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  • Rishi! Sunak!
  • Klunk
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    “New Plan for Immigration” they even lie in four words of print.

    Full Member

    £140 million <<– yup,small beans 😠
    shame that some could do with a few plates of beans.
    As the gap increases,the haves don’t give a toss about the have not,so let’s keep the attention on these pesky illegals.

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    plus however much more they have given and its certainly some from their refusal to admit or deny it.  Just ” it will be in the accounts published next year”

    Full Member

    To be fair to the Rwandan government, you’d have to pay me over a hundred million to have to endure dealing with Priti Patel, Suella Braverman then James Cleverley in quick succession

    Full Member

    The Supreme Court decides that Rwandan government cannot be trusted to comply with international law, based on the fact that they have previously ignored international law.

    So the Home Secretary pops over to Rwanda and flies back to announce that there is nothing to worry about as he has sorted everything out – the Rwandan has assured him that they can definitely be trusted.

    James Cleverley has played a proper blinder. Top quality politician.

    New Rwanda asylum treaty deals with Supreme Court concerns, says James Cleverly


    The Supreme Court, the UK’s highest court, rejected the policy on the grounds that it could not be guaranteed the Rwandan government would honour a principle of international law known as non-refoulement.

    Free Member

    Nothing new or revelatory in that^^^

    It doesn’t change the facts as determined by the highest court in the land.
    It does nothing to change the opinion of the majority that cleverly is incompetent but can read any script convincingly.
    It does nothing to address the whole asylum seeking issue.
    It panders to committed tory voters.


    Full Member

    I can imagine the chat at the Supreme Court…

    It’s ok lads, Jimmy popped over to Rwanda this morning, had a chat with them and apparently it’s all fine now.

    Great stuff! Best get those flights booked for the morning then. Job jobbed! Nice one Jimbo!

    Full Member

    So have we done the bit where Cleverly is looking around a visitor centre full of sculls that were killed during the genocide?


    Or… That even after asking what day it was, he signed the visitor book 6th November?

    What a details guy 😁

    Full Member

    “Rishi Sunak faces up to 10 ministers quitting if he adopts a hardline approach on Rwanda and uses emergency legislation to circumvent the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).”


    And for those who still believe, thanks to his slick presentation skills, that Austerity Dave isn’t on the right of the Tory Party:

    On Tuesday, during his first monthly question time in the House of Lords, Lord Cameron, the Foreign Secretary, said Parliament should be able to pass legislation that blocked ECHR judgments that the Government disagreed with.

    In contrast to the left of the Tory Party:

    However, Matt Warman, a leading member of the One Nation group, said: “Overriding the ECHR is a red line for a number of Conservatives. Protecting and reforming institutions and upholding human rights should be the cornerstone of any Conservative government.”

    Full Member

    I don’t believe David Cameron has a single personally-held belief that he wouldn’t jettison in a heartbeat if it suited him.

    As for Rishi… Its over an issue as stupid as the Rwanda policy that the Tory party might finally tear itself apart. He has completely painted himself into a corner over this one and has manoeuvred himself into a position where he can’t win.

    I don’t doubt for a second that, in order to win the leadership election he assured Braverman and her associated nutjobs that he’d see this policy through, no matter what it took, even withdrawing from the ECHR and now thats what they’re demanding. Not least because he agrees with them. Despite the slicker presentation, he’s as swivel-eyed as the rest of them.

    Unfortunately for him, and thankfully for the rest of us, there are still enough Tory MPs who are sane enough to realise the huge real-world implications of doing something as absolutely mental as withdrawing from or suspending the ECHR. It’d throw hand grenades into the Good Friday Agreement, the devolved governments and, overnight, make us complete international pariahs, who’s only fellow travellers would be Russia and Belarus. Great company to be in!

    The main problem is though, as has been pointed out by everyone with even a passing legal knowledge and in detail by the Supreme Court judgement… its won’t make a blind bit of difference. There are all manner of other legally binding international treaties and agreements that would still render deportation to Rwanda illegal. Its not just the ECHR. Is he going to tear all those up too? Then what?

    The whole Rwanda policy was weapons grade idiocy from day one and it’d be more than fitting if this is the hill that the Tory party chooses to die on

    Full Member

    Genuine question: does withdrawing from ECHR mess up the Good Friday Agreement?

    Full Member

    Forget Rwanda, Rishi’s got big problems coming his way from Johnson at the covid inquiry. He’s not going to pass up this chance for revenge by painting Sunak as the guy who wanted to let people die to save the economy.

    Full Member

    does withdrawing from ECHR mess up the Good Friday Agreement?

    Yes, The GFA uses the ECHR as the final arbiter, with things like early release for paramilitaries and rights for citizens for appeal to a higher (and independent) court. It essentially resolved difficulties regarding perception of partisan courts. It also enshrined Human rights legislation through a more robust Equalities Commission, and allowed British and Irish citizens to claim either UK or Irish citizenship without discrimination.  Over half a million residents in NI hold Irish passports.

    Full Member

    Rishi is now watching your bank account; NSFW

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    They choose today to respond to the Hillsborough report? After 7 years?

    They’re just taking the piss now, aren’t they?

    Full Member

    braverman’s putting the boot in too

    Full Member

    Place all the tories in a games hall and provide them with claw hammers, pikes, shovels etc and let them rip each other to bits, would provide a bit of light entertainment at the very least.

