Polls, anyone?
who is responsible for the worse foreign policy blunder in modern British history
Hahaha.. now I'm no Blair fan but he's up against some pretty spectacular competition for that particular accolade!
You think that Chilcot will exonerate Tony Blair then ninfan ?Or are saying that Chilcot is a "leftie" who will blame Blair ?
What is it exactly you're saying ?
That despite knowing this, the Labour party were happy to keep him as their leader, and the left kept voting for him. They only disowned him after he quit, then pronounced "A big boy did it and ran away"
the Labour party were happy to keep him as their leader, and the left kept voting for him
But you rightwing nutjobs always go on about how Corbyn et al were serial rebels. Which is it?
Blair is just trying a different approach. Corbyn is supposedly as popular as ever amongst Labour supporters despite Labour finishing third to the Tories in Scotland and losing their majority in Wales and Corbyn was asked not to campaign there.
I don't recall Corbyn or any of the fellow travellers launching a leadership challenge against Blair over Iraq. Not so rebellious as to do anything about it then, were they?
So let me get this right ninfan........it's only the left who blame Blair?
If the Chilcot Report is damning it'll only be because Chilcot is a "leftie" ?
molgrips - Membernow I'm no Blair fan but he's up against some pretty spectacular competition for that particular accolade!
Absolutely. Yet despite the stiff competition Blair clearly wins. What he did was far worse than the Suez blunder. Look how people have to live the consequences of his actions (putting aside the dead ones).
Keep fighting the fight Ernie, go get 'em cowboy.
his actions
256 Labour MP's voted for the declaration of war, 85 against - Blair don't do anything on his own.
Jezza - i had almost forgotten about him as he has been so quiet on Europe!
Still unlike the fallen-one, he is seemingly a man of principle (sic) and will be calling for the former to be prosecuted for war crimes post Chilcott fingering.
Given this context, the relaxed mood of the fallen one seems a little out-of-kilter.
Ernie - how come you rarely post any piccies of [b]these[/b] guys? Are they not your type?
Thanks enfht - I appreciate your support. Specially from someone whose profound thoughts contribute so much. Cheers mate.
Blair don't do anything on his own.
True he needed tory votes to win the vote
Good point its their fault and I agree entirely with you
True he needed tory votes to win the vote
256 Labour MP's voted for the declaration of war, 85 against
Edited coz JY edited.
I thought you were better at counting than you were at debating
Forgive me.
How the Tories voted was what decided it as he lost his parliamentary majority due to rebels. Its not possible to argue otherwise [ I assume you can count ] but I feel certain you will give it a damn good go.
I think what ninfan means to say is that it's all the fault of leftwingers such as Corbyn that rightwingers so enthusiastically supported Tony Blair.
But I could be wrong......... I reckon ninfan doesn't really think through what he's saying so he's probably not too sure himself what he means.
Blair did organise the dodgy dossier on his own.
He called the vote before Blix had finished his work.
[url= http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-36401105 ]Tony Blair: Corbyn in power would be a 'dangerous experiment'[/url]
So why hasn't Tony Blair's expulsion from the Labour Party been announced yet ?
Any member of the Labour Party who works against Labour electoral victory can expect automatic expulsion.
I really can't believe Tony Blair is so special that he can do or say whatever he fancies. Although obviously he thinks so.
On the contrary @ernie Blair is trying to make Labour electable, he is quite within his rights to point out that Labour are going in the wrong direction getting further away from that goal. The Chilcot report is likely to produce an unprecidented amount of self flagulation which the Tories will just stand back and watch from the sidelines.
The anti-semitism issue is far from resolved and imo Corbyn has been cynical and devious in the extreme in trying to bury it
Vice News are doing a piece on him, here's the trailer released a couple of days ago. Looks very interesting as are all their pieces
Saying that Corbyn as prime minister would be a dangerous experiment isn't making Labour "electable".
He concern appears to be that Labour under Corbyn might win a general election.
Or what do you think he meant by "Corbyn in power" ?
I did think it was interesting talking about him in power as I can't ever see that happening - Corbyn has kead Labour to third place in Scotland and seen their Welsh majority lost. Blair is right to point out that Corbyn's policies (populist he calls thdm) won't work. Given the amount of mud thrown at Blair by Corbyn its hardly surprising he's getting some back.
Blair like the majority of senior Labour figures believe Corbyn is very bad for the party and its chances of winning an election. So to be electable he has to go
Which of Corbyn's policies won't work?
