If I ever have to watch those two stupid, vacuous, grinning, idiots Graham Bell and Ed Leigh again I might just have to go out and commit mass murder.
Not the commentaries as such, which at least have been informative, it's all the other bits: Ed and Graham on a slackline. Ed and Graham try the skeleton. Ed and Graham try and grin themselves to death etc, etc. God, it's overexposure on a scale not seen since David Tennant at Christmas.
If I want to watch overpaid, middle class self-indulgent media darling attention whores and failed pro skiers attempting to out-stupid each other, I'll go to Klosters – at least there I can blag drinks off them and insult them to their faces.
And they've ruined Ski Sunday – it's all about them, you're lucky to get 10 minutes of actual racing in between them quipping themselves into gales of helpless laughter.
And relax………………