise.
...Because the kind of complacent, sanctimonious, reactionary, left-wing idiots who like lobbing around terms like ‘Tory-lite’ just led the Labour Party to its worst election result in 85 years....
Indeed they did. You forgot hypocrisy among their flaws. I've not much regard for Corbyn the Great Abstainer.
I don't really care whose arse he crawled up to get his title, I'm sure he earned it. It's not compulsory to accept a title, and better men than him have declined the honour of bowing down to royalty.
Without the benefit of hindsight, I think they over-estimated the Remain feeling in the UK, I think we (STW) did too
<spellcheck>Without the benefit of hindsight, I think they over-estimated the potential for foot-shooting ****-wittery in the UK, I think we (STW) did too</spellcheck>
Obviously. Unless you're binners.
I voted Keir and Angela. I’ve had enough of the Corbynite nonsense. The Labour Party needs to be electable, which Keir it could be, unless the Worried Testicle gets the press to make his work on Human Rights a bad thing.
I don’t really care whose arse he crawled up to get his title,
You were serious....
You were serious….
Not very. 🙂
Just think it's funny that the workers' party could even contemplate having a titled leader. (To be fair he seems the most competent choice.)
But if they want an upgrade in social status, I believe Prince Andrew is at a loose end these days...
K then E
I wonder, which Corbynite/socialist policies would have been most popular in the last few weeks?
But aye, that Boris guy was a good tactical vote, hope all you self employed have savings to tide you over till June.
I believe someone mentioned foot-shooting ****-wittery?
Yep, 'Kier', 'labour party', 'irrelevent', ....and everyone else is thick!