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  • Sir! Keir! Starmer!
  • kelvin
    Full Member

    that led to another tory government

    It was everyone but Corbyn, wasn’t it TJ.

    Full Member

    As RLB was green new deal I reckon that’s why she will get Environment.

    The Green New Deal is primarily an economic policy rather than an environmental one. If Starmer really wants to keep the left on side, he needs to give RLB a big job. Maybe not chancellor, but he could merge the environment, business and energy portfolios with RLB as shadow minister for a green new deal.

    Dazh, if the shadow cabinet is for ever more to only contain people who ‘got behind Corbyn’,

    Sigh. Where did I say that only Corbyn supporters should be in the shadow cabinet? If he’s serious about unifying the party, then obviously he needs to appoint people from across the whole party. He also needs to look forward though and bring in younger faces rather than dinosaurs like Cooper and Benn.

    Full Member

    Bringing in younger talent would have been a lot easier last November before a load them lost their seats, while the 70’s retro dinosaurs sat complacently in their own safe-as-houses seats like Islington 🙄

    Full Member

    And Cooper and Benn, along with the rest of the refuseniks who refused to serve in a Corbyn shadow cabinet should be kept on the back benches where they belong.

    Dazh, if the shadow cabinet is for ever more to only contain people who ‘got behind Corbyn’, then Keir is screwed from day one, and the party is staying where it currently is for the foreseeable.

    Sigh. Where did I say that only Corbyn supporters should be in the shadow cabinet?

    And Cooper and Benn, along with the rest of the refuseniks who refused to serve in a Corbyn shadow cabinet should be kept on the back benches where they belong.


    Free Member

    Len McClusky really is the most useful of idiots for the Tory’s

    You’d know!


    It really isn’t. You didn’t need to be a Corbyn supporter to serve in the shadow cabinet. See: Starmer.

    Full Member

    I said nothing about ‘supporters’, I said ‘got behind’, which is what you were doing if you served in his cabinet, clearly. Dazh was saying people who refused to serve in Corbyn’s cabinet shouldn’t be allowed to serve in Starmer’s cabinet.

    Full Member

    Kelvin you really do read what you want to read don’t you? There are plenty of people who served in Corbyn’s shadow cabinet who weren’t supporters of him (like Starmer). There are also plenty of MPs who weren’t supporters who didn’t exclude themselves from serving in the shadow cabinet. There were a number of MPs who threw their dummies out the pram because the membership rejected them and then actively refused because it would have meant toeing the line. It’s this latter group that I’m talking about, and that includes Benn and Cooper. Also Ed Miliband, Margaret Beckett etc. Time to move on.

    which is what you were doing if you served in his cabinet

    So everyone who served under Corbyn, or by extension supported anything he did is not fit to be in the shadow cabinet now? I think your McCarthyite witchunt is not the sort of unity Starmer is talking about.

    Full Member

    I can read. Try again.

    Full Member

    and those who made the most trouble against Corbyn that led to another tory government.

    That is an impressive piece of revisionist history

    Full Member

    I’ll be super clear.

    To exclude MPs from a Starmer cabinet because they refused to join, or chose to leave, a Corbyn cabinet, would be counter to moving the party forward and broadening its appeal. Which is what everyone who wants a Labour government should be aiming for now. If it is only people who got behind Corbyn, by serving in his cabinet, who are to have a key role in the PLP now, then we may as well still have Corbyn as leader.

    The new cabinet needs to include people who shone in Corbyn’s front bench team (yes, some did), but also draw from people who stayed well clear of it, and people who left it, and newer MPs who weren’t even in the running to be in it.

    Full Member

    So should Corbynite intellectual heavyweight Richard Burgon be chancellor or Home Secretary?

    Full Member

    What Kelvin said!

    Looks like we’ll find out tomorrow

    Full Member

    heavyweight Richard Burgon

    Having the courage to boot him to the back benches, or not, will set the tone for the new cabinet more than anything.

    I’m hoping RLB get’s a big role, but not as ‘successor’ to McDonnell, that would send the wrong message. Environment seems a perfect fit, and I hope could be made to be a role as important, especially in campaign terms, as any other… if not more so. She proved herself in the leadership campaign, I felt.

