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  • Gatwick, drones
  • legend
    Free Member

    Maybe it knows the local tides of course……

    Full Member

    Perfectly valid opinion, and CO2 footprint of posting said opinion has been offset by the lack of flights 😛

    Free Member

    Google is on point tonight – now getting adverts for Twin Otter 400s

    Free Member

    Perfectly valid opinion, and co2 footprint of posting said opinion has been offset by the lack of flights

    Which is all perfect cover for when we reveal it’s the work of the militant remainers

    Free Member

    Google is on point tonight – now getting adverts for Twin Otter 400s

    A lot of love for the Twotter! Not as cool as a Skyshedvan or an Islander, but still a very cool plane!

    Free Member

    so if perimeter is 10k long, you could stand 200 troops* at 50m intervals to cover the whole of it. Shirley they will get a better idea of where it’s taking off and landing etc.

    * or more, probably not got much else to do 😜

    Free Member

    but then it just won’t take off until the troops head off for Christmas

    Free Member

    @rene59 Yeah, let’s go back to the dark ages , travel everywhere by the power of the wind or our legs and die of starvation.


    Full Member

    Yeah, let’s go back to the dark ages , travel everywhere by the power of the wind or our legs and die of starvation.

    Don’t be ridiculous, we fly way too much. Are you saying that destroying the world and ourselves with climate change is a price worth paying so we can fly to Spain 4 times a year?

    Free Member

    It’s a question of whether or not you believe the consequences the scientists talk about. If you do, then what are you willing to do about it? If nothing personally then what will you support others doing about it? Campaigning peacefully trying to get the law changed but being ignored time after time? Taking action through your wallet and not buying goods or services from offending companies? Supporting illegal direct action to enforce change?

    Given that in the UK alone there are 36,000 deaths a year put down to air pollution, at what point does direct action become self defence?

    Free Member

    Its Christmas so another sequel to the “Die Hard” movies ?

    Full Member

    Did somebody say you can buy rocket propelled explosive charges from somewhere??!!

    Full Member

    I’ve got it. Anti-Christmas activists. Surely a cause worth supporting?

    Free Member

    Fireworks, not RPGs.

    Full Member

    Meh! Elf and safety gone mad..

    Free Member

    @rene59 couldn’t agree more. If this is the work of ‘ecoloons’ and they are taking planes out of the sky in a non violent manner then I think its amazing. Just think what a great nights sleep those on the flightpaths are getting tonight! I mean the example alk the media are giving of the kid who can’t fly to Lapland for the day ….just take a minute to think that one through and its not so clear who is in the wrong here

    Full Member

    To everyone saying about shooting it out of the sky, it isn’t going to happen. There is no way a sniper is going to be in the right place at the right time and get a safe shot off – they’re virtually impossible to hit given their size, speed and ability to move in any direction. I know of trials of multiple GPMGs set up in an AD role unable to hit a relatively static drone…it was laughable. A shotgun probably gives the best chance of any firearm but then again it’s being in the right place, right time and the drone to be low enough. Best bet is to attack it via the control channels, or by targeting the GPS (jamming/spoofing/meaconing) though each of these has their own technical challenges dependent on the drone – ie parrot can be attacked differently to DJI.

    Good luck to whoever’s in charge of sorting this; quite glad it’s not my responsibility!

    Free Member

    I dunno why people assume that everyone on a plane is doing something purposeless. I just got back from work in Amsterdam and it appeared as usual to be mostly full of people returning from work or people visiting family.

    Free Member

    What was it you were doing that couldn’t have been done remotely eg online/via Skype or by someone already in Amsterdam?

    Full Member

    parrot can be hacked really really easily (or certainly used to be the case)
    they’re an open wifi, so log in and kill the main process and it plummets. or just flood wifi deauth packets. then it’s up to the software on board to decide whether to land or fly home, cos the guy controlling it will never have control.

    dji mavic, spark, etc. – dunno – do they use wifi for the link?

    hobby drones, dji naza etc. all use RC 2.4GHz channel. you could get 150 local RC flying guys all on the airfield flying together, and still not exceed the limits of the RF channel. the planes/drones would drop out the sky by accidental airborne collisions before the digital control causes link drops and loss of control of any aircraft.

    Free Member

    It’s a good week if you’ve developed or invested in a company that makes expensive anti-drone product…or if you want to discredit a recently-created provocative environmental lobby that seemed to spring from nowhere.

