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  • Liz! Truss!
  • frankconway
    Full Member

    I can’t wait to read the alternative facts from planet truss.

    Full Member

    And to think, we bailed out those socialist bankers in 2008. Ungrateful bastards!

    Full Member

    I can’t wait to read the alternative facts from planet truss.

    “I was an unappreciated genius, way ahead of my time, you/the markets were all too stupid to see that, the woke brigade conspired to bring me down, there were shadowy forces at work…”

    Basically it’ll read like a spectacularly dim candidate off The Apprentice trying to justify why they shouldn’t be fired.

    Full Member

    All of the above plus…pork markets!
    And cheese.
    Will her ‘best friend’ kamikwaze get a favourable mention?

    Full Member

    Is this a type 2 fun thing? Truss was plainly miserable when she was prime minister, I almost felt sorry for her at the end, sitting there surrounded by ruins. Almost. It seemed like nobody had told her she could quit. And Johnson never really looked like he wanted the job once he had it either. But as soon as they’re home from their horrible and disastrous for all involved experience they start planning the next one, exactly like me racing.

    Free Member

    Johnson never really did the job when he had it.

    Full Member

    Arsonist complains she wasn’t allowed to leave the fire burning a bit longer…

    Johnson never really did the job when he had it.

    Too busy shagging, partying and doing dodgy insider deals. Both him and Truss could always be relied on to turn up for a photo op though

    Full Member

    I think we have to be careful here, this isn’t about Truss. This is part of the election campaign, trying to paint the idea of the “liberal elite” left wing establishment. For anyone with a single functional brain cell it is clearly the exact opposite of the truth, but it will be a drum that is constantly beat from now until the next election. And it isn’t just about increasing the tory votes, it is about shaping labour policies and making them afraid to implement progressive policies.

    Full Member

    You would think her ‘holiday from reality’ might have ended when her policies caused turmoil and she was removed from the job in humiliating circumstances after five minutes. But no, it’s all those bloody left wing establishment types like rish! who are the real villains.

    Free Member

    Forget “but Corbyn,” he didn’t get the keys to no. 10, it really should be “but Truss” who did for all of ~7 weeks! 😆

    Full Member

    The beeb is reporting her downfall as ‘tax cuts’ not ‘tax cuts for the rich’, they are absolutely cuts (or something like that).

    Full Member

    Quite, if she had raised the tax allowance to 20k, I suspect the reception would have been a little different.

    Full Member

    It’s probably because describing corporation tax cut as a tax cut for the rich is not very accurate and could be seen as a politically loaded statement.

    Full Member

    Well, you’ve gotta admit she is sort of correct.

    It really is possible to put out a fire by running towards the flames and throwing a can of petrol over it.

    Water? Fire Brigade? Common sense, thats for wimps.

    Obviously you risk losing your eyebrows and your dignity but hey ho…

    Full Member

    This is part of the election campaign, trying to paint the idea of the “liberal elite” left wing establishment.

    I can’t agree. I think Truss sticking her oar in represents a disaster for the Tories as they attempt to move on from the unprecedented damage her premiership caused them.

    The fact that they can’t shut her and her supporters up convinces me more than ever that they stand no chance of averting meltdown next general election.

    She is absolutely right – she was not given a chance to carry out her tax cuts, and she is simply reminding everyone why – they were opposed by the markets, voters, and her own MPs. Plus they were seen by everyone as rewarding the rich during the height of a cost of living crises.

    Rishi Sunak really doesn’t need Liz Truss to constantly remind voters of that shite.

    The deep divisions within the Tory establishment – politicians and press, are being laid bare, thanks to Truss and the Daily Telegraph. The next general election will be one of the most critical in the Tory Party’s history, unity will be absolutely critical to the outcome.

    Full Member

    The stuff in the Telegrph about ‘the left wing economic establishment’ is just astonishing.

    Am I expecting too much of Telegraph readers not to be equally astonished/ baffled / WTF? at what amounts to little more than word salad? I don’t think I am.

    Surely after 43 years of neoliberalism, no one thinks of the economic consensus to be anything other than right of centre ?

    Full Member

    The Daily Telegraph has changed dramatically in recent years imo. There are times when it appears to make the Daily Mail look moderate.

    Full Member

    Well, what other conclusion could you reach?

    I often look at the political orthodoxy of the uk Economy and think ‘bloody lefties!’

    If only we weren’t burdened with this almost Stalinist state we’d be basking in those sunlit uplands now

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    Full Member

    Only just been reading what Truss has said.

