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  • Gatwick, drones
  • rmacattack
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    Mikewsmith to every topic created in the forum.

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    Yep he still got no plan just a poor little troll.

    Free Member

    Should have been dealt with sooner” while providing either no suggestion or a stupid one helps to identify the people you don’t want in charge of anything.

    It’s the result of mixing furious googling with supreme arrogance.

    Full Member

    so if perimeter is 10k long, you could stand 200 troops* at 50m intervals to cover the whole of it. Shirley they will get a better idea of where it’s taking off and landing etc.

    Good idea, they’re sure to see something the size of a tea-tray take off a kilometre outside their perimeter line…

    Full Member

    I do wonder if it happened in any other country would there have been as much incompetence.

    Like America? Of course there would, nobody has any practical experience of this type of event that would give them any advantage over what’s going on here. In the States, Individual-1 would probably bring in the National Guard, who’d cut loose with automatic weapons at anything flying that’s drone-shaped, and 1500 innocent people would end up dead or injured as collateral damage.

    Of course, it could have been carried out just as effectively with no drones at all, simply some people willing to say they’d seen one.

    That thought occurred to me some time ago, once a threat has been established, all that’s needed is for random anonymous people to cry wolf.

    Free Member

    Mikewsmith to every topic created in the forum.

    i can take the ads, the pop ups, the shit formatting, weird classifieds and “we value your data” but im sick of seeing Mikewsmith posts

    Free Member

    Well thanks, what’s the real problem? U OK hun?

    Free Member

    u ok Hun”


    Get him!!!!!!!!! 😀

    Free Member

    You got me, u OK people 😉 unless the drones did have aliens then I just got speciesist.

    Full Member

    That idea about 200 soldiers at 50m perimeter could work if you replace the squaddies with clay pigeon shooting enthusiasts. 200 effective shotguns and sharp eyed shooters could make fantastic sport.

    Free Member

    Good idea, they’re sure to see something the size of a tea-tray take off a kilometre outside their perimeter line…

    May be not the take off then, but with a person stationed every 50m around the perimeter (you know, the one where the drones are flying over ) then they have a better chance of observing where it goes after. Or do you think they are better off sat in the depatures lounge or in their little tanks
    #rollseyes right back atcha

    Full Member

    Most of the RAF would appear to be a complete waste of money.

    Full Member

    200 effective shotguns and sharp eyed shooters could make fantastic sport.

    Apart from a half decent drone would just go higher than their weapons are effective.

    Free Member

    Most of the RAF would appear to be a complete waste of money.

    Well depends what you are doing. Are we expecting to use the euro fighter against a 20kg drone?

    Full Member

    What's the fuss? It seems pretty quiet when this guy took the pics with his drone...

    Full Member

    Must cost the airport and airlines a fortune.

    Free Member

    Apart from a half decent drone would just go higher than their weapons are effective.

    I was was in a building with a load of Brimstone and Storm Shadow missiles during the week.

    I imagine they’d reach?

    Free Member

    I imagine they’d reach?

    Reach yes what they going to hit 😉

    Free Member

    Well thanks, what’s the real problem? U OK hun?


    Free Member

    Interesting couple of days and I think the fallout will be massive.
    All major UK airports will need proper drone counter-measures going forward as this incident has shown just how easy it is to knock out a strategic transport link, with the authorities almost powerless to stop it.
    I have a feeling that the ‘to dangerous to shoot it down’ approach might go the same way as ‘to dangerous to chase kids on stolen mopeds’ if this happens again.

    Full Member

    My daughter is convinced it was a blackmail attempt, problem getting payment so they sent another one up today to prove capability.

    Full Member

    I say again, you’re not going to shoot down a drone with any conventional firearms…it’s hard enough to hit an aircraft that’s moving along a predictable trajectory, let alone something that’s tiny in comparison.

    Something like Phalanx would work by putting up a wall of lead but that’s a terrible, terrible idea in a built up area! Im guessing the Brimstone/Stormshadow comment was tongue in cheek…but just in case, hell no! 😂 Best bet might be a DEW weapon system – google USS Ponce.

