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  • Lock down, can i ride my bike in the countryside?
  • ocrider
    Full Member

    Cycling is even allowed in France if you print off the correct forms so I think we will be ok for a while yet.

    This statement is missing some very important points.
    All recreational cycling out and about in France is forbidden, the government and the gendarmes are now insisting that there’s no grey area. 135€ on the spot fine, 350€ if you’re going to be a dick about it.

    In brief you’re allowed to use a bike to go to the shops, to go to work, but not to play.

    Free Member

    Swinley now shut for MTB. Facilities closed and not allowed to use the trails for MTB. Crown Estate taking the risk and pressure on NHS stance. To be fair given the high number of incidents there it’s understandable.

    Where did you see that?  Did it include the fire roads in the Barossa area?

    Full Member

    QECP have made their car park free until further notice so at least some news to cheer DezB up

    Full Member

    Cumbria police taking a pragmatic view: https://www.cumbria.police.uk/News/News-Articles/2020/March/Covid-19-Appeal-to-people-and-businesses-to-limit-social-contact.aspx

    Key quote being: We are one of the most sparsely populated counties so social distancing should be possible for all of us. If you are going out on the fells, rivers or coastline please stay within your limits and do not place additional burden on emergency services and the NHS through avoidable accidents.

    Free Member

    Swinley now shut for MTB. Facilities closed and not allowed to use the trails for MTB. Crown Estate taking the risk and pressure on NHS stance. To be fair given the high number of incidents there it’s understandable.

    Where did you see that?  Did it include the fire roads in the Barossa area?

    Forget that.  I found it on the Bike Hub’s FB… not real specific but I guess I will give it a miss.

    Full Member

    Metro Centre riddled with arseholes today (nothing changes), I’ve heard.

    I’m away to socially isolate in Chopwell.

    Free Member

    I was asking rhetorically, FWIW.

    Wish I was well enough to get some riding in, just in case things change.

    But hopefully lessons have been learned from foot and mouth and people can be trusted to be sensible.

    I think it’ll be much needed as this is unlikely to be over quickly.

    Full Member

    But hopefully lessons have been learned from foot and mouth and people can be trusted to be sensible.

    For those that don’t know, this was a key element in the eventual Land Reform (Scotland) Act that clarified and codified the current access rights in Scotland. The original White Paper contained various limitations and restrictions; no access after dark, restricted access to private grounds, no access over crops – including grass used for grazing and/or silage etc.. Then F&M happened. During the restrictions, the public were generally seen to be able to follow advice, be responsible, and steer clear of affected areas, particularly during the initial lock-down. On the other hand, many landowners and farmers were seen to take advantage of the situation with blanket access bans (some in contravention of veterinary advice) and movements of stock to rig the compensation system. As a result, post F&M, when the Bill came forward again, proposed access restrictions were removed and “Responsible Access” became the buzzword.

    Perhaps, if folk can show the same restraint and responsibility again, we might head towards a similar outcome for the rest of the UK.

    Full Member

    Thinking of heading into Maol Bhuidhe bothy for a couple of nights tomorrow. Jjust about as much social distance as I can get in mainland UK.

    Full Member

    Mrs kilo and I are just back in from a gentle cx spin. It was just the two of us so distancing compliant. Lovely afternoon and good to get out after a week wfh for Mrs kilo and a week in an empty office for me

    Saw a fair few other riders and one big group of mtb ers, seven of eight of them heading towards Epsom, a few groups of walkers who did not appear to be practicing any form of distancing – kids with multiple sets of parents, hopefully it’s only their gene pool and family who die.

    This country is full of dicks.

    Full Member

    Never ever ever seen so many people out in the Ridgeway. There were 6 of us out, but no man hugs, just a fair bit of distancing but close enough to hear eachother shout over the ridiculous wind.

    Free Member

    Laps of the fire roads at Swinley it is then!

    Getting out into the forest is one of the few ways that keep me sane these days regardless of what’s happening in the World..

    To be fair given the high number of incidents there it’s understandable.

    Indeed. Sad, but undoubtedly a valid point.

