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  • Rugby world cup
  • ratherbeintobago
    Full Member

    So – new coaches required for Scotland and England. who?

    Robinson’s doing a reasonable job for us (Scotland), so can’t see why he shouldn’t stay on.

    Johnson needs to go though.


    Full Member

    Who wants it? Mallet?

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    glitchy bump

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    4 posts missing glitchy bump

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    Too many vested interests in the Agh Eff You TJ, too many old farts and stuffed shirts more interested in eating big dinners and waffling on about ‘how it was so much better in the old County days’ for things to change. I wonder if Johnson will resign? Always struck me as an honourable type of chap.

    Free Member

    ratherbeintobago – Member

    “So – new coaches required for Scotland and England. who?”

    Robinson’s doing a reasonable job for us (Scotland), so can’t see why he shouldn’t stay on.

    Not for me. Scotland played well below their potential, some very questionable selections and substitutions, Robinson had almost everything he wanted to prepare. Its teh selection and substitutions that have it for me. Never played the best combos in the backs – too conservative / defensive. Ansbro and Evans are dangerous runners – need more ball. Playing mossy as a kicker ‘cos arks is at 10 – just wrong. Not playing Rory Lamont.

    I believe he is a good club coach but simply does not have it as an international coach

    Free Member

    Problem for Scotland is, where will the impetus come from? The Celtic League has worked wonders for Wales but it’s done nowt for Scotland and left you with only two poorly supported pro teams. Your best players play abroad ansd are at the mercy of their clubs, clubs like the English ones that will refuse to release players when needed etc.

    England? well, i don’t even know where to start with that one!

    Full Member

    Tend to agree with TJ on this one – Robinson’s definitely put a bit more fire in the belly of the Scots than they’ve had for a while, but the team selection seems to lack insight.

    At the same time, I’m not convinced that replacing the team manager is all that’s required – the professionalisation of rugby in Scotland seems to have left us weaker, rather than stronger. The loss of the Border Reivers was a massive mistake in terms of the strength of the game, and I’m not convinced that the absence of a modern equivalent to the North and Midlands side is helpful for developing the game across Scotland either.

    Free Member

    The SRU are now on a solid financial footing and have some new senior people.

    The two pro teams need proper promotion tho – people like me are the target audience and I don’t go to games anymore. I used to when I could get cheap / free tickets. Nowadays there is no advertising so I forget t when the games are on and its expensive to go to.

    An imaginative coach would help – Robinson was too conservative.

    Free Member

    The SRU needs to really promote the game across Scotland, more clubs and more financial help from those clubs is whats needed. Such a pity that only Edinburgh and Glasgow survived the move to professionalism.

    Free Member

    Mind you TJ, i haven’t been to a Sale game since i was made redundant and had to give up my season ticket. Now i have the money but no-one wants to go with me 🙁 (mates have young families and no money)

    Full Member

    Bryce Lawrence is **** shite, he was appalling.
    In other news bloody hell wales could actually win this thing 😯

    ITV with there daft yellow lines and Bryce Lawarence should watch this:

    Full Member

    Steve Ryder: But Francois, surely this England team are better than this?

    Francois Pienaar: No.

    Free Member

    In other news bloody hell wales could actually win this thing

    Free Member

    Yup. I reckon Wales will 100% win this now 😀

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Yup. I reckon Wales will 100% win this now

    You actually could be right and I think that in the flavour of austerity we can save everyone bucket loads of money by simply giving us the trophy this arvo. 😛

    Free Member

    I reckon Wales played the best rugby this weekend, easily. Followed by Ireland. NZ looked fairly ropey I think. At the start of the game they were doing their usual thing of committing only a few players to the ruck.. however by the second half they were piling in there!

    Much of the press seemed to praise a brilliantly resurrected France, but I didn’t think they were that good, just flattered. Don’t you think?

    Free Member

    Thanks AA, nice to hear from a non Bok supporter that the ref was an arse.
    Too late for tears now, interesting article in the Gaurdian:
    Bryce Lawrence reduced breakdown to a farce

    Full Member

    TBH I think Ashton is a lot like Williams, to use a wendyball analogy they are both professional goal hangers. You hardly notice Williams in a game except for about 1.5 seconds at the end of some good work by the rest..

    Been away from here most of the weekend, so went back to see what people made of my comments about not rating Ashton that highly. I was expecting a few wouldnt agree but jesus christ I wasnt expecting to read anything as stupid as this. Toys have you ever watched Shane play, admittedly he hasnt been great recently and is a player on the wane but if you truly think this I have lost any respect for your opinions about rugby.

    In case you’ve not seen either of them play this is Ashton:

    and this is Shane

    Full Member

    sputnik – Member
    Thanks AA, nice to hear from a non Bok supporter that the ref was an arse.
    Too late for tears now, interesting article in the Gaurdian:
    Bryce Lawrence reduced breakdown to a farce

    Karma! 😆

    Bryce Lawrence single handedly wrecked the British Lion’s chances not so long ago. He allowed Mtawarira to scrummage illegally and continually penalised Vickery (iirc) until the test was lost for the Lions, and then in the next game recommended a yellow card for Burger’s eye-gouging. YELLOW? For gouging? Jeez, it still makes me angry! With a player carded for 70 minutes the chances are the Boks would have lost that game as well. But we’ll never know, because Lawrence made such poor decisions in those two games.

    So, really SA have what they deserve, albeit rather late!

    Free Member

    Johnson is out of contract in December (I think).

    Full Member

    at least a yellow

    Anyway I dont like either Australia or SA as far as rugby goes but the ref ruined the game. Pocock whilst an incredible player got away with some amazing foul play, he also missed blatent knock ons and made up forward passes.

