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  • EU Referendum – are you in or out?
  • whattiler
    Free Member

    Interesting study by the LSE and Oxford University.

    It seems there is a middle ground amongst leavers and remainers. I don’t know what the term is for something in between hard and soft but it seems that’s what type of brexit the public want.

    As the Bard of Barking once said, ‘sweet moderation, heart of this nation’

    Full Member

    THM – not suggesting for an instant that all Brexies are murderers. However there is an interesting study, which I did post up a while back, showing how many traits they have in common with ISIS supporters (not the bottom bracket).

    I was merely pointing out in response to your assertion that the remainers are now nastier than the Brexies that the remainers haven’t got close to the extremes some Brexies got to (however much will power that is taking).

    I’ll see if I can find the survey linking the Brexy and ISIS traits.

    Free Member

    Whattiler – flaccideers? 😉

    Igm – you are proving my point again, spare the kids, Your kids. Refrain from wild exaggeration, it’s in THEiR interests

    [oh and just compare the behaviour of Brexshietters on here v our side who have tried – and succeeded in part.- suppressing them, abusing them, lying about them and getting them banned. Planks?!? Very unpleasant. ]

    Full Member

    whattiler – that is a non-story in terms of what remainers want as there is always huge social pressure to go with the majority, however slim and whether or not it is a good idea.
    The interesting bit is actually the Brexies who want to keep our relationship with Europe as it was 18 months or are willing to pay £12bn a year for access to EU markets (when we only pay £8bn now!). The balance point was £6bn plus a healthy £20bn settling of current commitments – so ten years plus before we’d win on that (if ever).
    There does seem to be an immigration issue looking at the charts, but given our employment situation that isn’t going to change – foreigners will still be able to come here. Of course we are going to lose our ability (to some extent at least) to go live in Europe. Cutting our nose off to spite our face?
    Mainly that survey shows (confirms?) we’re mad.

    Free Member

    It seems there is a middle ground amongst leavers and remainers. I don’t know what the term is for something in between hard and soft but it seems that’s what type of brexit the public want.

    I think the middle ground is a soft Brexit
    – Leavers want a hard Brexit
    – Remainers want no Brexit

    Difficulty comes with what does a soft Brexit exactly mean…

    Free Member

    One for your playlist IGM (JADB) 😆 ISIS 😳

    Full Member

    THM – you are suggesting that me typing stuff on the internet with no threats veiled or otherwise is worse than the barrage of nastiness including threats of vilenc that one nutter acted on, the defacing of foreign related buildings etc carried out by folks supporting Brexit?


    No hyperbole there, no wild exaggeration. Those things happened.

    Now I’m sure that you know some lovely Brexies. I’ve met one that is OK too (perhaps more than one). But it is a bit like meeting a lovely old dear who wouldn’t hurt a fly but is profoundly racist or something.
    Nice people perhaps, but a nasty movement / grouping / result.

    Full Member

    theocb – nice one. May I dedicate it to the UK’s Brexit negotiation team?

    Free Member

    Nasty result true – but we can and will get over it, if we try

    . Of course we are going to lose our ability (to some extent at least) to go live in Europe.

    Are you suggesting that the EU are going to use human beings as bargaining chips? Whatever next? I hope we are prepared for that eventuality….

    one nutter

    Both words prove my point exactly – QED

    Full Member

    If that proves your point you may need to make it more clearly.

    My point is for all that you suggest, rant even on occasion, about how nasty the remainers are being to the poor Brexies, there is precious little evidence of it. There is plenty of evidence the other way, the pinnacle of which was murder, but supported more generally by leafleting campaigns, gutter press headlines, defacing Polish community centres.

    It may not be general, but it’s not isolated.

    This country is no longer the place it once was.

    As for the EU using people as bargaining chips, perhaps but that wasn’t what I was talking about. I was talking about the simple mechanics of raising barriers to people moving, equally on both sides, will not particularly affect people coming to Britain because there are twice as many immigrants as there are unemployed – so we’ll still need a flow of people, the EU less so.

    Full Member

    Of course if we successfully wreck the economy and trash the currency that will sort immigration for the Brexies.

    Full Member

    just compare the behaviour of Brexshietters on here v our side who have tried – and succeeded in part.- suppressing them, abusing them, lying about them and getting them banned.

    again? citation required, or at the very least ‘report post’. it’s not hard.

    Planks?!? Very unpleasant

    sorry – what does this mean/refer too? must have missed it.

    Free Member

    oh and just compare the behaviour of Brexshietters on here v our side who have tried – and succeeded in part.- suppressing them, abusing them, lying about them and getting them banned. Planks?!? Very unpleasant.

