Damn, toooo slow!
Or a magic cat?
Is there a celebration for starting a new page?
no but I've got a stupid headset that I will give to the poster of the 1000th reply
Does it come with a crown race?
😳 I always get to these threads late
Does it come with a crown race?
does what come with a crown race
does what come with a crown race
A stupid headset, stupid.
Coyote - Memberdoes what come with a crown race
A stupid headset, stupid.
You've got it wrong...
[b]Normal Headsets[/b] usually come with a Crown Race (we think)
[b]Stupid Headsets[/b] come with either a Magic Cat or Celery (but we're not sure which)
do i get the headset dickyboy??
Good morning everyone... Has anyone seen my magic cat recently? He went outside last night to cast some spells on my neighbour's celery and hasn't come back...
Is that your dam cat that keeps messing with my celery?
It has taken me months to grow the perfect celery patch, and now is ruined. All I have left is stupid headsets...
You can tell if it's a magic cat not only from the spells but from the pyramids it builds in the garden out of celery. And the sounds of 2,000 year-old superheroes fighting. Or something. I bet Mackem's well pleased with the conclusions we've got to so far.
He has been taking an interest in vegetable-based construction of late - even bought a book from www.booksformagiccats.com which is a suprisingly good resource...
His latest book is actually about celery towers rather than pyramids, and he rarely uses Stupid Headsets as a construction tool so I'd imagine it isn't my Magic Cat that is bothering you Dirtynap... Perhaps it was his cousin that ruined your celery patch instead...
Been gardening today, will be planting celery soon, the magic cat will not be shitting in my veggie patch...pyramids ok though as long as they don't block the sun.
Can I just say that this is the second time I've appeared on page 24?
I think it's disgusting that with this being the hot topic amongst Britain's intelligentsia, none of the major parties managed to address this issue during the recent live debate.
Lets hope that the minor parties aren't so arrogant as to dismiss the concerns of the electorate.
What's Nick Clegg's stand on it? Or, if you stand on it, will it damage the headset? The celery?
I don't understand - does the celery go in the bottom or top race???
Neither, it goes inside the pyramid built by the magic cat.
Page 6????? This will never do
Splutter,...retch, vomit...dinner without celery is like a headset without a crown race or summink....
Praise the lord BTW
This thread was going fine until some perverts brought Politics into it... It was a Zen-like haven of psychosis and Magic Cats away from the "I take myself waaaaaay too seriously" brigade over in land of self-righteous opinions on other threads... It was my Happy Place of idiotic calm...
Please can we go back to debating the relative merits of Clown Races and posting pictures of Mr Bump?
CBA reading all that. Summary?
dinner without celery is like a headset without a crown race or summink
A headset without a crown race? Don't they all come with one?
so is the question stupid or the headset? I won't know who to vote for unless you tell me
there's worse things than no crown race;
[url= http://www.singletrackworld.com/forum/topic/fsa-orbit-mx ]No seals...[/url]
love a bit of clubbing, me
What happened to that last pussy cat?
I feel we're back on track.
Now, this crown race.....................
If you do use celery I found Waitrose organic was well worth the extra 69p.
If you do use celery
It'll be banned by the magic cat.
Hhmmmm, looks like someone i know, he does'nt eat enough celery.....
The magic cat is Nick Nowles...who can't sing by the way.
Just a thought.
Steve Peat should really have a magic cat.
Although i reckon Sam Hill will think celery is a clear advantage.
Not long to find out.
oh and 26 to go....not many really.
My cat is not magic. It is lazy and sleeps in a Timbuk2 bag.
Do magic cats race with skin suits or baggies around their pyramids?
My contribution to edge this thread toward the magic 1000.
I don't really like cats because they can't ride bikes.
Pies can't ride bikes either, but you like those don't you?
And cake. Never seen a down hilling Battenberg, but EVERYONE likes cake, no?
But carrot cake is the King of Cakes, so it can do anything. I reckon it could give Steve Peat a run for its flour.