Its a nice bike but other than it being an e-stay, its got nothing in common with the original frame.
I suppose the problem is that back in the 90s everything was an “XC bike” at least by current standards, these days your typical (MTB) punter wants a “trail bike” in geometry terms at least, and so what do you really get for adding e-stays to a modern (LLS) trail HT? Some more compliance? Which you then possibly have to design out with thicker tubing to reduce lateral flex?
I suppose the question in 2021 is what application would actually suit the use of an e-stay? We have more niches these days so the basic benefits would maybe be that you could cheat more tyre clearance without needing to make the wheelbase huge (ref Trek stache with asymmetric e-stay) and as I said previously, a frame you never need to break the chain (or belt) on…
So maybe the best use case is different from ‘Tora Cycles’ LLS trail HT, really that frame is just a bit of a “homage” to an old MTB that people in their 40s and 50s will remember fondly. Practically speaking an e-stay makes better sense (IMO) on a slot or EBB frame for winter SS, bike packing or dare I say it Gravel these days?