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  • Liz! Truss!
  • squirrelking
    Free Member

    Surprised to note that this thread took a 5 month hiatus, during which (a small part of, admittedly) Truss was PM.


    I’m honestly flummoxed.

    The coke I can deal with but this didn’t even get opened whilst she was (albeit briefly) PM? Really?

    Free Member

    I did open it, but I didn’t see any posts from you so I closed it again.

    Full Member

    Apparently her first external meeting as PM was with Rupert Murdoch. It’s just never ending.

    Full Member

    She simply ran out of time.

    That suggests that given more time she could have gone on to do great things… Hahaha!

    Full Member

    When it comes to cocaine their snout is very much

    on the same occasional table top or toilet cistern lid. FTFY

    Full Member

    I think we can all agree that in this time of national crisis we need a strong and competent leader to return and steer us back onto the right course.

    Full Member

    She was obviously not up to the job before – I can only assume she thinks that she can use ChatGPT to wing it.

    Anyway, I’m ahead of her:

    Please write a short speech that could be given by a British Prime Minister about the following policies:
    – economic growth
    – freedom
    – lettuces.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    It is a great honor to stand here today to talk about the policies that will guide our country towards a brighter future. We must strive for economic growth, to ensure that our businesses are thriving and our citizens have access to good jobs and a strong standard of living.

    At the same time, we must never compromise on our commitment to freedom. The United Kingdom has always been a beacon of liberty, and we must continue to defend the rights and freedoms of all our citizens. Whether it is the freedom to express ourselves, the freedom to worship as we choose, or the freedom to live our lives as we see fit, these principles are the foundation of our great nation.

    And finally, let me say a few words about one of our most important exports: lettuces. I am proud to announce that our government will be investing in the latest technology and research to ensure that we continue to lead the world in the production of this vital crop. Not only does this provide a boost to our economy, but it also helps to ensure that people around the world have access to nutritious, healthy food.

    In conclusion, let us strive together towards a brighter future, based on economic growth, freedom, and the production of the finest lettuces in the world. Thank you.

    ChatGPT has nailed it.

    Full Member

    ChatGPT has nailed it.

    Ot, sorry. It really wrote that? I’ve been breathing hearing chatter about it but not played much attention. Impressive and scary!

    Full Member

    There is not enough air in my lungs for the amount of laughing I need to do at the thought of Liz Truss honestly thinking that she is up to the job. Deluded.

    Full Member

    I just saw this headline and was a bit baffled. If she’s not getting a cabinet job then presumably she’s just going to be sat on the back benches. Is that a return to the frontline? Surely she’s not going to start banging on about growing pies again.

    Full Member

    We can all laugh at Truss… but I bet it’s champagne lunches whenever she meets up with the guys and girls back at Shell.

    Telegraph - Shell profits double

    Full Member

    Aye, it’s funny that I now associate shell with murder, pollution and employing Liz Truss and thinking they are all equally hideous business decisions.

    Let’s see if the tories can decry the profits…

    Full Member

    This does set up the potential entertainment/nightmare of the next Tory leadership campaign being a run off between Johnson and Truss.

    Full Member

    I noticed a couple of days ago several press sources hostile to the Tory Party suggesting that Liz Truss isn’t yet finished politically. I don’t know if it’s designed to scare voters.

    IMO Truss achieved the remarkable feat of destroying any credibility and Britannia Unchained agenda might have had in the eyes of some people in just 41 short days. I am not sure what there is left for her to do.

    Full Member

    a run off between Johnson and Truss

    Giving Tory members the choice between the only two Prime Ministers that they put in place with their votes since…? Ever? They didn’t vote for Major, May or Sunak anyway.

    Full Member

    Charlie must be shitting himself given her record.

    Free Member

    I work with some folk that have had dealings with Liz Truss previously, prior to becoming PM.

    Without exception, the common theme is of a vile, entitled bully.

    Free Member

    This gets to the nub of why I hate the current crop of tory tossers so much, epecially Johnson and Truss but also Raab, Shapps, Mogg etc etc Its not just that they screw up so badly as to make life palpably worse for the rest of us but that they think its absolutely fine to come back and have another go…and another till there is nothing left to break. There is so many similarities between this type of behaviour and that of serial killers  – the complete inability to understand the consequences of their actions. I still can’t believe there are people out there who can’t see this and still vote for them.

    Full Member

    They’re not doing this in isolation. They are surrounded by fawning people, advisors and think tanks that rationalise and justify these policies and make up phrases for them. It is another world in which the likes of us don’t really register apart from as periodic vehicles to keep them doing what they do and feeding their insatiable appetites for status, wealth and privilege.

    Full Member

    There is so many similarities between this type of behaviour and that of serial killers – the complete inability to understand the consequences of their actions. I still can’t believe there are people out there who can’t see this and still vote for them.

    That is probably because not many people see a similarity between Tory Party leaders and serial killers. Me included.

    And if they weren’t aware of the consequences of their actions they would never win elections, something which they unfortunately do with tedious regularity.

    Full Member

    They might be aware of the consequences but I haven’t noticed any remorse shown for what they’ve done to people’s lives with the rate of interest, only remorse for having to step back and let someone else have a go. At least she gets £110k pa compo in perpetuity.

