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  • Marmite Cashews are lovely- but beware
  • igm
    Full Member

    Thankfully I don’t have a peanut allergy and I was first into the pack.  It could have been far worse.

    We didn’t order them – they were mis-picked by the internet shopping people.


    Full Member


    TBH I’d have assumed that any factory processing cashews might already be at risk of contamination from peanuts and would have been very wary if I were allergic.

    Full Member

    We’ve had the cashews for ages – everyone still reasonably fully functional. Or at least alive.

    Wife works in food manufacturing so is well aware of cross contamination.  You’d be amazed how seriously they take it.

    Full Member

    I used to get both types in my Graze boxes. Never worried me, I was born in the 60s and there was no such thing as allergies on my estate 😏

    Full Member

    Bit more focused at our house since my wife ended up hospitalised a few years ago.

    Thought others might appreciate the heads up.

    The main thing for me is the near identical packaging – that’s just poor by Graze (who make them).

    Free Member

    Had a pack today …very good

    Full Member

    Thanks for the warning. I’d have bought them covered in satan’s smegma.

    Full Member

    No lower teeth, so all nuts are out, unless its in a peanut butter format.

    No, I’ve never tried marmite peanut butter.

    I like peanut butter. Last thing I want to do is mix boot polish into it.

    Full Member

    I used to get both types in my Graze boxes. Never worried me, I was born in the 60s and there was no such thing as allergies on my estate

    I’m at a conference. One of the speakers yesterday was relaying research around a complex mix of exposure to pollution and childrens skin and gut microbiome influenced by the biome around them, and growing evidence that this was a significant cause of allergy increases….

    Free Member

    Although they are lovely I also find raw cashews, and brazil nuts, almost as good and they have the advantage of not having all the extra ‘bad’ stuff – decently priced at Asda on mix and match :-)

    Full Member

    No, I’ve never tried marmite peanut butter.

    Great for cooking. Not so good on toast.

    Close call igm. Not sure what more they could really do though. Colours of snack packets are normally to signify the flavour… black being marmite… because…

    I’m also normally a plain cashews eater… not even salted… so tasty, so why hide the taste?

    Graze’s “Marmite flavoured” things are very, very tasty though.

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