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  • Heating oil – how much!
  • sharkbait
    Free Member

    * heads off to dip the tank to see how accurate the app is compared to the calculated volume in a partially filled horizontal cylinder!*

    And if anyone is interested its a 225 x 120 (2500L) tank with a current oil depth of 13cm – which seems to be a volume of 149L.

    Take away 2cm for the height of the outlet and the useable oil volume is about 116L

    ….. my app says there should be 119L left.

    Happy with that and knowing exactly how much oil is used every day makes figuring out when to buy much easier.  If I didn’t know my actual daily usage I’d be pooping myself right now.

    Full Member

    Just ordered 1000 L at 72 ppl, including VAT and delivery. South Shropshire. We checked one of the online price match things but they were no cheaper than the local firm we normally use. Plus we have restricted access and need a smaller tanker, the online place would have charged more for this but the locals do it as a matter of course because they know loads of places round here are tight to get in and out of. Over 10ppl cheaper than our last fill up in the autumn.

    Edit to say, we have a Watchman fitted but I don’t find it that useful. I prefer to eyeball it. It was down to 2 bars and flashing 10 days ago, but an eyeball shows we still have just over 300L left in a 1300L tank.  Enough for a good few week probably.  We get a discount for orders of 1000L or more, so we alway have to judge that there’s enough space in the tank to accommodate that much before delivery.

    Full Member

    Anyone know how I can get a guide to the volume at different dip heights for the tank we’ve got? It’s one of these:

    Free Member

    I use this:

    But my tank is not bunded, so you’ll need to contact Kingspan and get the actual internal dimensions.

    If I enter 135 x 45 x 158 I get a total volume of 960L which isn’t going to be too far off.

    Free Member

    Quoted 53p per litre ex-vat yesterday.

    Free Member

    I’ve still got about 400L and hardly using any now – 1.7L/day if anything at all recently as the heating is off and the PV does most of not all of the hot water now.

    I’d like to buy 1000L which would probably see us though the next 12 months but I’d actually like to turn the heating up a little next winter, so I may need 1500L.

    I’ll keep an eye on the price but I’m not sure it will drop much more.

    Free Member

    I just bought 500L via Boiler Juice for 56.7p/L plus VAT. They were doing a £15 off voucher which negates their service fee. I’ll see how it goes price wise but will probably get another 500L before Winter. Heating is off now so we’ll probably use less than 250L between now and October.

    Free Member

    We’re just flashing on the second bar, so planning to fill up (1000l) by the end of the month while the prices seem low.

    Free Member

    Just ordered 1000l for £614. Happy with that. We’re only using it for hot water now unless there’s a particularly cold spell.

    Free Member

    We have been on 2 bars for a month now.

    Heatings set at 10degrees now – has been for 2 weeks.

    I’ll worry about filling up when I get to one bar.

    Hopefully be on solar for hot water before too long as well which should help.

    Free Member

    Can’t be far off one bar and with Saudi posturing I’ve opted to fill.

    Looked back on my previous sales orders .

    Feb 2021 I bought 1200l for 40p/l
    Feb 2022 I bought 1200l for 64p/l
    It’s now June 2023. I’ve bought 1200l at 58pence with little chance of getting it all in. -1400l tank.

    Good to see the insulation and the smart thermostat system is making at odds.

    Full Member

    We have a village syndicate that places a bulk order 3 times a year, I usually partake once a year on the mid-june order. But with the Ukraine situation I decided not to wait and ordered 1000l myself today, £619 inc vat.
    Last 12 months only used about 960l, (4 bed detached), WFH but keeping thermostats at 18. Plus about 3-4 m3 of logs.

    Free Member

    Just ordered 1000l today, the two places that deliver to us are 74.55ppl and 79.08ppl, inc. VAT.

    Chap said that prices were at a low in June but since then have risen (which is unusual for this time of year).

    Free Member

    What are folks thoughts about the oil boiler phase out? There’s no way we could get our house insulated enough to make a ground source heat pump work be looking at 30-40 k for insulation and system. Going to be nursing our green star like a baby panda!

    Free Member

    Mines was new in 2021, when the old one broke down

    So renew now, and renew sometime in 2030/40. Wait and buy a vegetable oil boiler (see article)

    As to heat pumps. In my house its unlikely to work due to age without need for significalt reinsulation etc.