    The more the spotlight lands on Burgon, the more incompetent and vacuous he appears.

    Free Member

    The new cabinet needs to include people who shone in Corbyn’s front bench team (yes, some did), but also draw from people who stayed well clear of it, and people who left it, and newer MPs who weren’t even in the running to be in it.

    It should definitely include people who threw their toys out of the pram the minute they didn’t get their own way.

    Full Member

    You need to move on, and hope the new team can appeal to the country, not just you.

    Full Member

    Move on? Some chance! The PFJ will happily continue to pursue the Corbynite agenda until they’re trailing the Lib Dems, polling single figures

    Ideological purity trumps everything.

    Whether anyone but them will vote for it is but a minor consideration

    Full Member

    I just want to know if we’ll be allowed to stop the endless BS anti-Semitism witch hunt now?

    Full Member

    Unless Starmer has recently had his photo taken grinning and shaking hands with any leaders of Hamas or Hezbolah

    Full Member

    Kelvin. On the back of the tory / labour non aggression pact in Scotland the tories gained IIRC 10 seats – without those 10 seats May would have been out of office. Its a simple fact. Murray was the main architect of it.

    If he is anywhere near the front benches there is no hope of any labour resurgence in Scotland. That man wanted people to vote tory! that is no behaviour for a labour MP.

    he is an absolute cockwomble and any labour MP that promotes voting tory because he is so bitter at the success of another leftish party should be thrown out of the party in my book

    there were disgusting scenes of Labour candidates and officials cheering tory wins

    Full Member

    I do not want to see Long Bailey anywhere near the front benches either. A complete diddy. totally rejected by the party.

    This of course shows that all the nonsense about momentum is just that. the diddy left do not have control of the party. If they did Long Bailey would be leader.

    Instead the party has comprehensivly rejected the puerile point scoring politics of the peoples liberation front of judea and chosen a leftish mainstream candidate overwhelmingly. that gives Starmer real power. Now is the time to get rid of the idiots from both right and left.

    Long Baily may grow up in time – but for all I think Binners views are overblown – on Long Bailey he is 100% right

    Full Member

    Bloody hell! This is a first! 😃

    Ian Hislop nailed it last night

    “Whenever I see Rebecca Long-Bailey I think there must be a primary school missing a teacher”

    She’s been a shadow minister for years and I can’t think of a single thing she’s ever said or done. She should be nowhere near the front bench.

    Free Member

    Ten years.

    Starting with the wrong Milliband, three election defeats, Brexit, and Austerity.

    Ten years wasted. Ten years, well it’ll be fourteen years with these next few being the most destructive.

    You should thank yourselves for your contribution to the tory cause.

    Full Member

    Who cares if RLB comes across as a primary school teacher? And why would that be a bad thing? But she doesn’t anyway, does she.

    I would have agreed with you both ‘till the leadership campaign, interviews and hustings… but now think she has far more to offer than was apparent while she was being a loyal member of the shadow cabinet. I understand the fears of her being in the pocket of the wrong people, but some time in the new cabinet will allay those fears, I suspect. Glad she’s not leader, and don’t think she should be shadow chancellor, but she shouldn’t be written off yet.

    Full Member

    If he is anywhere near the front benches there is no hope of any labour resurgence in Scotland.

    Agreed TJ. Not a fan of Murray in any way myself.

    As an aside, I don’t think Labour will come back in Scotland until after major constitutional change, which is years away, but now next to inevitable.

    Full Member

    There is an easy route back to relevance in Scotland for labour.

    Constitutional stuff – come up with a coherent policy that would resonate with the undecided third of the electorate on independence. Something along the lines of a constitutional convention for the whole of the UK looking at electoral reform and federalism

    But most importantly engage constructively at holyrood. They made themselves irrelevant by refusing to do so and opposing anything and everything the SNP do

    So rather than – “SNP baaaaad” and ” we oppose this SNP policy” change it to ” thats a good policy so far as it goes – but you need to add a,b and C to it”

    Finally =- remember who the enemy is – the tories. they need to stop all co-operation with the tories in any form anywhere. there are councils where the SNP are the biggest party but its run by a labour / tory coalition. disgraceful

    Free Member

    Whenever I see Rebecca Long-Bailey I think there must be a primary school missing a teacher”

    Oh my goodness, how does anyone stand a chance?

