Trying to decide on a set of new best wheels for my genesis equilibrium, but not sure if the deep rim look will match the frame.
Show me what you got, extra points if its a black frame with white tape/saddle.
Oooo that's nice! is it steel though? tubes looks quite chubby?
It's a Baum, they do have fairly chunky tubes but are Steel or Ti.
Jet 6+ on my Volare 853 at the top of a small Scottish hill
I had a pair of Fulcrum quattros on my stainless Moda for a while & the deeper section didn't look right for some reason, even though the profile isn't a huge difference over the Record/Open pro & Zondas which both suited it a lot better, the Quattros looked pretty good on my carbon Ridley which had a chunkier frame profile though.
Deep section carbon might be a different matter as they seem to go with anything, can you borrow a pair to try them out? I'd want to stare at it for a while before throwing fistfulls of cash around.
That's a nice Volare up there with the HED wheels - mine is probably the road bike i've stuck the most mileage on by far, it deserves some nicer wheels than the Fulcrum 7 that have been on it for the last year or so, but it gets used for commuting a bit in nice weather so the wheels take more of a beating on it.
2001 Serotta Atlanta with not-very-deep Eastons circa 2011. White tape and saddle to match the decals, natch.
not sure if the deep rim look will match the frame.
The evidence so far points to a firm "no".
Do you expect to be going very fast? Low-profile clinchers usually seem cheaper and lighter - as well as looking better with skinny tubes.
Don't have a pic of mine handy, but the Cotic Escpade comes with deep-ish rims if you buy a full build. Not a massive fan of the look tbh, if I had to replace/rebuild them I'd go for something much less deep.
Do you expect to be going very fast? Low-profile clinchers usually seem cheaper and lighter – as well as looking better with skinny tubes.
I would of preferred low profile, but running campy groupset really restricts your choices when it comes to wheels. If you remove campag wheels due to the silly looking spoke patterns then the choice is massively less again.
Skinny frame + fat rims = no no (IMO, obvs)
They look good if they arnt too OTT I think.
Deeper the better
How deep is too deep?
(Not ridden, just setup for photo after a running joke about bloke doing a particularly windy audax with a rear disc).
My point is thus proven.
running campy groupset really restricts your choices when it comes to wheels
Not quite true, if you're on 11spd then you can use any 11spd cassette, herself is using an 11spd ultegra cassette with ChorusEPS. My preference is for mid deep, ie Shamal Ultra (but then you don't like the G3 lacing).
urgh, where's that eye bleach?
I used to lust after an IF, but every one I've seen lately has made me bork.
Oldgit who used to be on here had a Volare with lightweights in which looked pretty cool. I think they work well as long as they don't have loud graphics
Someone, Oldgit maybe, had a lush Genesis Volare with deep, plain black wheels on it and it looked beautiful. Skinwalls too I think.
Edit, what Flange said.
I ran deep on my aluminium TCR and thought the combination looked great. Tubes were more like steel.
35-45mm is the sweet spot for handling and weight.
Not quite true, if you’re on 11spd then you can use any 11spd cassette, herself is using an 11spd ultegra cassette with ChorusEPS. My preference is for mid deep, ie Shamal Ultra (but then you don’t like the G3 lacing).
10 speed
Not mine
Personally I think it looks bad-ass.
Apart from the white bar tape, that's just naff and looks horrible as soon as it's ridden.
Not mine
What this thread has really shown is that steel frames with horizontal top tubes and - 17deg stems look fantastic.
10 speed
Bugger. Buy some new Ergos and a rear mech. You can still use your 10 speed wheels with 11 and then get some funky wheels with Shimano freehub.
Or buy a Marchisio cassette to convert shimano to 10 speed Campag.
New wheels arrived today, I like em. What do you think? (hopefully the pic works)
Can I have the Serotta please? I likes Serottas, I do, and that one might even be big enough for me
A couple for you... the Peg now has 35mm wheels rather than the deep rims
Have to say I agree with IHN. Skinny steel frames and deep rims just don’t do it for me
I've been thinking about getting the steel frame out of the loft for this summer. It's could do with a respray, but that could wait. I've been thinking about for downtube shifters too, I've got some Campag 8 speed ones somewhere which should be able to take the 11 speed index cog assuming it's the same as previous versions.
Bump for the morning crowd.
^^ opinions
Damn they're some UGLY bikes in this thread... proper proper ugly.
The combination do NOT work at all for me.
You’re not wrong Weeksy. There’s some double whammy tan sidewalls too *boke*
32mm is not deep but couldn't resist a bit of tan sidewall baiting! Though the squiffy forum might well spare you the horror, haven't dared post images yet.
edit: now back on black tubs and that awful crankset was only on for power meter reasons, I've since put the old shape super record 53/39 back on.
^^.Doing that to a Tommasini is a travesty. IMO.
Apart from the fact that's it's a Pegoretti if I'm not mistaken! But I agree, green speedplays, what were you thinking?
[i]32mm is not deep but couldn’t resist a bit of tan sidewall baiting! Though the squiffy forum might well spare you the horror, haven’t dared post images yet.[/i]
That, my friend, is gopping. IMHO, obvs.
Not steel but skinny(ish Ti)
Old pic, and the bike is in bits in the shed after it kept breaking.
Wheels have been on a few other bikes since. Granted it's Ti.
and the steel road (winter) bike on relatively deeper section wheels
Spa Audax with 50mm carbon rims - looked better with my brown Brooks saddle
Apart from the fact that’s it’s a Pegoretti if I’m not mistaken! But I agree, green speedplays, what were you thinking?
I was looking at the one below the equally desecrated Colnago. Some people don't deserve nice things!
In general, what's the point of putting carbon deep section rims on a touring bike? It's like putting a rear spoiler on a Land Rover.
How a Tommasini should look...
I think I'd take deep rims on a tommasini over the travesty that is those handlebars.
I think I’d take deep rims on a tommasini over the travesty that is those handlebars.
Them's genuine 3TTT I'll have you know! (inserts smiley though there's none to be found).
When they aren't pointing at the floor i'll approve.