Two days ago, a woman climbed up a 10,000 volt electrical tower, and sustained an electric shock but was successfully rescued. Reporters at the scene captured the entire event.
Firemen and police quickly arrived at the scene, but couldn’t do anything because the power lines were live.
The firemen and policemen climbed up an adjacent building to the same height as the woman, and repeatedly tried to convince her to come down, but the woman only shook her head, while her hands and head were only about a foot away from the power lines. As the woman got more and more agitated, her gestures got larger and larger, until what everyone was afraid of occurred: she hit the power line.
As soon as the woman hit the power line, a red electric arc emerged, traveling from her finger to her face, and she fell over.
Just as everyone thought it was over, the woman suddenly moved. Even after receiving a such a shock, the woman was fine, and only sustained small injuries to her hand.
Eventually, the power was shut off, and firefighters began climbing up to save her. The firefighters attached a safety rope to the woman, and tried to convince her to climb down, but she just didn’t want to. About an hour after the incident began, she finally agreed to climb down.