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  • Rishi! Sunak!
  • dissonance
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    Jenrick is the same immoral **** that ignored UNESCO as well as local democracy in granting planning in a world heritage site buffer zone, in exchange for a bung of dollari into the party coffers.

    And not even for a decent bung. Was an absolute bargain as normal with the tories who unlike most corrupt politicians around the world havent learned the basics of seeing what its worth being selling it.

    Full Member

    Any news on what happened at the 1922 this evening?

    according to sky MPs seemed quite jolly, rees-mogg was pleased with Sunak, but after honest bob resigned he decided the bill eas no good – this is pretty standard for current Tory legislation, the brexity loons all tell each other its great until some pesky experts come along and point out all the holes 

    Full Member

    lil rishi taking the piss out of honest bob

    Full Member

    I find it quite incredible that it was Rwanda that blocked a more aggressive bill on grounds of international law.   Really?  FFS how low with these tory scum go?

    Full Member

    Didn’t have Rwanda showing us the way in terms of observance of international law on my 2023 bingo card.

    Full Member

    Is it possible that Sunak/Cleverly actually asked Rwanda to come out in favour of International Law/ECHR to depth charge the lunatic fringe?

    Full Member

    I did wonder about that dantsw13.  Possible I guess.

    Full Member

    Is it possible that Sunak/Cleverly actually…

    I really doubt it. This lot plays seagull not 4d chess.

    Full Member

    Is it possible that Sunak/Cleverly actually asked Rwanda to come out in favour of International Law/ECHR to depth charge the lunatic fringe?

    I think thats exactly what he was up to

    I wonder if that’s a big part of why jenrick quit, well that & hes a slimy ambitious scumbag in a safe tory seat that’s thinking about what happens after they lose the next GE & wants to position himself as a potential leader

    the next 10 months of this lame duck government is going to be about MPs fighting like rats to line their pockets

    Full Member

    lil rishi taking the piss out of honest bob

    And totally not understanding the Supreme Court decision. Still.

    Free Member

    Is it possible that Sunak/Cleverly actually asked Rwanda to come out in favour of International Law/ECHR to depth charge the lunatic fringe?

    That will cost you; name your price; ah, that much…OK – and to your account in the Cayman Islands?
    Yes, that’s fine

    Full Member

    Oh,they do. They are just bending the truth to their own agenda.

    Full Member

    does withdrawing from ECHR mess up the Good Friday Agreement?

    It also takes us to the no deal Brexit the real loons have never stopped chasing. The Trade and Cooperation Agreement we have with the EU absolutely depends on ECHR, and what’s more any possible replacement deal would as well. There is no trade deal between any European country and the EU without ECHR. None. Well, nothing beyond the meagre USSR agreement of the 80’s that Russia & Belarus are stuck with. No one sane in the UK is seeking that.

    ECHR : Who?

    Full Member

    I find it quite incredible that it was Rwanda that blocked a more aggressive bill on grounds of international law. Really? FFS how low with these tory scum go?

    Lower than an african country with a suspect human rights record, by the sounds of it.

    The mere fact that the tories are vocally, and publicly seeking to circumvent the ECHR should speak for itself…

    The rate we are going, Starmer will probably whip his MP’s to support that too.

    …but small boats or something.

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    Full Member

    It’s really sad and pathetic… I mean commons debates were aways a bit of a posh school bun fight, but it’s descending into primary school playground politics from all sides.

    It’s embarasing as a country, really.

    Full Member

    For all the “rise of the right” across Europe I have never heard of any of them wanting to leave the ECHR.  Folk like Wilders in the Netherlands would be comparable to idiots like Braverman or badenoch.  He and many these other “far right” folk would be right at home in the tory party

    Full Member

    For all the “rise of the right” across Europe I have never heard of any of them wanting to leave the ECHR.

    You don’t have to travel very far in time and space to find total contempt for the ECHR.

    A couple of weeks ago across the Channel:

    France is prepared to break European human rights law to expel “dangerous” foreigners as President Macron’s government pledges the toughest crackdown on immigration in 30 years.

    Gérald Darmanin, the interior minister, said France would deport foreigners deemed a threat without waiting for the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) to hear their appeals. If their removal was judged to have violated the European Convention on Human Rights, Paris would pay a fine but not allow them back.


    I reckon that ignoring the ECHR whilst remaining in it is probably worse than leaving. It shows even greater contempt imo.

    Does that make Macron far-right? No, not necessarily. But it does make him rather similar to the Tories.

    Full Member

    Fair enough.

    Full Member

    France would deport foreigners deemed a threat without waiting for the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) to hear their appeals.

    That’s an issue of national security for France, depending on the definition of ‘deemed’, then fair enough.

    I suspect they (the French) are not talking about economic migrants with, for example, student or working visas…rather dodgy asylum claims from a bunch of swetty blokes in the back of a lorry.

    Context is all important, and most news papers are prolific in ignoring context and pushing an agenda, opinion rather than fact, if you will.

    Of course I would never dare to speculate that ‘the Times’ might be squeezing evey last drop of rotten milk out of this particular raggety cheese cloth in order to sell a few papers or get a few website clicks, that would be libellous!

    Free Member

    Of course I would never dare to speculate that ‘the Times’ might be squeezing evey last drop of rotten milk out of this particular raggety cheese cloth in order to sell a few papers or get a few website clicks, that would be libellous!

    It’s factual so don’t see how that could be libellous.

