Home Forums Bike Forum Hanging bikes by droppers..?

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  • Hanging bikes by droppers..?
  • danmac
    Free Member

    So im looking at some of the pulley system bike hangers to fit to high sloping garage rafters as a means to freeing 50% of my garage floor space. They are on a 30-35 degree slope but would still be able to walk under and open the garage door without banging your head on them. My query is whether its ok to hang the backs from the saddle as they have droppers? Not too worried if its just for a couple nights, but say we flew away on holiday for a fortnite.. Will it leave any issues with droppers or not?

    Free Member

    Mine all hang from their saddles (wheels out, in case that makes any difference weight-wise)
    One of them has a Thomson dropper and hangs with it in the up position. I last rode it in November, put it away for the winter and got it out again last week. It was fine (apart from some random gear indexing issue which had appeared, but nothing to do with the seat)

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t

    Full Member

    I would never hang them when they’re compressed, but if they’re fully extended then in theory they’re on a physical stop, not air or oil so should be fine.

    I never leave any post compressed anyway.

    If you’re worried then a simple loop of short bungee under the back of the top tube depending on frame design, near the post then hooked onto the hanger.

    Free Member

    I hang mine by the dropper at work (always extended), first a Reverb, then a Bikeyoke Revive and both have been totally fine.

    Free Member

    With the post extended, it shouldn’t be a problem. It wouldn’t work for me though as I always leave the dropper compressed about half an inch to allow for changes in ambient temperature between rides.

    Full Member

    It wouldn’t work for me though as I always leave the dropper compressed about half an inch to allow for changes in ambient temperature between rides.

    Say what now?.😂

    Free Member

    As per the advice from Bikeyoke.

    Full Member

    With the post extended, it shouldn’t be a problem. It wouldn’t work for me though as I always leave the dropper compressed about half an inch to allow for changes in ambient temperature between rides.

    Do you hang seaweed in there with bikes to check for humidity?

    Free Member

    Ever noticed that a dropper lever can feel stiff when a bike comes in from the cold and warms up?

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t do it on a Reverb. I don’t know about other brands, but my Crank Bros one is rock-solid resistant to extension when compressed so I wouldn’t have any qualms with that one.

    If you still want to hang them, you could loop something around the top tube instead of using the seat.

    Full Member

    Yeah, its fine if extended. No seaweed tech needed, but if you are worried, pump the post up to the max on a hot day and you’ll be fine.

    Full Member

    I’ve just sent some of those pulley things back, they were pretty awful. Very uneven lift. My road bike saddle wasn’t compatible. 30cm of space is used by the pulley/hook so the bike was lower than I hoped. Absolutely loads of rope to wind/unwind. Need clear space underneath to load the bike on. I bought 3 big hooks from Screwfix instead. 3 bikes hung vertically in the same space.

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