Good ideas guys, thanks for the help. Tbh, there’s only really one bike if actual value, and that is a long way from looking flash. I’m hoping that once they saw the bikes they decided it wasn’t worth the hassle. I think I’ll look into some sort of alarm, as having the bikes in the house really isn’t a sustainable solution. I feel like hear as many tales of bikes taken from kitchens as I do sheds :/
I thought a motion sensor in the shed with a remote alarm in my room would be a good idea, doable?
i wish I could get a dog, for more than security reasons, but it’s not fair, my house is too small and I’d feel bad leaving it alone all day.
I love this time of year. I saw a bike walking away from the bike sheds at work looking forlorn and carrying the remains of a lock, just as I was about to unlock mine and head home.