    Free Member

    Im guessing the Brimstone/Stormshadow comment was tongue in cheek…

    Tongue in cheek? …..Moi? 😉

    Full Member

    In this forum and in this day and age, I just can’t tell anymore! 😂

    Full Member

    Sorry if already mentioned.

    Any idea what equipment the military are using as a deterrent?

    Jamming electronics?? Tracking??

    Free Member

    Any idea what equipment the military are using as a deterrent?

    I could tell you, but then…

    Full Member

    Sorry if already mentioned.

    Any idea what equipment the military are using as a deterrent?

    Jamming electronics?? Tracking??

    Theres a pic I’ve seen with a Thule roof box on a stick.

    Edit, here you go – swipe down. https://news.sky.com/story/police-hunt-drone-disruption-suspects-as-gatwick-resumes-services-11587702

    Free Member

    Well, that was a busy day at work! Diverted to Bournemouth due to the Drone😳

    Full Member

    Well, that was a busy day at work! Diverted to Bournemouth due to the Drone

    I apologise on mikes behalf.

    Full Member

    Theres a pic I’ve seen with a Thule roof box on a stick.

    I assumed you were taking the mick initially!😆😳

    Full Member

    A quick bit of google-fu: https://www.janes.com/article/82347/uk-signs-for-drone-dome-c-uas-system

    No idea if that’s what’s being used but it can’t be far off.

    Full Member

    ^^ Good find.

    We bought the system from Israel without the “hard-kill laser” capability apparently….

    That might have been a bad idea after all.

    It says it can use the laser to take out a drone at upto 2km!😳

    Officially impressive!

    Full Member

    Like I said, look at what the DEW on USS Ponce can do.

    Full Member

    Way out there idea, but could you not use a mobile phone to power up a drone from anywhere in the world?
    Take any nerdy 15 year old, give them soldering iron, some 26650 cells and shut them in a room for 3 hours with no internet . Yes , you can come out be online when you make my drone power up when I ring my mobile.
    So when you call the phone the power to the vibrator switches a relay and the drone powers up. A pre programmed flight route is on board on already , drone takes off climbs to 200m to be above shotgun range but highly visable from the ground. Drone flies through airspace and lands on top of a huge industrial unit in eg.-nearby creepy crawly , user hangs up phone and the drone powers down.

    With fairly crude low level tech you could acheive this for less than a grand, buy a burner phone with 100 hr standyby and be in a place far , far away causing maximum disruption to the Uk’s second busiest airport

    Disclaimer. I do not own a drone , or soldering iron.

    Full Member

    Disclaimer. I do not own a drone

    ….. it’s on top of an industrial unit in Crawley?

    I thought the same, but even further could you use a mobile phone interface with the ‘local’ controller so you could even fly it remotely

    Full Member

    Perps caught.

    Full Member

    Way out there idea, but could you not use a mobile phone to power up a drone from anywhere in the world?

    Yes. There are plenty of homebrew approaches which you could use a phone (or just wifi for).
    The issue there would be the battery life.

    Sounds like it was those evil cyclists to blame though. Although one who was “correctly” Hi-vis which may leave certain groups confused.

    Full Member

    They’ve arrested 2 people. Maybe they didn’t know any nerdy 15 year olds.

    Gatwick drones: Two arrested over flight disruption http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-46657505

    Free Member

    “confirmed sighting at 17:10.”

    Seems to kill the Battle of Los Angeles hypothesis.

    Anyone know how the ‘confirmed sighting’ was obtained? It was dark so would it have been sensitive radar? Or some kind of night vision? Surely it wasn’t just visible in the full moon?

    And since arrests followed soon after were they able to use that same technology to follow the drone roughly to the point (or in the direction) it was retrieved from? (If so that’s the ‘disposable drone’ hypothesis gone too, they’ve been retrieving it all along.)

    Full Member

    Seems a bit dim of the perps to continue playing once The Man had installed proper tracking hardware and no longer relied on plod with binoculars?

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