that looks fine, but not really what I’m after. The problems I have with it are the weight and the data-cost.
I would be using it mainly abroad, TransAlping and stuff so it must weigh nothing. I already carry a smart-phone and a Holux M1200E gps logger so was hoping for something that could be written or setup to work with these (only). Your ETrex is way too heavy, my logger is 53 grams and logs for 12 hours at logging every 5 seconds.
Being abroad data charges will be a problem. What I was hoping for was for one of the units to store the log (for say 8 or 12 hours) then when the phone has a wifi signal (which would be free, normally in the hut or B&B that night), it would send all the days points, automatically (so it would do it whenever I atched onto a free wifi), so that friends (and me when I return to the UK) would have a record of where I had been.
Endomondo would do that of course if only a phone would hold charge for 24+ hours (but it wont) so is there a way to get the logger to communicate to the phone on that basis and leave the phone Endomondo-ing but without the phone GPS?