    Full Member

    I haven’t noticed any remorse shown for what they’ve done to people’s lives with the rate of interest

    I am not sure what rate of interest refers to but yeah politicians generally don’t express much remorse. That includes the last Labour government btw – no remorse for pointless wars which cost so many lives that no one can come up with a definitive figure.

    I’m not sure how Tony Blair’s lack of remorse compares with that of a serial killer though.

    Full Member

    Kwarteng and Truss’s madhouse proposals destabilised the bond markets and the BoE stepped in and raised the interest rates (and again today) so borrowing has become more expensive and some mortgages have gone up massively and many landlords followed suit by raising rents. Markets innit. They now report inflation using the CPI which doesn’t include mortgage interest repayments, unlike the old RPI, so these poor souls’ woes don’t even get reported and people are told inflation is lower than it is.

    Free Member

    It’s re-arranging deckchairs on the Titanic.

    Full Member

    I thought it was funny and shows how far a political party has sunk to even countenance bring back such abjectly poor leader(s). But I remembered that this is the ruling party and it probably reflects more how far we as country have sunk that politicians think this is acceptable.
    This country is on its knees and unfortunately we’re on the wrong side of the the majority of us are not willing participants in what is happening.

    Full Member

    the BoE stepped in and raised the interest rates

    Ah, you did mean interest rates as in interest rates. I wasn’t sure as it seems a slightly peculiar thing to highlight their lack of remorse over.

    But yeah I agree, when did you last hear a politician publicly apologize? It doesn’t happen very often.

    However lack of contrition isn’t something which I think necessarily means that they have a lot of similarities with serial killers.

    Most people might associate serial killers with a macabre enjoyment to kill people, rather than an inability to say sorry.

    Although obviously it would be nice if they said sorry.

    Full Member

    The BoE is getting really good at simply doing its job, raising interest rates, buying bonds. People often think it performs special tasks – these are all within its regular operations as necessary, designed to help big asset holders and let the pensions markets carry on doing their risky hedging / leverage. (The real problem here.)

    The markets are a house of cards that sit on a precipice often with too much leverage in the system.

    By the way we are now seeing money moving back to the dollar which will weaken the £ as risk-on assets are facing uncertainty again. (There is a lot of liquidity somewhere in the system probably on the sidelines.)

    Proof that it’s not Truss really, it’s simply the way the global markets operate – when their world doesn’t get what it wants.

    FTSE just made an all time high of 7901. And yet the real economy is in mess.

    Maybe, just maybe these stock markets don’t accurately reflect the wealth of most folk, and indeed productive capacity.

    There’s more damage to come from the Tory camp. New money has to be spent from government or the country will just carry on declining. Sunak is likely to be under pressure to offer tax cuts soon. Because it is the only thing Tories try to do. Tax cuts won’t work (Unless on lower earners.)

    Sunak, Truss or Johnson it will be same end result.

    The country is simply in the mess because the UK government is the source of all new net money creation, and neither party has the imagination to spend on a massive scale. They are not limited financially and could do it tomorrow.

    Giving public sector workers a big pay rise is the obvious starting point – that would start the economy growing very quickly.

    We are going to sit dwindling economically until some numbskull realises this.

    The irony is the Tories could fix their own problems very quickly but ideologically believe the private sector generates wealth on its own.

    Total bullshit and technically impossible – the private sector simply swills money around that has been spent by government, sometimes into innovation and employment; sometimes into tax havens and profits.

    But it never creates it.

    Anyway tax cuts offered soon I believe.

    Full Member

    FTSE just made an all time high of 7901. And yet the real economy is in mess.

    FTSE100 did. It’s dominated by energy and financial, either making record profits from the oil price or making huge gains from the market itself.

    FTSE250 is 15-20% below its record.

    Full Member

    Yeah I meant the 100. Hence the 7901 number.

    Quite a few markets just had a good run.

    Crypto, gold etc. There is liquidity waiting on the sidelines.

    Just the wealthy being wealthy though.

    Full Member

    I’m sure you did, didn’t mean to be a poke. Just making the point that while energy and banking is clearly doing great, if you look at the 250 which covers a much broader range of industries and excludes the 100…. then it’s tanking. You said it doesn’t reflect actuality, the 250 demonstrates how much by.

    Full Member

    Oh dear

    BBC News – Liz Truss returns – and it could be trouble for Rishi Sunak

    Full Member

    That sewer water must taste really good it’s the only explanation I can think of as to why they keep diving right back In.
    Just f##k off already and work for shell,BP or any other shite bags.

    Full Member

    Look at your pension statement if you want to see the impact of Trussenomics – mine’s down 12% in a single year

    Full Member

    With johnson and truss both so openly on manoeuvres, sunak is getting double the love.
    What a lucky bloke!

    Full Member

    Isn’t madness defined as continually making the same mistakes over and over again in the hope that next time it’ll all work out?

    I’m sure it’s something like that.

    Full Member

    Look at your pension statement if you want to see the impact of Trussenomics – mine’s down 12% in a single year

    Yep, but she’s not finished with us yet

    Full Member


    For those that worked in the telecoms industry liz trussless, being totally crap was nothing new.
    My only hope is she sticks to politics, rather than a return to telecoms. Believe you me, she was even worse at some of the companies I worked in…
    Clucking useless.


    Full Member

    Hopefully the infighting from a three way split in the Tories will be another nail in the Tory coffin.

    What’s next resurrect Maggie?

    Full Member

    It was those notorious commies, the financial markets wot done it

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