The Corbyn has kneed labour to 3rd place in Scotland point is utterly false. The SNP have effectively occupied labours ground in terms of policies with the added value of either nationalism or national pride . The SNPs success is in fact a homage to the policies Corbyn promotes in the labour party and proof of their popularity with many voters.
...and then they implement Tory ones. You couldn't make it up....
Had to check the date today when reading the news, but no it's not 1 April. So the new dream team is going to be Jezza and Ed, with the latter being bought in as a big hitter and to prevent a leadership bid.
What is wrong with politicians - is there something in the Westminster water? Do they not learn from past mistakes?
The Tories will be in the ropes after June 23 and Labour are farting about.
"C'mon Tim" it might just be time for the Phoenix (is that the LD symbol) to rise from the coalition/tuition fee ashes....
What a bloody mess politics is right now and only going to get worse with Trump or Clinton
...and then they implement Tory ones. You couldn't make it up....
But you will Thm
EDIT: Ooops nearly forgot THM
^^^^^ 😆 See its dead grown up this innit 🙄
The anti-semitism issue is far from resolved
It shard to resolve things that exist only in the mind and agenda of the most right wing of folk
Nothing will satisfy you and either option - they deny it - see they covered it up - they accept it - see i was right - will just confirm your preconceived politically motivated views.
Discussing this issue with you is futile...If i was to say , as you do about Muslims , that Jews dont need to obey the law and they are the biggest threat to europe as you you would be raging , rightly, about racism...... Heal yourself and stop projecting on to others.
why do you continually make up nonsense? 😆jambalaya - Member
Corbyn has kead Labour to third place in Scotland
Which of Corbyn's policies won't work?
Where do we start ? I didn't bother to comment a few weeks ago on his "new economics" speech. We can start with that, ie pretty much all lf it. My dream would be Corbyn gets to put his polcies to the electorate as the leader of the Labour Party at the 2020 General Election. Had I paid my £3 and voted for him as Leader (I saved my money as the election wasn't going to be close and he didn't need my vote) that's what I would have put on the online form.
The SNP and Hollande in France talk the Socialist talk but they walk the same economic policies as the centerists and right at the moment as those are the policies that are required (and EU rules prevent France from running a larger deficit/debt ratio).There isn't a much of a whiff of the left about the SNP in government. They even declined to put up the top rate of tax publishing research it would cost Scotland £3m pa if they did so. Ditto 13 years of Blair and Brown.
Even Varoufakis said on the BBC recently (from memory) "We live in a Capitalist world, to try and propose anything else is inane" (he definitely used the word inane)
And others swallow what the SNP claim, eh Gordi?
Out of interest how did they spin the damnig education report last week - quite different from what they claimed per-referendum!!!
The anti-semitism issue is far from resolved
You're right - nobody has answered your charges about why exactly Ed Miliband was eating that bacon sandwich.
Jam I think you are going to have to be actually specific here to gain credibility.
You're right - nobody has answered your charges about why exactly Ed Miliband was eating that bacon sandwich.
Like I said DrJ your attitude is part of the problem. As you well know it wasn't a charge it was an observation - seeing beyond fhe obvious to the political reality. These sort of photo ops are very very carefully thought through.
Too funny.
No he is not part of the problem you doing a political motivated witch hunt whilst expressing views on Muslims that would have you apoplectic with range were a lefty to say it about Jews- would you call me a racist anti semite were i to say they dont obey the law and are the biggest threat to our way of live and europe in general?
These are the only problem here
These sort of photo ops are very very carefully thought through.
Even when Labour have a Jewish leader and he is presented as a moron who cannot even eat a sandwich this still proves your conspiracy theory. 😯
As on the EU thread you just shoehorn facts in to your ever increasingly JHJ view of the world rather than form opinions from facts Actually you can barely recognise facts these days
Of all the views expressed there not one is supportive of your crazy assertion.
You views are becoming increasingly strange.
Corbyn is still here, lets see what the public think of his policies when he brings them out in the next couple of years.
I like the one about building a fleet of nuclear missile submarines, but not fitting the warheads.
crankboy - MemberThe Corbyn has kneed labour to 3rd place in Scotland point is utterly false.
Not just false but either intentional misrepresentation or brute force ignorance. The first thing Kezia Dugdale did when he took power was move to distance herself from him. Her second stupidest political decision, after taking the job. Still, she'll never be Labour's worst leader in Scotland, she lacks the ability.
jambalaya - MemberBlair like the majority of senior Labour figures believe Corbyn is very bad for the party and its chances of winning an election. So to be electable he has to go
So you asking us to trust the judgement of a man who has said, quote, "I’m not sure I fully understand politics right now".