    Full Member

    Oh FFS, just give up and call an election.

    Full Member

    Today Braverman sat in the same seat in the commons that Geoffrey Howe sat in when he stood up and made his famous resignation speech that brought down Thatcher

    Talk about getting ideas above your station and a ludicrously over-inflated idea of your own importance?

    Her and Lil Rishi are political pygmies but they’re both so arrogant and self-regarding they can’t even see it

    Full Member

    the Rwandan government appears to he saying we’re a bit too fash

    Full Member

    Apparently Honest Bob is about to resign

    Well nobody saw that coming eh?

    Jesus! Even their pathetic infighting and posturing is so boringly predictable that anyone could have scripted it 3 weeks ago

    Just call an election – a general one, not another leadership one – and lets get this whole sorry charade over and done with

    Full Member

    yup honest bob doing a runner

    the nutters really are trying to bring down Sunak 

    imagine getting booted out as PM over something as ridiculous as the Rwanda policy!!! (not saying sunak will be booted out surely most Tories know how thats going to go down with the public)


    Full Member

    They just look tired. And every time they try and come up with a new policy, it does nothing to improve the polls.

    He just needs to call a GE and get the whole sorry charade over.

    Full Member

    They choose today to respond to the Hillsborough report? After 7 years?

    A point just made on Five Live by one of tbe families

    Full Member

    And after 7 years they’ve watered all the recommendations down so the whole thing is essentially meaningless anyway

    Why doesn’t Rishi just go to Anfield and piss on the Hillsborough memorial?!

    Every time I think I can’t despise them more they come up with something

    Full Member

    the Rwandan government appears to he saying we’re a bit too fash

    It really is something when the Rwandan Government is paying more attention to international law than the UK Government… 😳

    I wonder if they pull out if the deal citing our breaches of international law, do they get to keep the £140m? That’d be amazing. £140m for doing **** all! Conservatives – the party you can trust with the economy.

    Full Member

    imagine getting booted out as PM over something as ridiculous as the Rwanda policy!!! (not saying sunak will be booted out surely most Tories know how thats going to go down with the public)

    I am starting to shift my opinion on that. After all we cant do bugger all until election time so they might figure get rid of him and go all out nuts until then. I think most are feeling they have sod all chance any so might as well go all out.

    Being reported the excuse he has given for us not breaking international law is because Rwanda refused to join in. What an awesome excuse.

    Full Member

    I wonder if they pull out if the deal citing our breaches of international law, do they get to keep the £140m? That’d be amazing. £140m for doing **** all! Conservatives – the party you can trust with the economy.

    Yup they do. Since they arent being paid to take the refugees they are just getting some entirely unrelated aid because, you know, reasons.
    Its a figleaf on the UK side and a great profit opportunity on the Rwandan side.

    Full Member

    Home Secretary James Cleverley didn’t actually know if his immigration minister (who wasn’t in parliament for his Rwanda statement) had actually resigned or not

    Could it get any more farcical?

    Full Member

    Why doesn’t Rishi just go to Anfield and piss on the Hillsborough memorial?!

    Yep, the timing stinks, as per. Liverpool playing in Sheffield this evening as well.
    34 years, and Tories still don’t want to face up to their culpability or responsibility.

    Full Member

    Liverpool doesn’t vote Tory so they don’t care, I expect.

    In other news, I t’s amazing how they can turn even the resignation of a minister into a **** pantomime.

    “He’s resigned over Rwanda!”

    “Oh no he hasn’t!”

    “Oh yes he has!”

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    Full Member

    Rwanda is the new no deal Brexit.
    It’s clearly a shit idea that won’t ever work. But it’s being pursued as some sort of pure ideology that must be made to work regardless of the costs.

    Full Member

    So obviously he and Cruella have decided to go for broke before Rishi loses the election and see if fascism appeals to enough of the electorate at the general election?

    The next few days should be interesting. It wouldn’t surprise me if Cruella has nowhere near the support she thinks she’s got.

    I’m sure the whips will presently be asking ‘you want to have a leadership election now? Seriously?’

    That may not stop them though

    Who knows with this gang of wingnuts?

    Full Member

    I think he’s thin skinned enough that if they threaten him with a leadership challenge he might just call a snap GE, on the basis of getting a personal mandate, or at least taking them all down with him.

    Full Member

    Rwanda is the new no deal Brexit.
    It’s clearly a shit idea that won’t ever work. But it’s being pursued as some sort of pure ideology that must be made to work regardless of the costs

    Bang on! All the headbangers keep repeating the ‘sovrinti’ word again. That never ends well

    Full Member

    Any news on what happened at the 1922 this evening?

    Full Member

    Any news on what happened at the 1922 this evening?

    Normal ‘Back me, or we all go down’ bollocks.

    Still laughing at how no-one really appears to give a shit about Jenrick spitting the dummy.

    At least he’s got more time to dream up ways to make life slightly worse for desperate children who have travelled thousands of miles from home.

    Full Member

    Jenrick is the same immoral **** that ignored UNESCO as well as local democracy in granting planning in a world heritage site buffer zone, in exchange for a bung of dollari into the party coffers.

    I’d rather trust a snake. Snakes are at least honourable.

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