    F, I might have to take up bloody running again!

    Free Member

    I gave up on the south downs and hit the road. So many people about, including groups of riders who probably thought they were distancing but failing miserably.

    Free Member

    Llandegla is closing, as it’s been so busy there. Very responsible decision by OnePlanetAdventure…

    Update 21/03/20Please note, we have taken the decision to CLOSE ALL MOUNTAIN BIKE TRAILS to the public as of this…

    Posted by Oneplanet Adventure on Saturday, March 21, 2020

    Update 21/03/20
    Please note, we have taken the decision to CLOSE ALL MOUNTAIN BIKE TRAILS to the public as of this evening, 21/03/2020 at 6pm for the foreseeable future.
    Our priority has always been for the safety of our visitors, staff, their families, and importantly at this time, wider society as a whole. Our decisions have always been driven by that.
    Whilst we have followed all guidelines and we have done everything we can to make the visitor centre a safe place to be, our experience today has shown that people are still visiting in bigger numbers than we are comfortable with.
    Are we doing the right thing? We honestly don’t know, but we have to go with what feels right in this ever-changing landscape.
    We recognise that fresh air and exercise are one of the few pleasures we have left in these crazy times, and we believe that in the coming weeks and months, with the right precautions being taken, we can offer that to our local community. But we must think about the possibility of accidents on the trails and what that will mean for both the individuals involved, but also the wider society. With the NHS services under immense pressure, we do not want to be part of the problem.
    The other factor influencing this decision is that we do not want to be encouraging none essential travel. Its been a very tough call, but ultimately, in these times we must recognise our responsibility to society as a whole is what’s most important.
    We will keep the car park and walking trails open for the time being, in line with current guidance, and ask that you also play your part and take all necessary precautions.
    The visitor centre will remain open. We have several changes in procedure to ensure guidelines are followed including offering a limited take out service via the window.
    I’m sure there are lots of things we haven’t thought about at this time, so will continue to update you with any further info as it becomes available.
    Please respect our decision, it was not taken lightly.
    We thank you all for your continuing support during this time,
    Jim, Badger & the team.

    Full Member

    Riding local, trails are empty

    Full Member

    Are they? Been hesitating but might get out then.

    Full Member

    Just back from swinley (after not having checked any social media before I went out) and was going to post about the closures. I don’t go via the car park so no idea what signs are there – I head over barossa as mentioned above. First sign of any closure was at the top of the baby make etc where everything was taped off, but the trails on the other side of the fire road (camel etc) still open, then I went via r25 and the stickler and didn’t see any other signs until the start of red one. Gave up then and came home, but hopefully the fire roads are still fair game for some low risk exercise over the coming months.

    Free Member

    Just back from swinley (after not having checked any social media before I went out) and was going to post about the closures. I don’t go via the car park so no idea what signs are there – I head over barossa as mentioned above. First sign of any closure was at the top of the baby make etc where everything was taped off, but the trails on the other side of the fire road (camel etc) still open, then I went via r25 and the stickler and didn’t see any other signs until the start of red one. Gave up then and came home, but hopefully the fire roads are still fair game for some low risk exercise over the coming months.

    That’s useful to know. Like you, I don’t come into Swinley via the Lookout but from the Maultway into R20/Camel area. I think I’ll give Swinley a miss for the time being… In the end, as I’d heard about the possible closure,  I did short lap around Frith area today…. never saw any other bikes there,just the usual walkers and dogs mainly near to the Tomlinscote entry point.

    Full Member

    I did short lap around Frith area today…. never saw any other bikes there,j

    I did wonder about Frith etc – but given the intention behind the swinley closure it makes sense to limit risk and potential consequence for now, so I’ll stick to road and fire road. If I feel the need for an adrenaline rush I’ll try to get mrsp doing some hill reps 😉

    Free Member

    I did short lap around Frith area today…. never saw any other bikes there,j

    I did wonder about Frith etc – but given the intention behind the swinley closure it makes sense to limit risk and potential consequence for now, so I’ll stick to road and fire road. If I feel the need for an adrenaline rush I’ll try to get mrsp doing some hill reps 😉

    I never did anything testing over at Frith…. just took it easy and enjoyed the sun.

