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  • Films…..That you expected to be good but….weren't
  • kayak23
    Full Member

    Could actually apply this to almost every ‘Blockbuster’ these days. They all get hyped so much that (to me anyway) they invariably translate into disappointment.
    The current passion for re-makes is utterly useless.

    Eraserhead, it was bobbins!

    Full Member

    Alice in Wonderland w Johnny Depp

    Looked good, shite.


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    Anchorman – given the cult follwing/hype around it, I thought it would be hilarious. I saw it for the first time on Friday and it was, well, alright. Nothing great.

    Free Member

    Anchorman is a grower!

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    The Birds, boring oldie, some folk get pecked a bit, nowt happens

    Free Member

    Once upon a time in the west. I fell asleep twice. Just way too long. 8.8 on IMDB too.

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    The rum diary. Book was amazing. Film didn’t even follow it. What’s the point?

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    Tim Burton’s Planet of the Apes as I used to think TB was brill. Very poor and rarely run the risk of TB films since.

    Aren’t Will Ferrell films just the same one over and over again?

    Full Member

    The Birds, boring oldie, some folk get pecked a bit, nowt happens

    Happened to watch the Birds this weekend and totally agree.

    For me the film I’ve never “got” is 2001: A Space Odyssey.

    Anchorman, on the other hand, is of course awesome.

    Full Member

    A Serious Man, watched it last night, I’m very much a fan of the Coen Brothers stuff but this was pretty bland compared to their best stuff.

    Free Member

    So many so called classics are nothign but pants.

    The Shining – Ex alkie mentalist goes mental and chases his family round a haunted house. Yawn.

    The Godfather – Some Italians kill each other and a few other people whilst running a crime gang. Boring.

    2001 a Space Odyssey – Monkeys, a killer space ship, some silly colours and a big black tombstone. Turgid.

    Jaws – A big shark kills some people and then gets killed. Awful.

    Free Member

    JonR, if those films are awful, what do you like? 😕

    Full Member

    Anchorman is a grower

    So is mould.

    I struggled through the start of Once Upon a Time In the West once. It was very long and dull and I had to switch off. And I love long dull westerns 🙂

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    JonR – I assume you just don’t like fiction cos basically you have summarised every drama have you not? Film starts, something happens, film finishes. Boring.

    Full Member

    Natural born killers. Saw it on pirate video when reservoir dogs and pulp fiction meant tarantino was the best thing ever, but wasn’t impressed. Put it partly down to poor quality copy, so reluctantly agreed to go to the cinema to watch it with mates. Went to sleep, t was that bad

    Full Member

    Run fatboy, run. Pointless

    Free Member

    Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.
    Soooooo Slooooowww. Tension building? no, that was boredom building.

    Free Member

    Inception – building bending CGI? Sooooooo boring.

    Free Member

    The remake of the Planet of the Apes had all the right ingredients with Burton et al, but some poor writing spoiled it. The ending was a cop out too, it elicted a resounding “WTF?” instead of the original film’s classic punchline.

    Anything with “Saw” in the title is p1ss poor too.

    Free Member

    Resistance. Don’t bother.

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    No Country for Old Men. Usually love Coen Brothers stuff but it was very disappointing.

    Anchorman is ace however.

    Full Member

    No Country for Old Men

    +1 just plain boring.

    Free Member

    I liked ‘no country for old men’
    but didn’t like ‘127 hours’ – heard too much hype before I guess and it didn’t meet expectations

    Free Member

    There Will Be Blood


    I was particularly disappointed by the latter.

    Free Member

    Inception. Why not bring the kids to France and save me the £5.50 and ninety minutes that were wasted on this?

    How come so many people have been suckered into proclaiming this film to be a work of genius?

    Full Member

    Great expectations…….. 🙄

    Free Member

    I thought Shaun of the Dead was pretty shit and nowhere near as good and as funny as the hype suggested. I thought the premise sounded really good but enjoyed Zombieland much more as a comedy zombie movie.

    More generally i dont really get all the Simon Pegg / Nick Frost / Edgar Wright love that seems to be around. Hot Fuzz was as shit as Shaun of the Dead.

    Free Member

    This is pants, promissed to be a good old romp in Spain, turned out it’s introspective twaddle.

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    “Be Kind, Rewind”

    My eyeballs haven’t stopped complaining about it yet. 😆

    Free Member

    Se7en, the 6th Sense, the new Batman films with Christian Bale in them.

    Full Member


    One of the film critics classics that I had never seen. Watched and it was just soooo slooowww!

    I appreciate older films tend to be a bit slower than their more modern equivalents but man, nothing happened.

    Free Member

    Avatar. Wasn’t awful but had to leave before the end and never went back to it. Didn’t really care.

    Inception, if it was the one about going into dream/subconcious. Went way to complex IMO. Good idea for a movie but no need to create so many twists.

    Happy Feet. I find penguins hilarious but I hate movies/programs where they constantly sing. Was gutted when I found out they sing all the time!

    Full Member

    Vicky Christina Barcelona is fantastic!

    so is No Country.. and There Will Be Blood

    Went way to complex IMO

    I like this in a Sci-fi, like Total Recall or eXistenZ, twists yer melon a bit.

    Free Member

    Much aclaimed by the critics as being on of Kubrics best films.
    Dull as dishwater, and that’s probably an insult to dishwater.

    Free Member

    Films…..That you expected to be good but….weren’t

    The Godfather – Some Italians kill each other and a few other people whilst running a crime gang.

    So exactly what did you expect a film about the Italian Mafia to be about?

    Full Member

    There Wil Be Blood – truly awful the only blood was from my eyes and ears having to put up with utter junk.

    Free Member

    Black Hawk Down. The whol film was just SHOUTING SHOUTING GUNS DEATH SHOUTING MORE GUNS

    Don’t get me wrong – I enjoy a good action film, but you can’t make a whole film at that level and pace, you need downbeat moments and tension to throw the action into relief, otherwise it’s meaningless

    I had about 15 minutes left of the film to watch but Just Couldn’t Be ****ed and went to bed.

    Free Member

    For those mentioning There Will Be Blood…i’m sure you’ll like this clip 😀

    Free Member

    Once Upon a Time in Mexico.
    Desperado is one of my alltime favourite movies so I had high hopes for this, but I couldn’t get into it.

    Kill Bill volume 2.
    Volume 1 I thought was ace but volume 2 didn’t half go on a bit.

    This was Jon Favreau and Vince Vaughn’s follow up to Swingers (which is in my top 5 ever movies), and it was woeful, I turned it off.

    Be Cool
    Follow up to the ace Get Shorty, but rubbish.

    There is a definite sequel theme going on with my picks!

    Full Member

    Another one for “There Will Be Blood”

    All of the characters were as bad as each other so in the end I just didn’t care what happened to any of them, that and it was way too long

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