    What have our Russian cousins been up to recently?

    Free Member
    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Planes flying again, but for how long?

    Free Member

    Hopefully long enough for my flight from Barbados to be diverted back to Gatwick instead of going to Birmingham.

    11 hours late departing, luckily was able to were the day by the cruise ship pool still on my all inclusive deal 😀

    Full Member

    Fake wikipedia 'drone wars' image.

    Full Member

    It’s ok Lolz Truss is on it

    Free Member

    Is this all nonsense?

    1) There’s no image of the drone clear enough to identify it, in spite of a constant bunch of plane spotters at the end of the runway with expensive telephoto lenses, plus all the trapped passengers who have nothing better to do than photograph drones. (Many of whom must have expensive cameras in their bags.)

    2) I used to live near the perimeter of Gatwick. It’s pretty densely populated. The areas that aren’t packed with people must be crawling with police and MOD. So several hours into the incident why aren’t people seeing it land?

    I suspect that some kids flew a drone once or twice and the rest is total fabrication/cautious aviation industry/media/mass hysteria/governmentglad to deflect attention from bad news stories.

    Full Member

    There’s a lot of fields around Gatwick – you could easily fly a drone a 1000m to get it there, doesn’t need to take off from the perimeter fence.

    There’s a lot of approach routes that aren’t publicly visible – so drones may only be seen by workers?

    Will we have a load of Gatwick Drone Truthers in the future arguing the deep state was responsible as an attempt to show what a hard Brexit will be like?

    Lots of green around the airport…

    Full Member

    Are you saying that destroying the world and ourselves with climate change is a price worth paying so we can fly to Spain 4 times a year?

    I think Spain is one of the most underrated countries in Europe. Get away from the Costas and its amazing. I’d love to go 4 times a year.

    Full Member

    I think Spain is one of the most underrated countries in Europe.

    Me me too but it won’t be once climate change has done it’s worst.

    Free Member

    It does seem all a bit overkill, last report I heard was ’50 sightings’, really? I man really? how many folk around and at what times, could’ve been up for less than 30 seconds a couple of times, and folks seeing it for lots of different areas.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    My colleague reckons it is the Gov stress testing for a no deal on 29th March. Personally, I think it’s a trainee reindeer who’s gotten a bit lost.

    Free Member

    There’s a lot of fields around Gatwick – you could easily fly a drone a 1000m to get it there, doesn’t need to take off from the perimeter fence.

    There’s a lot of approach routes that aren’t publicly visible – so drones may only be seen by workers?

    Lots of green around the airport…

    Nah, there’s are public roads all the way around the peremiter. There are tons of buildings. It’s not Derbyshire, there will people dog walkers all over those fields even where there’s no footpath.

    But yes, I’m sure about 9am yesterday a drone could fly in and out without someone getting a good photo or without being spotted landing. However, by 2pm yesterday the whole area would have been crawling with people, amateur and professional.

    Free Member


    I’m not sure that Barra is really the best example of an airfield you could use here

    It’s the only one I’m daft enough to fly a drone near! 🙂

    However, I’m not sure the software could tell the difference – a no fly zone is a no fly zone from what I can tell.

    The no-fly zones set by DJI are available online.https://www.dji.com/flysafe/geo-map

    Strangely there is not a blanket ban around licenced aerodromes, even if they were only active during licenced hours – many small aerodromes operate only limited hours on a licenced basis. Most of the no-fly zones are the huge airports or prisons…

    Full Member

    Bearing in mind there were apparently sightings during the night I wonder what has changed this morning that they can reopen with confidence. And are the flying public just glad its over or nervous of an issue?

    Full Member

    Free Member

    Bearing in mind there were apparently sightings during the night I wonder what has changed this morning that they can reopen with confidence. And are the flying public just glad its over or nervous of an issue?

    Harder to spot/confirm at night so you could be getting false alarms or using lights you can make a small drone look a lot bigger? Day time you have a better line of sight and chance of seeing things coming?

    Free Member

    Bearing in mind there were apparently sightings during the night I wonder what has changed this morning that they can reopen with confidence.

    Perhaps overnight they chased up all the ‘sightings’ and found there were actually no credible sightings after 10am or somesuch.

    Free Member

    The whole thing is a farce if you ask me. This could have been dealt with very quickly and effective, but as with everything too much red tape/ risk assement etc. Just have to listen to the chief of police response. I just glad I’m not flying anywhere.

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