    Free Member

    Seems all the Yorkshire Dales tourist hot spots are rammed with people ignoring the social distancing advise. Locals aren’t too happy about the situation either. People appear to be treating the good weather like a normal bank holiday! Lockdown getting ever nearer.

    Free Member

    Was out at Cannock on my own and it was very busy. Saw at least 3 groups of bikers with 10 or more people per group, spitting sneezing and coughing away. Really not happy about that. People are morons.

    Full Member

    Just back from a cracking session on some
    of Surrey Hills’ finest trails. Parking at Wotton was insane – way more than I’ve ever seen before.

    Trails were spot on. Met a few bikers and families out walking. All good. Peaslake Stores only permitting 3 customers inside at a time.

    Would love to think we’ll be fortunate enough to continue in this way.

    Full Member

    You do wonder – the Manchester Evening News just published an article with suggested walks around the area. For some reason they thought Lud’s Church, which is in part a narrow cleft where you pretty much get thrown together with other people, was a good call.

    I’ve started thinking quite hard about routes with an emphasis on using wider tracks. If you’re walking up onto Kinder for example, William Clough seems like a very bad idea given that it’s mostly narrow singletrack walking, which is ironic given that the plateau itself is pretty open and social-distancing friendly.

    I’ll be avoiding popular routes in the Peak tomorrow and anything with narrow tracks in particular.

    It’s easy to blame people for being stupid or selfish, but the other side of this is that communication from the government has been woeful. People need simple, easy-to-follow guidelines and they need them rammed down their throats repeatedly.

    Free Member

    Thought about an overnight bivi – but instead I’m digging up the lawn tomorrow in preparation for topsoil being delivered next week. I have no faith in the clowns allegedly governing us getting a grip on this situation, so it’s time to dig for victory. Or something. Maybe loose lips sink ships.

    Free Member

    Now is a great time to go and ride the trails that don’t get ridden – they may not get ridden ‘cos they’re not very exciting or they are too steep or too brambly, but it means you don’t have to see all the sheeple who are flocking to sites such as QECP or Cannock. I’ve spent a couple of hours looking on OS maps finding a route on the downs with no gates so I don’t touch anything and can keep eating. It means I will be lapping the same area but its still better than the turbo. Not that I mind the turbo anyway.

    There was a load of people out today and they didn’t get close to ‘social distancing’ – gates are a great source of bunching up and bunching up is not smart anymore.

    Call me a sp*z, but I’d rather ride inside and by myself than put the future of humanity at risk.

    The sheeple seem to have no idea of the horrors that are coming and they are coming straight at us all at warp speed.

    Full Member

    Its frustrating because there is no doubt of the benefits of taking exercise, but people are just taking the p.
    Lockdown for sure

    Full Member

    I did short lap around Frith area today…. never saw any other bikes there

    Passed through today. Loads of dog walkers. Loads of them around everywhere and also families. A lot with kids on bikes which is good to see in a way.

    Did see the odd few other riders. Plenty more over Tunnel Hill. Everyone seeming to be sensible though a few hero jump types.

    Swinley though, Crown Estate are taking no risks. Not even fireroads. Yet walking fireroads are fine 🤔. To be fair, it’s the amount of people there and wide range of abilities that causes problem.

    This from the bike hub.

    “A statement from the landowner, The Crown Estate.


    Mountain Bike Trail Closures

    We closed the trails to stop this.

    A paramedic crew, and ambulance and a hospital bed taken up today unnecessarily.


    They are closed for a reason.



    Speaking with The Crown Estate earlier *all* trails include fireroads.

    As a small business operating on Crown Estate land please help support us in applying and supporting the landowners wish to halt mountain biking at Swinley so that we do not consume critical NHS resource at this time.

    Thank You for your support

    #swinleylife @ Swinley Forest”

    Full Member

    The crowds have put an end to being able to ride in a lot of places I fear. Too many people in the same place and not following the distancing guidelines is forcing places to close off trail networks.

