Quorn Bacon Emergen...

[Closed] Quorn Bacon Emergency!

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Offline  Kojaklollipop
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We can't seem to buy this anymore? This is the frozen one I'm talking about, not the non-frozen one as that contains milk and wifey is diary intolerant. We like it, some might not but that's not the discussion. Our 2 local supermarkets never have it now, haven't for about 3 or 4 months. Anywhere further away is almost an hour round trip and we can't check stock - don't want to create online accounts for delivery just want to check instore stock and can't phone them as the numbers listed are some central call centre and not local number.

So, what are the alternatives? Local own brand isn't nice - Morrisons rubbery and tasteless. What do others recommend - needs to be vegan/diary free. Also might have to order and get delivery? Haven't tried Sainburys or Waitrose or Tesco own type stuff yet so any good?

Posted : 31/10/2020 9:20 am
Offline  brant
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This is brilliant.


It's in Tesco and Sainsburys around here.

Posted : 31/10/2020 10:56 am
Offline  p7eaven
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What brant said, it’s pretty good if in a hurry/don’t like cooking. Far and away better than any Quorn or similar rashers. Totally different.

Thread here:


But IMO still not a patch on roasted (king are best) oyster mushroom rashers. Even well-fried ones are good. With a marinade (oil, garlic powder, soy or liquid aminos, salt, maple syrup and smoked paprika.)

Marinade slices overnight. Roast on greaseproof paper til chewy/crispy.

Utterly delicious. I’ll look for the thread when I have time. I’m sure you could use any mushroom of you get it to slice, but oyster mushrooms are prized for their umami flavour

Posted : 31/10/2020 11:04 am
Offline  p7eaven
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Now you’ve got me started. Have a punnet of oyster mushrooms was going to use in a pasta but think we’ll do them tonight as smoky rashers and pile on top of a juicy burger 🤤

cheatburger recipe

Posted : 31/10/2020 11:25 am
Offline  dantsw13
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What would you use as a pancetta substitute in cooking? I often end up cooking separate veg/non veg meals, but that would help with flavours.

Posted : 31/10/2020 11:49 am
Offline  FB-ATB
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Early learning centre?

Posted : 31/10/2020 11:54 am
Offline  p7eaven
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^ Oh god it’s like groundhog (!) day

What would you use as a pancetta substitute in cooking?

Not sure what pancetta tastes like. Have a look at the colcannon recipe down the page in the this isnt bacon link? If pancetta isn’t smokey then I’d go with well-cooked oyster mushroom slices. seasoned with some liquid aminos (or soy sauce, or tamari etc), garlic powder, a little something sweet and salt. Add to pasta once prepared.

Simple answer is just the roasted mushrooms with a little oil and salt. Purified (good quality stuff) coconut oil is a very good ‘added fat’ to meat substitutes.

Posted : 31/10/2020 12:02 pm
Offline  dantsw13
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Pancetta is salty smoky bacon, usually cut into small cubes and crisped.

Posted : 31/10/2020 12:04 pm
Offline  p7eaven
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Pancetta is salty smoky bacon

Then deffo the This Isn’t Bacon rashers scissored into chunks. It’s delicious in that colcannon. Cubed roasted oyster mushrooms would also be perfect. Just marinade first as mentioned upthread. Make sure to cook until leathery.

Posted : 31/10/2020 12:10 pm
Offline  Drac
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Is this due to rasherning?

Posted : 31/10/2020 12:13 pm
Offline  pk13
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Might try that one in a salad.
And has anyone seen DRAC'S coat

Posted : 31/10/2020 12:49 pm
Offline  dyna-ti
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Question - Do they flavour pretend bacon to make it taste like real bacon ?, or is it veggie flavoured

Posted : 31/10/2020 1:42 pm
Offline  p7eaven
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Question – Do they flavour pretend bacon to make it taste like real bacon ?, or is it veggie flavoured

Do they flavour real bacon to make it taste like maple lactone, furans from the Maillard Reaction, and salt? Or is it flesh-flavoured?

Serious answer - it depends on the product/ingredients. I find that king oyster mushrooms + a smokey, salty, umami marinade taste much more like smokey, salty pork meat than any of the processed strips I’ve tried. I know Impossible Foods are working on it.

Posted : 31/10/2020 2:02 pm
Offline  Cougar
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Question – Do they flavour pretend bacon to make it taste like real bacon ?, or is it veggie flavoured

I've never had facon but I'd imagine the former. Frazzles aren't crisp flavoured.

This is why veggie hot dogs work so well. The taste comes from flavourings, there's probably about the same amount of meat content in both.

Posted : 31/10/2020 3:59 pm
Offline  kelvin
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Isn’t Bacon really doesn’t work for us taste wise, although the cooking smell is fantastic. (Isn’t Chicken on the other hand is brilliant… we have one variant of it most weeks). Mo’ shrooms is the answer to escaping the bacon addiction.

Posted : 31/10/2020 4:04 pm
Offline  kelvin
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Oh… Sainsbury’s deliver the frozen quorn rashers. They are frozen… so get a load delivered and stock up for winter. A big drive on the off chance of getting one item “off the shelf” is bonkers. Be sure to tick ‘no substitutes’ though.

Posted : 31/10/2020 4:07 pm
Offline  Kojaklollipop
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Thanks all. I have a Sainsburys local so will try the 'isn't bacon' if they have some. Tescos is 10 miles away. We are going on a 40 mile round journey tomorrow so plan to pop into any supermarkets on the way and stock up if poss, otherwise we're looking into bulk buying some!

We tried Sainburys delivery and Tescos and both came up with no stock for any that will deliver to us ... bizarre, it seems to have disappeared in our area - East Sussex.

I was working with a chemistry teacher recently who worked in industry before becoming a teacher and most of the flavourings and tastes in our food and drinks comes from mixing the right chemicals so shouldn't be a problem recreating most tastes. I had some shredded fake duck today that was rather good!

Posted : 31/10/2020 9:00 pm
Offline  p7eaven
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Cooked those king oyster rashers* tonight to top-off some vegan cheatburgers.

*Waitrose had a sale on one of their ‘mixed woodland (?) mushrooms’ and there were 8-10 king oyster slices in the punnet.

Marinaded them for a couple of hours in a ziplock bag. Then splapped them out onto parchment sheet on oven tray, drizzletossed in olive oil, spread around all flat then roasted on med/high until cooked, turning once.

Not discustahn. Delicious. Not at all like those Supermarket Brand play-dough-looking things in a plastic cave. Amazahn.


Now I have to figure out tmrw if I use them in an MLT or egg and rasher buttie....

Will I add fried mushrooms? 😶

Posted : 31/10/2020 9:14 pm
Offline  revs1972
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They look gert lush ^^^

Posted : 31/10/2020 9:38 pm
Offline  p7eaven
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(PS easy to wash and resuse the ziplock bag as long as you don’t put oil in it)

Now just need to find out how to grow oyster mushrooms in our damp cellar. Should be easy?

Posted : 31/10/2020 10:04 pm
Offline  p7eaven
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(Isn’t Chicken on the other hand is brilliant… we have one variant of it most weeks)

This is where taste becomes intensely subjective. We tried the This Isn’t Chicken stuff and both thought it tasted like a weird gas! I wondered if it had gone off, it was so rank. Maybe it had! Didn’t risk it since.

Chicken Of The Woods is my plan..but where to find it...

OP, there’s a big thread here if you missed it:


Posted : 31/10/2020 10:58 pm