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  • Pokemon go
  • mikey74
    Free Member

    The potential for Darwin-award type incidents is high with this one.

    Full Member

    Got to level 3. Bit too old to know wtf the point is. Keep meaning to delete.

    Free Member

    Full Member

    so I was out for woodland cycle the other night (Hanchurch woods if you’re local) and as I was coming to the end I cycled through a grassy patch surrounded by trees and bushes, 2 men were walking apart but sort of together and they looked a bit furtive. It’s about 9.30pm. 2 steps away there was another 2 men walking together towards the same bushes. This carpark is well known dogging/gay hook up spot so I just carried on through back to my car. While I was packing up my stuff into the car another car pulled up and some kids and adults pulled up, the kids running about holding up phones going ‘it’s over here, up here, there it is…’ I wanted to say errr don’t go up that way or you might get a Pikachu more than you bargained for. 😕

    Free Member

    im waiting for mario kart go for my sat nav 😉

    Free Member

    That won’t cause any issues at all!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I am currently wandering round Peterborough while I wait for a passport. Just realised I have just spent the last hour looking for bloody Pokemons.

    Worse thing is, apart from being nearly 40 and playing, is 50% of the ones I have found have crashed the app while trying to upload the find.

    Stay safe kids.

    Free Member

    Is there any way of finding out pokemon locations without having the game? wondering if the sudden increase in kids hanging around outside the local church is related.

    Free Member

    It’s probably just preparations for the Rapture.

    Free Member

    I only installed the app this morning, but I think public places like churches etc are called gyms or something. Not found one yet….or would know it it I saw it. Minimal instructions.

    Full Member

    Anyone morn the loss of being able to run around with your kids/friends with just a stick to play with??

    kids Adults these days eh 😆

    Free Member

    wondering if the sudden increase in strange pale kids wearing fashions that went out in the early 90s, kids that you don’t recognise because they haven’t left their bedrooms since they were 4 years old, hanging around outside the local church is related.

    Our local community has nearly doubled in size of late

    Free Member

    I don’t understand what the world is coming to. Sorry, I just don’t.

    Free Member

    I had a kid approach me Saturday night asking to catch a Pokemon that had popped up just inside my house 😆

    Free Member

    I had a kid approach me Saturday night asking to catch a Pokemon that had popped up just inside my house

    When a kid does it, it’s adorable. When I do it, they call the police 🙁

    Free Member

    When a kid does it, it’s adorable. When I do it, they call the police


    Full Member

    DezB – Member
    I don’t understand what the world is coming to. Sorry, I just don’t

    That makes two of us then, mate.

    Free Member

    depends on your perspective. I think sitting on your arse in front of a tv is insane, always have. World keeps turning.

    Free Member

    I think sitting on your arse in front of a tv is insane, always have
    Completely and utterly unconnected. I don’t take a TV with me EVERYWHERE. And have to stare at the **** screen ALL THE TIME. And have to capture things, play things, communicate with people, read stuff, etc etc CONSTANTLY. 😕

    Free Member

    …but it is getting kids out and about.

    Admittedly walking into the road and suchlike, but it’s exercise of sorts.

    Free Member

    Words I never thought I’d hear my son (13) say:
    ‘Dad, could we go on a walk this weekend, I’d really like that?’

    Silver lining…?

    Free Member

    Friend told me that the umpire was playing Pokemon go between overs at his cricket club. He is 46

    Free Member

    I’m hoping that it will cleanse the gene pool – surely you’d have to be pretty stupid to walk out in to a road and traffic to catch one of these Pokeymen?

    Free Member

    Level 15 here 😀

    Free Member

    This game makes the phrase ‘ you should get out more ‘ redundant. LOL

    Free Member

    Me and the kids have bimbled to places we would never have normally gone to. It’s all good IMHO. The amount of folk out walking because of it is ace.

    Free Member

    I’m hoping that it will cleanse the gene pool – surely you’d have to be pretty stupid to walk out in to a road and traffic to catch one of these Pokeymen?

    Well, wishing death on people is always fun I guess.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I saw a lovely quote the other day along the lines of all those people whining about how the baby boomers have ruined the world for them are the same people playing Pokémon go…

    Free Member

    Augmented reality innit? Much better idea than VR as far as I am concerned.

    Free Member

    I saw a lovely quote the other day along the lines of all those people whining about how the baby boomers have ruined the world for them are the same people playing Pokémon go…

    Was the profound bit after the ellipses?

    Free Member

    Sorry love, I don’t do profound, I’m Northern.

    Free Member

    Serious talk now. What does that quote mean?

    Free Member

    I think it’s to do with older people getting fed up of being blamed for doing alright after a life time of work by people who think using smartphones and geolocation satellites to play a stupid game is a good use of their time.

    It’s like grown ups laughing at children, basically.

    Free Member

    Has your Mum called you down for your tea?

    Full Member

    It appears the reports about the ‘kids’ getting lost in the caves was actually wrong, they were blokes exploring without maps or local knowledge who got lost, and jokingly told their rescuers they were looking for Pokemon, which got taken seriously by the meeja, however, there’s been an incident in Weston-Super-Mare at Birnbeck Island, with kids accessing the derelict pier and the rocks around the island, which had the lifeboat crews out, because the walkway to the lifeboat station on the island became too dangerous for the crews to walk along! The tide comes in at 3mph, walking speed, and is really bloody dangerous around Weston, Burnham and Brean, so it could have been a tragedy.
    Apparently the underlying geolocation system this game uses comes from an older spy game, where the geolocation was used for things like virtual dead-letter drops and the like, so the Pokemon can turn up anywhere, including the goldsmith shop in Corsham where my mate works!
    They’ve apparently had a couple of rare/high value ones appear there…

    Free Member

    I was in Hong Kong when it was released earlier in the week. Now, anyone who’s been there recently will know that the general (non-expat) population are almost permanently attached to their phones at the best of times, but this was something else. Like a totally consuming mania! It seemed at times that every other person one walked past was frantically swiping away to catch a fukkilypups or whatever.

    It was eerie, almost sci-fi like in some places, with people in some sort of daze like state!

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