    I’ll still ride in the quiet spots during the week and will extend my commute when it’s not busy but I have agreed to buy a turbo trainer off a mate so that I can get some exercise at home. Not for full rides but a few intervals should keep the legs ticking over.

    Full Member

    @tjmore. Will crown estste update their website to give clarity? Bimbling on my cx bike on fire roads feels quite different to sending it on my FS bike on red25. BC suggest that road riding whilst observing social distancing is ok. I consider road riding more dangerous than fire road riding. I just want to do the right thing whilst balancing this with my own mental health needs

    Free Member

    I had a nice ride with the kids today along the canal and local tracks. Quite a few people out, but no problem passing sensibly.
    The local golf club seemed pretty busy when we rode through, and there didn’t seem to be much observance of the guidelines there, unless there are lots of groups of elderly men cohabiting…

    Full Member

    Did a ride on the South Downs yesterday and it was mega busy with walkers rather than cyclists. Even some of the trails I ride off the SDW that are usually deserted.
    Combination of the weather being lovely  and people not knowing what else to do to fill the void left by shop and cafe closures I guess. Lots of big groups, nice and close together…

    I think I’m going to switch to early morning or late eve/night rides to avoid as many of them as I can.

    QECP are offering free parking to encourage people into the park too, I can understand  the sentiment but-really?

    Free Member

    I’m finding it very difficult bringing myself to going out at the minute. People getting too close freaks me out.
    Past couple of weeks it’s been to work and back and that’s it no leaving the house otherwise.

    I might try and dig my lights out and do evenings or very early mornings. My usual routine is about 8am weekends but the local country parks seems to be rammed from photos on Facebook even early on.

    Full Member

    Yeah, will do less ridgeway next time, summer day+ busy above Harwell (*near the two car parks) but all my other usual tracks were totally deserted and irritatingly windy.

    Free Member

    Loads more people out cycling in our local rural area.

    Ride from your door, don’t get in a car and drive!

    I am sure that because of people’s selfish behaviour the government will bring in laws to stop us all going out just like Spain

    Full Member

    Got a new bike and itching to get out in it, but think it best not to do so. I can cycle from the door to Macc Forest and get a decent sized ride in whilst avoiding the more tech bits. Just think it’s not a sensible thing to do right now. Seen plenty of cars going by with bikes attached though as I live on the road that leads to the forest. Haven’t been further than my own back garden for a week and going a bit mad.

    Full Member

    We cancelled our plans to go hike Beinn an Lochain avove Arrochar, at first it seemed sensible enough, straightforward wee hill, shouldn’t be any crowds, only 3 of us driving separately.

    After the recent statement from Scottish government we’ve cancelled, we weren’t exactly driving to Skye for a week in a camper but the principle didn’t feel much different.

    Going for a walk along a less well known riverside trail instead, will take opportunity to do a bit of litter picking too!

    Gog to say I’m still finding it confusing as to what is responsible and what isn’t. We’ll each be driving 30 minutes which I guess is ‘non-essential’, but other than that we’ll be enacting ‘social distancing’ so feels OK?

    If my two friends didn’t both live by themselves I’d maybe have bailed completely but am telling myself that the mental health benefits outweigh the non-essential travel…

    Full Member

    I went out for a bivvy last night. My original plan was a 100km ride, investigating some windfarm and shooting estate tracks I’ve yet to visit. After a bit of consideration I cut that right back, so 11km each way and all on tracks I’m familiar with. Saw 1 runner and 2 folk out walking last night (17:30 or so), 3 runners this morning on my way back. I expect the trails to be much busier today as there has been an influx of visitors.

    Full Member

    I drive into Richmond yesterday to drop food at MIL’s and then onto SIL’s as she’s corona isolating. I was quite shocked at my response to seeing large groups of cyclists “**** dumb ****” I thought. Why do it? Just riding on your own or with those you live with.

    Dropped food at SIL’s and people playing football together in park opposite!!!

    As for all the bewildered pensioners shuffling about the services on the M4!!! I wouldnt have stopped but was desperate for a pee.

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