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  • Have we done the Grenfell Tower bonfire video yet?
  • Drac
    Full Member

    I wonder what Raybanwomble’s previous/other log in was?


    Free Member

    Considering that the person who reported it to the MET was black, are we sure that the video wasn’t used with the intention to cause distress?

    In which case the facts would be completely different to those reported, and STILL the law broken would be completely different to the law broken if you put a burning cross on someone’s lawn.

    The point where you start arguing that if only the facts were different you’d be right is probably the point where you need to admit to yourself that you’re wrong.

    Free Member

    In which case the facts would be completely different to those reported,

    Are these the facts you read in the metro?

    Full Member

    Biased against people of colour would be racist ya big fool! Maybe that could be a defence for these idiots if it goes that far. Me, racist, nope I just have a bias against black folk.

    Please keep posting this is getting good.

    Free Member

    Biased against people of colour would be racist ya big fool! Maybe that could be a defence for these idiots if it goes that far. Me, racist, nope I just have a bias against black folk.
    Please keep posting this is getting good.

    Full Member

    That’s a lovely link to one very short article there. Just to set the record straight I’m not racist, biased or easily offended. I just find it patently absurd that this is nigh on getting more publicity and outrage than the actual fire that killed people. Chances are these **** idiots will receive harsher punishments than those responsible for the deaths.

    damnit – two links.

    Free Member

    Just a bunch of no hope clowns done in private then leaked. The people who need more attention brought to them are the pure and utter scum that claimed they lived their to claim thousands of pounds. One got prosecuted last week who had received over £100k and maybe look at how easy they can get that sort of money, takes me four years to earn that.

    Free Member


    I thought he had to be a STW die-hard!

    Full Member

    Now that is worth being offended by.

    Free Member

    Just a bunch of no hope clowns done in private then leaked. The people who need more attention brought to them are the pure and utter scum that claimed they lived their to claim thousands of pounds. One got prosecuted last week who had received over £100k and maybe look at how easy they can get that sort of money, takes me four years to earn that.

    So you care more about some benefit cheats, and how you have been cheated than the victims and how the community that was affected by the fire feels about this video?

    Free Member

    keep up your faux outrage, you’d only be genuinely outraged if you were in fact, in possession of the full facts of the case.

    Like you are?

    Free Member

    Like you are?

    Am I the one pretending that I am?

    Full Member

    Hang on. So I’m assuming you were banned and have now come back? If that’s the case how sad must your life be? Actually sneaking back in to a forum that doesn’t even work properly because you miss us all so much. Is little ray lonely, does he need a big hug from STW. Did mummy not love him enough? Was your old login your dad’s name and birthday because clearly you’re about ten years old if you’ve done all that.

    Free Member

    Hang on. So I’m assuming you were banned and have now come back? If that’s the case how sad must your life be? Actually sneaking back in to a forum that doesn’t even work properly because you miss us all so much. Is little ray lonely, does he need a big hug from STW. Did mummy not love him enough? Was your old login your dad’s name and birthday because clearly you’re about ten years old if you’ve done all that.

    And with that brilliant reaction, I’m flouncing!

    Full Member

    Ok the arguing stops now please.

    Full Member

    No pudding for you young man. I’ve spoken to Tom and he says you should be in your pyjamas and ready for bed. Bad boy Ray!

    Free Member

    Not just benefit cheats a lot of charities donated huge sums. There are a lot a big brave people in there gardens and houses but completely piss week and harmless outside. They wasn’t exactly planning a bombing campaign was they.

    Free Member


    Ladbroke Grove is one of the most expensive parts of the country and from my understanding they went to the police for there own protection and was arrested.  The case is they bought it on themselves  and they will have to deal with the consequences, hopefully they wont waste too much police time..

    Free Member

    I’m going back to my previous statement: Eh.

    Free Member

    Moving into “conjecture overdrive”, one thing that might make all this make sense is if the Police had intelligence/suspicion that there was a lynching/riot in the offing. If that was the case, arresting them and very publicly going through bins for evidence might be a very good way to avert any trouble. (Zero evidence to support any of that.)