[url= http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2016/02/24/tony-blair-says-he-does-not-understand-politics-anymore_n_9304178.html ]Tony Blair Says He Does Not Understand Politics Anymore[/url]
A few months ago Blair claimed that Labour under a Corbyn leadership would stand no chance whatsoever of winning the next general election, in fact it faced possible "annihilation".
Wind forward a few months and Blair is saying that he's not sure that Labour under Corbyn can win.
Now the latest is Blair saying that if Corbyn becomes PM it will be a "dangerous experiment", presumably he thinks that it will reduce Labour's chances of winning the following general election.
So we've gone from Corbyn definitely standing no chance whatsoever of winning the next general election to definitely standing no chance whatsoever of winning the general election in 2025, in just a few months.
I think we should just believe Blair when he says that he doesn't understand politics.
And he proved how little he understands politics when he tried to intervene in the leadership election.
He urged Labour Party members not to support Corbyn's leadership bid but all his intervention did was to increase Corbyn's credibility and his support.
Completely unavailable to grasp this Blair intervened again in the leadership election campaign, and again Corbyn's credibility and support increased.
He could not have been more out of touch with the political party which he is supposed to be a member of.
For the record I have no idea whether Labour under Corbyn will win the next general election. But I do know that nothing terrifies Blair more than the thought of Corbyn being successful.
Tony Blair has barely any credibility left with the British people, the majority won't forgive him for the worse foreign policy blunder in modern British history :
[url= https://yougov.co.uk/news/2016/05/25/no-public-appetite-forgiving-blair/ ]British public: we will never forgive Tony Blair[/url]
[i]53% of Brits say they can never forgive Tony Blair – and only 8% think he did nothing wrong.[/i]
All he has left is to say "yeah but I won general elections" (ignoring the fact that Labour lost 5 million votes between 1997 and 2010) Corbyn winning would destroy that last vestige of credibility.
And while Blair has used politics to make himself a multimillionaire his place in history and his ego are still undoubtedly hugely important to him.
Says the bloke who vowed he wasn't going to vote for Ken Livingstone (because he represented New Labour), then did.
Very interesting piece from Vice News - 30 mins viewing well spent. FYI journalist is a Labour member who voted for him in the leadership contest. Filmed from March to May elections including coverage of IDS resignation and the anti-semitism issue.
I've just seen this :
ninfan - MemberSays the bloke who vowed he wasn't going to vote for Ken Livingstone (because he represented New Labour), then did.
Whataloadofbollox......... Ken Livingstone represented "New Labour"?!!
That's hilarious!
You really come out with some right little gems ninfan 😆
Guardian has picked up on the Vicenews piece and Corbyn's comments that BBC are biased agent him.
[url= http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jun/01/jeremy-corbyn-bbc-obsessed-damaging-leadership-vice-documentary ]Guardian[/url]
you are obsessed
So obsessed I commissioned a VICEnews piece and then had the Guardian cover it ?
Why not just watch the programme ?
He's the leader of the second largest party in Parliament so of course I am interested.
Can't begin to tell you how shifty and uncomfortable he looks when asked about Livingstone's anti-semitic suspension though, in fact VICEnews's access was suspended for 5 days around that time, why I wonder ?
He's the leader of the second largest party in Parliament so of course I am interested.
Yeah but it's not as if he stands the slightest chance in hell of ever becoming prime minister. Everyone knows that. Don't they?
you are obsessed
So obsessed I commissioned a VICEnews piece and then had the Guardian cover it ?
What in that statement above makes you think I have alleged that
you really dont handle facts well and fly off on irrational flights of fancy not supported by the evidence
Not discussing this with you as its not a discussion its your personal thread to say I hate labour without ridicule there are no replies
With the passing of time you become more like JHJ
The more bored you are the better Junky
@ernie they guy who made the programme cares, he is a Labour party member and voted for Corbyn. Corbyn's advisors care as they'd like to see him elected as PM. Watch the piece, I thought it was balanced and excellent like pretty much everything else VICE put out. Corbyn needs to understand that sniping at the BBC just makes him look like a whiner. The Sun or the Daily Mail perhaps but the BBC.
In that case not reading a word from you ever again would bore me rigid
Can't begin to tell you how shifty and uncomfortable he looks when asked about Livingstone's anti-semitic suspension though, in fact VICEnews's access was suspended for 5 days around that time, why I wonder ?
Was he filmed eating a bacon sandwich? That would be a dead giveaway.