    I’ve mostly only seen her on the Andrew Marr show – she’d get my vote. I’d trust her to be capable of doing the shadow chancellor job, and I’d trust her to have the right intentions.

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t trust her to run a bath.

    Full Member

    But she doesn’t anyway, does she.

    If ever a sentence needed a question mark at the end of it. Oh, and the answer is; Yes, yes she does.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t trust her to run a bath.

    What does this even mean? Clearly you think she can run a bath, so what do you really think she cannot do, and why?

    Full Member

    Can you tell me anything that Rebecca Long Bailey has either said or done of any significance?

    She’s been on the front bench for 4 years…. and done what?

    Just like the rest of the Corbynites, the square root of **** all!

    The only way she’ll get a front bench position is by being a modern day John Prescott. A figurative sop to the PFJ

    Free Member

    I liked John Prescott.

    I don’t claim to know as much about all this as you. What has Sir Keir Starmer done in the last 4 years? I don’t think there’s much any of them could have done that would satisfy you. And by PFJ, do you mean people who you disagree with?

    Grandad, Magic Grandad, allotments, PFJ, … just say what you mean in a clear way. You sound like Trump!

    Full Member

    I agree with everything you say there about Labour in Scotland TJ.

    The ‘primary school teacher’ thing still seems dubious to me… smacks a bit of some men having a problem with younger women seeking power, to me.

    I liked Prescott as well. Although Nandy reminds me more of him politically than RLB does… although far more articulate, of course.

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t trust her to run a bath.

    What does this even mean? Clearly you think she can run a bath, so what do you really think she cannot do, and why?

    It means I think she is an idiot completely out of touch with reality and I do not trust her to do anything.

    Free Member

    What does this even mean? Clearly you think she can run a bath, so what do you really think she cannot do, and why?

    It’s figure of speech. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out the meaning.

    Full Member

    smacks a bit of some men having a problem with younger women seeking power, to me.

    I hadn’t thought that personally, but I understand your point. I just think she’s reached beyond her capability. It’s the same issue as Corbyn strangely enough, I think he’s probably a very good campaigning local MP but  Leader or probably even opposition front bench was beyond what he was comfortable with, their (LB and Corbyn) type of politics just don’t suit that.

    Free Member

    Totally agree. Corbyn is a good MP who does what an MP is supposed to do with integrity. That however doesn’t make him a good leader or someone who can deal with the aspects of being the leader.
    Sadly he didn’t seem to realise that.

    Starmer may be a better choice for leader but not convinced the public won’t just ignore him/wonder who he is as he is not dynamic enough to catch their attention.

    Full Member

    For me with Long Bailey its not about her capability, its about her knowledge and understanding. She just reminds me of the loony left from the 80s. All slogans and purity and stating what is wanted to be heard in the circles she lives in with zero knowledge of the real world and a willful deafness to how she sounds to the outside world.

    Nandy just comes over as dim and without any political nous at all.

    Starmer on the other hand – its not so much about what he did and said, its about what he didn’t do and say. He didn’t take a tantrum and sit on the back benches undermining his leader and helping the tories. he didn’t try to force his views at the risk of splitting his party. I cannot think of a single stupid thing he has said

    Free Member

    I am interested in politics but have not been able to be ‘political’ before now.

    I have voted blue and yellow in the past.

    I am motivated by KS to actually join labour BUT my local lab MP is probably the most useless and ineffective person I have met. I don’t want to support her but I want to help labour and the UK population.

    Should I join???

    Free Member

    I am motivated by KS to actually join labour BUT my local lab MP is probably the most useless and ineffective person I have met. I don’t want to support her but I want to help labour and the UK population.

    Should I join???

    If you join, come the next election you’ll be in a position to vote on which candidate your local Labour party puts forward to stand.

    Aside from that, you’ll be supporting the whole party with you membership.

    Free Member

    I cannot think of a single stupid thing he has said

    This scares the crap out of me.

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