    Free Member

    We are watching another very bad example of democracy. Ignore all the FPTP, governments in power with less than 50% etc,. it is very clear to everyone that the majority of people have had enough of this government yet the government decides when to hold an election.
    In a democracy that was working perfectly the government itself would have held an election a while ago knowing they are no longer wanted but are instead clinging on to the last minute.

    Free Member

    Slightly misquoted, but what he’s really saying.

    “One of the great advantages of not having a written constitution is the ability to do whatever the **** we want”.

    Also note how he wants to stop “domestic courts” getting involved – this is basic stuff, quite simply we’re at the ‘Enabling Act’ phase.


    Full Member

    Slightly misquoted, but what he’s really saying.

    You don’t even need to misquote him, 

    “The Government has a responsibility to place our vital national interest above highly contested interpretations of international law” 


    “The stakes [ ] are too high for us not to pursue the stronger protections required to end the merry-go-round of legal challenges” 

    Are pretty clear in their meaning:- We consider ourselves to be above the law, and if that means that we ignore all the things that are inconvenient to to the illegal shit that we want to do,  well then we either ignore it harder, or we write new rules that allow us to keep as many black people as we possibly can from coming to this country becasue my racist constituents are scared of people who speak different languages and eat different things

    Full Member

    Who would have guessed that when Cameron was a pussy and gave in to the racist, immigrant- baiting loony right wing of the tory party in 2015, to give them their referendum, that the toty party would self-immolate so spectacularly

    Full Member

    toty party would self-immolate so spectacularly

    I think that’s more Johnson language than Sunak language. 😉

    If we weren’t all so badly effected (yeah, yeah, some of you might not be, lucky you) by the fallout of Brexit and the ongoing aftermath, the Tory infighting of the last ten years would be funny. Maybe in 15 years time it’ll be fun to look back on… but for now it looks like a long slow painful recovery is desperately required… and the ongoing delay in starting that, while they continue concentrating on their own little ambitions, is painfully frustrating. If only we could force them to call an election, so we could tell them to…

    Full Member

    That’s an issue of national security for France

    So as long as a country has a good reason to ignore the ruling of the European Convention on Human Rights that’s okay? It is the government who should decide what is the correct course of action to take not the ECHR or the law?

    Perhaps that’s the problem with the Tories, they don’t understand such subtleties?

    Although I think it was nicely summed up here:

    Thomas Legrand, a political commentator, said Darmanin was in effect claiming that “the rule of law prevents him from acting as he would like to ensure the safety of the French people”. He said that in other democracies, a minister would be weakened if he was found to have broken the law. In France, he “emerges reinforced”.

    No leftie “human rights” lawyers getting in the way of Macron’s government, I’m sure Braverman would approve.

    Full Member

    Sunak is giving an ’emergency’ press conference at 11 o clock. No word on what its about.

    The letters have gone in?

    His resignation?

    An attempt to extinguish the raging bin fire that is the present Tory party?

    Unless its to announce a general election, does anybody actually care?

    Full Member

    An emergency press conference to discuss emergency legislation to deal with the small boat emergency?

    Well I’m certainly excited.

    Full Member

    Sunak is giving an ’emergency’ press conference at 11 o clock. No word on what its about.

    It’s to distract attention away from Johnson dropping Sunak in the shit at the Covid inquiry thus helping to ensure that when Sunak gets there on Monday, no-one remembers the blame he got today.

    That explanation is as likely as any other. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Full Member

    It will all be about stopping the invasion of brown folk and how the labour party wants to let zillions come here with a load of nonsense about Rwanda being safe and how the silent majority want this to happen 

    Full Member

    @binners It’s going to be “Nothing has changed” to give us all a warm glow of nostalgia for the days of Theresa May

    Free Member

    razor wire, machine gun posts, wind and wave generators and a mine field, though the knuckle draggers will still be unhappy.

    Full Member

    quite simply we’re at the ‘Enabling Act’ phase.

    Posted the same a few weeks ago either here or on the Braverman thread. Tories – the Party of Law and Order, eh?

    A government that does not recognise the rule of law domestically is not a legitimate government in my view.

    It’s remarkable how we look aghast at the US and what the Republicans are attempting over there, then so quickly find it arriving on our doorstep.

    Sunak seems to drag out the lectern on a regular basis just to get coverage of the same old guff, so I wouldn’t get your hopes up.

    Full Member

    razor wire, machine gun posts, wind and wave generators and a mine field, though the knuckle draggers will still be unhappy.

    Immigrants will be spilt into thirteen groups and each week will have to send two representatives to fight through miles of red tape and hostile Government outposts, navigate through a dark barge and emerge the other side to claim a visa.

    Suella Braverman and Mark Francois are lined up to staff the first two hostile Government outposts and direct constant withering fire on the immigrants.

    It’ll be televised, pay per view on GB News.

    Full Member

    Apparently we now have 2 immigration ministers:

    A minister for legal immigration and a minister for illegal immigration

    Is this Rishi’s latest job creation scheme?

    Full Member

    No word on what its about.


    Create a “problem” concerning foreigners… and then bang on about it.

    Something about the NHS, teaching, failing public transports, SMEs closing… no chance.

    Full Member

    minister for illegal immigration

    U ! S ! A !

    U ! S ! A !

    Full Member

    A minister for legal immigration and a minister for illegal immigration

    Probably for the best, since they already can’t tell the difference between an illegal immigrant and an asylum seeker. It’s just so confusing for them.

    Full Member

    In the same way that Ester McVey is titled ‘Minister for Common Sense’, he’s going to give them the title ‘Minister for Stopping The Boats’, isn’t he?

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