    Absolutely delusional, she’s not even in the same universe as most people live.

    I wouldn’t trust her to manage a kids pocket money.

    Still, let’s keep reminding voters what an absolute shit show the Tories are.👍

    Free Member

    When I saw that Sunday Telegraph headline on Twitter, I thought it was a parody.

    It did make me buy a newspaper for the 1st time in years. £3! When did that happen?

    Hopefully it will trigger even more Tory infighting.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Hopefully it will trigger even more Tory infighting

    It’s going to weirdly compelling watching Liz and Boris’s leadership campaigns in May, when they get rid of Rishi after the local elections

    Self-awareness not being something either of them are burdened with

    Full Member

    There’s a dismal liberal thought process going around that believes having a competent Neoliberal establishment is somehow a good thing.

    So when the “Sunak” was appointed as the *sigh* grown up in the room they all thought everything would just tick over nicely.

    A competent right-winger is still very dangerous if you’re not already doing very well. And further to that I would say you can’t really have competent Neoliberalism as it junks most of society for the asset holders. There’s nothing competent about it as it serves too few people (unless you’ve got an extensive portfolio.)

    This is the reason Truss is doing the rounds again. She believes her ideology is correct and Sunak is going to dip his toes in.

    Truss simply accelerated the things that all Tories want to do. But tax cuts are coming. (They don’t need to be funded so let’s shut up about that? )

    But they do need to be directed at consumers.

    I favour spending over tax cuts for sure. Tax cutting is only tinkering with money already spent.

    Either way you’re getting right-wing free-fall economics.

    There’s huge debate in the markets currently that things have swung bullish again or whether we’re just having a bullish relief in a bearish long term market. Cash is going back to the dollar again which usually means it’s time for risk-off. All this is a reaction to interest rates going up or down – and the next six months.

    The Fed are not really giving clear signals currently. Everything follows the Fed. I’m guessing in six months the picture will be clearer.

    Full Member

    And Marina Purkiss is full of shit.

    Truss did not cause the BoE to double interests rates. That’s utter centrist vapour.

    These centrist comedians are totally clueless as to how finances work.

    The BoE (wrongly) is on mandate to aim for 2% inflation. It’s doing that by (incorrectly) lifting interest rates, and trying to keep with the Fed. The BoE purchased 20bn of bonds to stabilise the bond market, which helps with interest rates. (I think 65bn was actually set aside.) All entirely normal BoE procedure.

    This is not an endorsement of Truss’s rogue economic style at all. She was flat out wrong but the commentary afterwards was misinformed bullshit.

    Purkiss would be better off attacking the over-leveraged pensions market to fully understand what was going.

    I have sympathy with the angst of pretend lefties but they really need to do homework on stuff like this.

    Full Member

    Now we have halfwit shapps saying Truss wanting to cut tax would only have worked if the inflation rate were halved. Don’t think he’s noticed that when she started to cut tax (richest first) the inflation rate was very low compared to now.

    Full Member

    But tax cuts are coming. (They don’t need to be funded so let’s shut up about that? )

    Sorry if this had been debated before and I’ve missed it and I’m sure there’s sound economic theory behind the claim but what was it about the unfunded tax cuts that made the city soil itself in the autumn?

    Or was it something other than the tax cuts in the budget that scared the horses?

    Full Member

    Free Member

    To be fair when you lean further right than general pinochet then everyone looks like a left winger.

    Full Member

    I think this article is just the tip of the iceberg…

    Full Member

    I see what you did there, lettuce have more of your jokes….

    Full Member

    Please don’t, leaf it out.

    Full Member

    No, I’m sure there’s some more Little Gems…

    Full Member

    No, I’m sure there’s some more Little Gems…

    I voted Romaine…

    Full Member

    what was it about the unfunded tax cuts that made the city soil itself in the autumn?

    Cos I say so

    Full Member

    It’s a staggering absence of self-awareness that having driven everyone’s mortgage payments through the roof, shredded their pensions and have the Bank of England bail out your car crash, all through your shear monumental stupidity, you still think anyone wants to hear a ****ing word you’ve got to say

    Other than the word ‘sorry’, that is, which is notable by it’s absence

    The arrogance and self-entitlement of the woman is off the chart

    Full Member

    Free Member

    I am the slaw!

    Full Member

    all through your shear monumental stupidity

    Yeah but it was due to innocence and idealism binners. Her salad days, as they say.

    Full Member

    Free Member
    I am the slaw!

    Well done you.👍😁

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