    Free Member

    And not to do comparisons but if given the current climate the guys had some something a bit anti semitic what would the reaction be? Serious question really, how do we rank hate speech?

    Free Member

    And not to do comparisons but if given the current climate the guys had some something a bit anti semitic what would the reaction be? Serious question really, how do we rank hate speech?

    Hate speech is worse, and on a completely different scale, to burning cardboard buildings on firework night. HTH.

    Free Member

    I can’t quote on my phone for some reason but:

    If you asked 100 black Londoners “would you rather the cops spent time investigating and preventing knife crime (whose victims are disproportionately black kids) or would you rather they spent time arresting dickheads for saying nasty stuff on YouTube?” I suspect the answer would probably be the former.

    If you asked me “would you rather the cops spent time trying to find a bike thief or arresting YouTube dickheads?” the answer would certainly be the former.

    I definitely don’t trust the Met (why all the caps?) to triage and prioritise. Here they’re obviously serving political masters with a quick but easy win. You might want to review the murder figures for London – or just look at how the cops treat BAME Londoners in general:

    It’s not right that being offensive is a crime under British law. Parliament has set the threshold too low. The criminal justice system should not be enforcing etiquette and will not be effective in doing so (we are barely able to keep a lid on people murdering each other). Hate speech reports and social media drama are drowning police forces.

    Full Member

    Isn’t the police involvement more likely to involve the inevitable shoe-ings that they’re (rightly) about to receive now their identities are known?

    If I was them then it’s not a police prosecution i’d be worried about. You’re going to need to be looking over your shoulder pretty much constantly.

    And they deserve everything they’re got coming IMHO.

    Ha ha haaaaaaa… let’s have a laugh about 72 people’s needless terrible deaths. Brilliant! Maybe we could have a right old laugh about two more, eh? That’d be hilarious, right?

    Free Member

    Isn’t the police involvement more likely to involve the inevitable shoe-ings that they’re (rightly)! about to receive now their identities are known?

    If I was them then it’s not a police prosecution i’d be worried about. You’re going to need to be looking over your shoulder pretty much constantly.

    I think you might have it. If I was one of them the last thing I’d want is the Police leaving me alone. Less need for vigilantes to torch your house if the perception is the Police are taking action. Committing a few officers now could save them a lot of policework finding (say) an arsonist in future.

    Free Member

    Weird assumption that anyone is going to give them a kicking. Might say something about your opinion of those who was offended… Literal actual admitted Nazis, paedophiles and jihadis freely wander around this country without anyone bothering them.

    Free Member

    <p class=”LegClearFix LegP2Container”><span class=”LegDS LegRHS LegP2Text”><span class=”LegAddition”> It’s not right that being offensive is a crime under British law.</span></span></p>

    Ignoring the fact there is no such thing as British Law – it is not a crime to be offensive.  Being grossly offensive in an electronic communications with the purpose of causing distress or anxiety is; as is unreasonably intending to cause alarm or distress in a public place via threatening, abusive or insulting behaviour in England and Wales.

    Free Member

    … Literal actual admitted Nazis, paedophiles and jihadis freely wander around this country without anyone bothering them.

    And that’s what makes Britain great.

    Free Member

     it is not a crime to be offensive.

    Section 4A of the Public Order Act makes it an offence to be ‘insulting’ if the intent is to “cause a person harassment, alarm or distress”.

    So is offensive the same as insulting? I think it is in this case. I just think the intent to cause harassment, alarm or distress isn’t there.

    Free Member

    Weird assumption that anyone is going to give them a kicking.

    ‘Assumption’ is a bit strong, it’s a musing based on zero evidence. It *would* explain the need for the very public ‘investigation’ which has zero chance of success, when normally the Police won’t attend, even if you give them the name and address of a bloke who’s got stolen goods.

    Free Member

    I was going to avoid this thread, but couldn’t let this one go:

     Grenfel is in a shitty part of LunDun.

    I was born and grew up around there, so do me a favour and take a long walk off a short pier.

     Well, I do find it enlightening that we are all outraged about the fact that the police are investigating this and not the fact that some people took joy in mocking the deaths of others.

    All I can say about them is they are c***s.

    Full Member

    Wierd assumption is that anyone is going to give them a kicking?

