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  • Now this is trolling…
  • ohnohesback
    Free Member

    You people here live sheltered lives. This is my post on a ‘private’ forum that I couldn’t grant you access to as I don’t have the power.

    From the ‘We Fooken Hate You’ section of a site that is not mentioned in polite society…

    “The Paralympics.

    What a cynical circus freak show! Let’s face it, if the idea is to prove that disabled people are ‘just as good’ as the non-disabled why not have them compete in the ‘proper’ olympics? As it is the Paralympics don’t get the Olympic Rings, just broken Arcios; there isn’t as much of the Olympic Road Network, aka ‘Zil Lanes’ available to them; perhaps because they can’t move as far as ‘normal’ athletes. And bless them, they’ve even reduced the Air Exclusion Zone around the Olympic Stadium as being lesser people, the disabled are less of a terrorist target.

    So go ahead and celebrate the Paralympian triumph over adversity. Today they are our inspirational sporting heroes, tomorrow the Department of Snide Innuendo will be asking them why, if they are so good at sport, they are still claiming benefit and not working.

    My doe-eyed, olympic obsessed neighbour was gushing with excitement that she had actually, after several failed attempts at buying olympic tickets, managed to finally buy tickets to a Paralympic event. When I asked her what sports she was going to see, she wasn’t sure; she just wanted to be there and be part of the atnosphere. I told her that the only sport that I’d want to see would be the Blind javelin throwing. It took a moment for the implication to struggle though her dull little mind…”

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