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  • New website look (theme) feedback
  • simondbarnes
    Full Member

    The box that says NEW is a bit on the dark side :-)

    Full Member

    From my thread when I couldn’t find this one:

    Thanks for the “back to top” and blue oval menu at the bottom of the page by the way. Could they go above the comment box for us lurkers? Easily missed on mobile if you’re now used to having to scroll back to the top of the thread to get back to the forum overview.

    The bold type for thread titles to indicate it is a link to the thread works, but feels a bit harsh/shouty. Couldn’t it just be underlined like the other links? And the double arrows still don’t shout “goto last post” to me…

    Full Member

    Link to the end of a thread!
    Last poster on a thread showing on the overview!
    Who thought of these genius new ideas??
    (Despite sarcasm, they are welcome amendments :D )

    Free Member

    Can we unbold everything? look at the pic up there, its horrible.

    I’m still getting that terrible back button too. https://singletrackworld.com/forum/topic/forum-back-button/

    Also every STW embedded link is now “please accept cookies”.

    Full Member

    And teh search function – I just tried to find this thread but searcing for “new website look” and was pulling up myu closed thread, asking where this thread is, and a load of threads from the last “upgrade” in 2017.

    Someway down teh page, was a single result to the opening post on this thread. If you search for an exact term, surely the results should rank in order of accuracy?

    Full Member

    Link to the end of a thread!

    These seem to come and go randomly on my browser (Firefox). One day I see the double arrows going to the last page and the next they have all vanished? Not seeing any today…..

    Free Member

    I also don’t like the bold.

    Full Member

    These seem to come and go randomly on my browser (Firefox). One day I see the double arrows going to the last page and the next they have all vanished? Not seeing any today…..

    OK answered this one, they seem to require a 3rd party script to work from fontawesome.com – which is blocked by default in my browser…

    Full Member

    Link to the end of a thread!

    These seem to come and go randomly on my browser

    This is the link to the end of a thread

    on my Win10/Chrome anyway

    Full Member

    The Search! It’s soooo bad!

    Why not just use a google site search plug-in instead? The search has never worked properly.

    Full Member

    The search has never worked properly.

    Many years ago my first login on STW got a lifetime ban for saying that. Things are so much more liberal now!

    I even got a long email from the original dev ranting about it or me, can’t recall – but he took it very badly.

    Full Member

    Aaand… There’s no.direct link from the home page to the forum or classifieds. They’re in the hamburger menu, and right at the bottom (off the screen). Surely some direct links to the most popular bits of the site would be a good idea, from a user experience perspective?

    EDIT: that’s on chrome/android btw.

    I’m thinking a couple of blue ovals like the forum Navigation bar, one for Forum, one Classifieds, next to “headlines”

    Full Member

    +1 on not liking thread titles in bold, I find it harder to read than the regular font weight.

    Full Member

    Works for me, liking the bold font, it improves legibility against the coloured background. Nothing I’d change, really.

    Full Member

    Ooh! Having rediscovered an old thread of mine in the members forum, could we please have a “copy post” button on each post, so the whole post (user name and all) can be pasted into a reply (sometimes pages later). There was the “link” button that did this for while, but then it just copied the hyperlink instead. The actual text with formatting would be more useful I think?

    Full Member

    I believe that’s coming in an update soon.

    Full Member

    Fab, thanks Mark.

    Also, while the “back to top” button is much appreciated, I did prefer the “hovering” one that was on the site but removed a couple of updates ago. It meant that you could skip from the middle of a long thread back up. For instance if you’ve started scrolling but then realised it’s a massive thread!

    Full Member

    Sorry, I’ve jsut pinged requests for the “copy post” and “forum link on fron page mobile view” in via the survey at the start of this thread. Forgettign that I had already asked for them here! Sorry for doubling up, oversight on my part!


    Full Member

    No problem :-)

    Full Member

    I’m not sure whether this is a new website issue or what but I can’t post a new thread. I get “ERROR: are you sure you wanted to do that?”. I’ve cleared my cache to no avail.

    Full Member

    Is this only in Chrome? Try another browser.

    I had this too and was using Edge for a while. It works OK now though and I can’t recall what/if I did to sort it. I think I might have uninstalled Chrome completely and then re-installed from scratch.

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