    I will just keep burning things. In fact i’ll be going out this weekend to cut up some fallen/aged trees to add to my wood pile stock.

    Free Member

    A heat pump doesn’t need the house to be insulated, it does need radiators upgrading usually and may be pipework but the only work in a super insulated house is not true.
    Your heat load doesn’t alter just because you are using a heat pump.

    Full Member

    No, but to work efficiently without consuming a huge amount of electricity, good insulation is required.  If you have anything less than 12mm pipework, you need a replumb.  We were quoted £8k for the replumb, £4k for the required tank and £9k for the heatpump.  None of that includes insulation, new rads or UF heating.  Even after the government grant we’d be looking at £25k and then the cost to relay all the flooring and redecorate.

    Free Member

    Chap said that prices were at a low in June but since then have risen (which is unusual for this time of year).

    Rare that I’ve called It but with all the OPEC postulating it was in the post really.

    Free Member

    What will the domestic gas boiler ban in 2025 mean for me?
    Under the government’s current plans, there’s a gas and oil boiler ban in newbuild homes only from 2025.

    Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government tells us there are about 25 million homes in the UK – and we build about 160,000 new ones each year according to the National House-Building Council. As such, it’s likely to be many years before a new build gas boiler ban alone has a big impact on greenhouse gases. And some environmental groups argue that the government needs to go further, much sooner.
    Will the gas boiler ban apply to my home?
    If you’re worried about having to ditch your existing oil or gas boiler – don’t be. The gas and oil banner ban in 2025 only applies to newbuild properties. There are no plans to phase out gas boilers in existing homes.

    That said, the government may encourage more of us to ditch gas in favour of alternatives. Using grants or incentives for insulating our homes or installing low-carbon heating.

    I am hoping this is correct on EDF’s website. It does make logical sense to apply to new build homes as they can be built with proper insulation and provision

    Free Member

    No, but to work efficiently without consuming a huge amount of electricity, good insulation is required. 

    This applies to ANY heating/cooling system…

    Free Member

    There are far far too many folk in places where ashp is not viable for them to stop.

    Wonder what size of Genny you’d need when the Lecky went down our on’t moors to feed your ashp.

    Full Member

    Oh, I feel quite smug now having bought a year’s supply in early June. I just order from local supplier, only 3/4 mile down the road.

    Free Member

    IntheBorders  has it correct, if you haven’t got good insulation then you will consume a lot of whichever fuel you are using.

    The problem with heat pumps in poorly insulated houses is the amount / size of radiators that are required, and this is where the whole myth starts as I suspect not enough design is done or corners are cut as the install becomes expensive due to the work required to get the system to work on low flow temps.

    if your load is 20kW that doesn’t change, what changes is the how to deliver that with low flow temps, without getting that bit right an ASHP will be expensive. If you get that right and understand how to use it then it will be similar in running costs to natural gas.

    Free Member

    corners are cut as the install becomes expensive due to the work required to get the system to work on low flow temps.

    Just highlighting the key issue there.

    Free Member

    That time of the year again

    Tanks approaching empty – watchman’s flashing.

    1400l or so since June with an under 1 and a full time occupied house this winter.

    66pence/l at my local supplier Vs 77pence cheapest on boiler juice.

    Free Member

    We got 1150l the other week. I think it was 74p/l from Carnegie’s.

    It’ll last us just about a year.

    Full Member

    63ppl down here in the Cotswolds at the moment. Seems about right given the oil barrel price.

    Free Member

    We paid 0.69p in December, Scottish Borders – half way through the tank at the mo.

    Free Member

    63.5p on 4th Dec then 66p at end Jan.

    North Yorks.

    Need another 500l in about a month.

    Free Member

    66pence/l at my local supplier Vs 77pence cheapest on boiler juice.

    I bet that 11p is close to their margin. Lots of these portals have a pretty big margin somewhere along the line.

    Full Member

    We paid 0.69p in December, Scottish Borders – half way through the tank at the mo.

    At just over half pence a litre that’s incredibly cheap 😉
    I was quoted 66p a litre yesterday which is nearly a hundred times more 😢

    Free Member

    #smartar5e :-)

    Full Member

    😁 Apologies.

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