    I do often wonder what planet people who post on here live on, I really do,

    Not the same one I’ve lived on, obviously. Planet leafy Home Counties suburbs/bedwetterland no doubt

    I remember living in Salford 6 (in a tower block just like Grenfell) and two people being shot in a packed pub down the road at 3 o clock on a Saturday afternoon. No witnesses. Nobody ever even charged. Everyone knew who did it, obviously. But… bigger picture. Justice, however you perceive it. Whatever.

    Their identities are out there now. I’ve got mates who live near Grenfell, and I’ve been reading what they’re posting on social media. They’re incandescent with rage. And rightfully so.

    They’ll get what’s coming to them, no doubt. Except maybe they won’t. Far from whining about ‘snowflakes’ maybe you should whine and bleat about the public money that is now going to have to be spent protecting those ****s from what they rightfully deserve.

    Worth protecting? I wouldn’t bother, personally. You reep what you sow. Anyone who thinks laughing about the horrendous, totally unnecessary deaths of 72 people (with all its racist overtones) and thinks its fair game for mockery deserves everything they’ve got coming to them as far as I’m concerned.

    Free Member

    I was born and grew up around there, so do me a favour and take a long walk off a short pier.

    I was born and grew up in a very shitty part of Hampshire. Should I get in the **** sea for thinking that about where I lived?

    Free Member

    Most suburbs of LunDun are shitty.

    Its the nature of a large metropolis that one street is in leafy suburbia and the next is the scratching hell hole out of doom.

    I know exactly where GF tower is thanks,and the surrounding area.

    That pier has just had £1.4bn spent on it and extends across the sea.


    Free Member

    Ladbroke Grove isn’t a suburb of London. You evidently don’t have a clue what you’re on about.

    Binners you are definitely the hardest manliest straight talkingest Northerner in all the land. No-one else knows anything.

    Free Member

    Binners you are definitely the hardest manliest straight talkingest Northerner in all the land. No-one else knows anything.

    Well, living in Ramsbottom teaches you about the grittier side of life

    Full Member

    I’m a lover not a fighter chaps. Group hug?

    *sips organic latte*

    What I’m saying is that if these clowns, now that all their identities are public, are likely to be beaten to within an inch of their lives if they set foot in certain areas. And to prevent that happening they’re under police protection.

    Whether they’ve technically broken the law, or not, is fairly academic, and probably the least of their worries

    Given the present crime rate in London, where some 15 year old seems to get stabbed every ten minutes, do you think that’s a worthwhile use of the Mets overstretched resources?

    Free Member

    What I’m saying is that if these clowns, now that all their identities are public, are likely to be beaten to within an inch of their lives if they set foot in certain areas. And to prevent that happening they’re under police protection.

    Given the present crime rate in London, where some 15 year old seems to get stabbed every ten minutes, do you think that’s a worthwhile use of the Mets overstretched resources?

    *If* they’re under police protection, then it could well be good use of the the Mets overstretched resources because keeping them alive will much be less effort than investigating their lynching. (And really awkward if someone who torches their houses gots prosecuted while they hadn’t committed any crime and do’t get prosecuted.) Maybe that would kick off a riot which would suck up massive resource?

    However, do we know they’re under police protection? Not sure I’ve seen anything in the media saying that. AFAIK all we know is they were arrested after they went to the Police.

    Free Member

     I know exactly where GF tower is thanks,and the surrounding area.

    Yes its in a shitty part of London, right?

    Scarce police resources being spent on an investigation, right? The money could be spent elsewhere, right?

    The pattern here regardless of the OP’s “I had better say that what they did was bad thing to do, I wouldn’t want anyone thinking I was a monster” comment at the beginning is that its not worth the time and effort, they are not worth the time and effort.

    The people who live there are of little worth. Which oddly enough was what some people were saying on the day of the fire, oh and the previous seven years of demonizing by Government and the Press.

     I was born and grew up in a very shitty part of Hampshire. Should I get in the **** sea for thinking that about where I lived?

    I don’t know. Do you think it would have prevented any problems if you had taken yourself out?

    Free Member

    Do you think it would have prevented any problems if you had taken yourself out?


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