    Johnson needs to go and whoever comes in needs to bring some decent coaches with them. I just hope Shaun Edwards stays with Wales, having said that whoever is Englands defensive coach does a decent job its the forwards and backs coaches that need shooting.

    Full Member

    muddydwarf – Member
    Mind you TJ, i haven’t been to a Sale game since i was made redundant and had to give up my season ticket. Now i have the money but no-one wants to go with me (mates have young families and no money)

    I think it’s the same everywhere.

    There used to be about 8 of us who would go to Swansea games at St Helens, 4 of us with season tickets for over a decade. The regions got formed, 4 of us got season tickets. Now, for various reasons none of us go. The stadium is only 5 minutes walk down the road from me. I watch all the rugby going. My wife often asks me if I’m going to the match (and why don’t I take the 7yr old..), but I have no interest in paying quite a lot of money to watch a team who so rarely show up and play interesting rugby.

    As TJ said (sort of), if they can’t get me down there, they are doing something wrong.

    Free Member

    Interesting to see the fun never stops with England…

    England star jumps off ferry

    Free Member

    Robinson has done a lot fot he Scottish team, night and day from Hadden, but there were some dodgy selections for sure.

    De luca quite frankly is a joke and should never have even made the selection to go to NZ, i am fed up of watching him make shocking mistakes time after time. He should be sacked im fed up paying for him with my tickets.

    Rory Lamont is a great full back and definatly should have played more Paterson has had his day, he actually played decent rugby in the six nations but its a world cup too many for him.

    The forwards were very good, gave fantastic dislpayes agains Argintena and England, the front row of Jacabson Ford and murry were fantastic, the first half agains England they ripped the English front row apart.

    Kellock should have played all the games, he is a great captain and was brill aginst England.

    Was disapointed by Grey, thought he would have played better.

    Back row were below par too.

    The biggest casulty of the world cup should be Gregor Townsend, he needs to go.

    Scotland should have been in he 1/4 finals they played well enough but its probably as far as they would have gone.

    Free Member

    They didn’t play well enough tho – thats the point.

    I didn’t mind deluca so much. playing Parks at standoff and not trusting him with placekicks so you have to play Patterson as well despite Rory Lamont being an obviously better fullback is just stupid.

    Greg Laidlaw should have been in the party.

    to conservative, too many poor selections

    he go the centres wrong to – should have been shug and ansbro

    Free Member

    Well i think 1 stupidly obvious offside decision in the Argintena game actualy cost us. Objectivly we did play well enough to win that match. De Luca has cost Scotland too many points over the past 3 years.

    Free Member

    Having been a Welsh fan for almost 20 years I really do sympathise with you TJ and other Scots, and even to an extend with England 🙂 It’s tough when your team’s sh*t.

    Free Member


    Na – be honest they lost that game earlier – not scoring when camped in the 22. Argentina were the better side and the only side to score a try

    Free Member

    Yes not scoring with 2 lineouts right on the try line was poor, but they were the better side for 80% of the game.

    Free Member

    Interesting to see the fun never stops with England…

    England star jumps off ferry

    His team mates tried to throw him a lifebelt but they dropped it under pressure!!

    Johnson needs to go though.

    He’s doing fine…leave him be.

    Free Member


    I don’t agree Passionate Scotland fan I might be but Scotland never looked like beating Argentina IMo and certainly were not the better team for 80% of the game. never looked like scoring a try

    Free Member

    @ gwaelod 😆

    Free Member

    Been away for the weekend, but interesting to see 3 out of 4 results as planned… managed to only see the 2nd half of NZ v Arg and the Argies never looked like scoring, good defence though.
    SA tried so hard but the Aussies wouldn’t let em through eh. Great stuff, love to see SA fail. Balls to all the stuff about the bad refereeing, at least the right team are through to the semis.
    Wales in the WC final hey? pretty bloody brilliant that.

    Full Member

    I agree that Townsend should go but I’d like to see Robinson stay on for at least another couple of years. Despite the fact that we still can’t score tries I like the way the pack has progressed.

    Despite having some fantastic talent in the backs they never seem to threaten anything resembling a try. I was never a Parks fan until the 09/10 season were he was incredible for both Glasgow and Scotland but the successes that year came from Park’s control of territory rather than dangerous attacking play. I’m afraid I can’t support Wales because I’m still angry at you for breaking him again 😈

    Free Member

    I don’t think Wales should be so confident, the Good French team might turn up next week, you never know. Still, it would be good to see !!

    We have made it to the last 4 so I am happy now – Kiwi pride intact. Winning is but a dream really.

    (and everybody called Colin in NZ is going to have a very bad day at work today – he wasn’t much was he ? Couldn’t get him off the pitch fast enough)

    Free Member

    I am not confident at all, just enjoying the ride 😆

    Full Member

    I don’t think Wales should be so confident, the Good French team might turn up next week, you never know.

    very true and the french attacking play comes from deeper and is designed to outwit the blitz defence Wales employ. Unlke the irish, SA, Samoan attack which just tried to smash through it. Watched the game again last night the way Wales started was 2 mins of perfect rugby and their defence relied on good old fashioned round the ankles tackles rather than big hits. The sight of Roberts kocking D O’C into next week was something to behold, as was Phillps taking the quick tap and smacking O’B over.

    To be clear when I say Wales can win this thing, I’m coming from the same place as TJ saying Scotland can get out of the group, its highly unlikely, but there is no reason why it coulnt happen.

    Free Member

    If Wales and France both turn up and play to their full potential, it has the makings of the game of the tournament.
    Based on the weekends performances, there’s very little between them so I wouldn’t like to predict a winner. Good luck both.

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