You could watch that all day eh alex? 😆
DezB - MemberYou could watch that all day eh alex?
Maybe not all day 🙂
Why did the bloke with the blue bucket on his head put another, slightly smaller, blue bucket on underneath it?
I have to know!
boltonjon, I NEED that table! And the yacht it comes on, of course.
boltonjon, I NEED that table! And the yacht it comes on, of course.
Pocket change for you, CFH, at around £20k+.
Why did the bloke with the blue bucket on his head put another, slightly smaller, blue bucket on underneath it?I have to know!
He's Russian. There's another, slightly smaller blue bucket under that one, and another etc
Why did the bloke with the blue bucket on his head put another, slightly smaller, blue bucket on underneath it?
This explains one of the buckets at least...
[url= ]Russian to work[/url]
Why did the bloke with the blue bucket on his head put another, slightly smaller, blue bucket on underneath it?
I have to know!
I think it's a protest because every rich dickhead / mafia boss in Russia with a big BMW/Audi/Merc/Volvo buys a "get out of the way peasant! I am more important than you" blue light
[i]boltonjon, I NEED that table![/i]
I'll settle for the white chair. 🙂
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This thread is killing my laptop trying to load all the gifs...
Houston. We have some reposts.
which pearoasts?
[img] f" target="_blank"> f"/> [/img]
[img] f" target="_blank"> f"/> [/img]
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That girl up there^^^, with the boingy door stopper, looks remarkably like my next door neighbour!
(which might explain all those strange noises.... 😉
Oh wow! Up there ^^^ anothercargoingroundacorner. Awesumz
[URL= f" target="_blank"> f"/> [/IMG][/URL]
[quote=maxtorque muttered bleakly]That girl up there^^^, with the boingy door stopper, looks remarkably like my next door neighbour!
(which might explain all those strange noises....
that series of gifs comes from an article called "user a worksafe gif to describe your first sexual encounter"
Reddit has articles?
'thread', rather than 'article'?
Though I saw it on buzzfeed or usvsth3m or somewhere so it was an article 😉
haha damn it, I just found that one ^ on Reddit too
Maybe we should just link to Reddit and close the thread 😀