    What on earth are you going on about here?
    Use the report button [ you certainly know how to] instead of making spurious [ polite for false] allegations on the open forum. I suspect the mods will tell you exactly the same as the forum is though probably not as impolitely as asking WTF are you going on about?

    Again lectures from the man who was the most recently banned person on here about HOW WE NEED TO BE MORE POLITE
    Oh the **** irony.

    remind us again exactly WHY you were banned…were you targeting an individual by any chance?

    THis is going all through the looking glass

    Whilst I dislike your smarm and patronising attitude on here you have never slipped this far from rational its just plain weird
    Still you are getting attention so I guess we get to see just how far this plays out

    Still hope its satire as it is not rational

    Free Member

    Are you suggesting that the EU are going to use human beings as bargaining chips?

    Clearly they are suggesting

    we are going to lose our ability (to some extent at least) to go live in Europe

    Do you disagree and think afterwards free movement will remain- would you like to negate his point rather than mock it?
    You agree free movement will be reduced so WTF have you made this point ?

    This is desperate trolling THM

    I shall leave others to feed you

    Full Member

    Guys, THM and I disagree. I appreciate his lack of argument on that point, but I don’t feel bullied or mocked. Merely that he has missed the point.

    I can be pretty robust on here at times shall we say and others will do the same to me.

    Que sera.

    I’m a big boy and this is only an Internet forum – it isn’t like racist graffiti or yelling abuse at school kids.

    Free Member

    Ask him why he was banned

    I just find it tedious that someone serially banned lectures us on good behaviour- its not like I would dish out this advice as I am also in no position to offer advice – though I have tried to get my own house in order re that… no ban for a couple of years the odd deleted post no warning either iirc so I just worked on me rather than telling others what to do.

    Your last point re curtailed movement afterwards is clearly what will happen so I have no idea why he chose to “mock ” it a he must agree that freedom of movement we have now will not be the same afterwards so your point is true. He has deliberately missed the point as it was very simple hence he mocked rather than try factual rebuttal – whilst also telling us all to be polite.

    I agree its not bullying – I dont really see that on here just the more fringe posters being serially challenged and mocked for their views and how the facts dont support their claims. This i call rational. Sometimes its impolite but i guess that is inevitable when some folk wont listen to facts and want opinions on them – the survey posted being the most recent example and its not bullying to point out the flaws in the non sequitur conclusion drawn from it. Its actually helpful if they would bother to listen.

    Free Member

    I take real offence at the implication by most people on this forum that everyone who voted to leave the EU is racist. I’d love to have seen you say that to the late Bob Crow and seen what reaction you got.

    Full Member

    I didn’t believe last year that everyone who voted leave was racist, though I knew a few who did and are.

    But a year on it is becoming harder to give some of them, including some on here, the benefit of the doubt. Check a few likely characters’ posts on other threads to see what I mean.

    Now just because you’re racist doesn’t inherently make you wrong on every topic.

    But it needs taking into account.

    Free Member

    I take real offence at the implication by most people on this forum that everyone who voted to leave the EU is racist.

    I take real offence to this straw man
    Can you find a number of quotes of folk claiming this never mind the majority? What I saw was folk pointing out that some of the leave voters were/are racist and some of the campaign appealed to this racism. This is not disputable
    What way do you think racists voted in the referendum then?

    I dont recall someone saying all leave voters were racist- Ernie voted leave and he accused Jamby of playing the race card on the debates FWIW

    Leave voters did so for many reasons racism was the reason for some though by no means all.

    Stop making things up or provide the evidence that majority did this 🙄

    Free Member

    man, this thread has descended into a special kinda shit! 😆

    Free Member

    I too know people who voted to leave who are racist, also people who voted to remain who are racist.

    The majority of people I know who voted to leave are trades unionists who have been on more counter protests against groups like EDL and Britain First than you can imagine. People who have been at the forefront of anti-fascism for decades. Don’t tar everyone with the same brush.

    Free Member

    Back from tennis – let’s see what have I missed 😉

    Full Member

    I think I’m being accused of tarring everyone with the same brush.

    I of course do not recognise that in my posts, but hey…

    Free Member

    Guys, THM and I disagree.

    Sometimes 😉

    I appreciate his lack of argument on that point, but I don’t feel bullied or mocked.

    How can you be, you are on the OK side?!? ITs the Brexshiteers who cop it (and to a much lesser extent, anyone who points out how stupid the remoaners exaggerations are/have become. )

    But on the living in Europe issue, IGM, you seem to be suggesting that we may face some restrictions in the future. I agree, this may be the case although the I am more optimistic that the EU would not be silly. BUt we shall see, BUT, and it’s an important BUT, when May hinted that she wanted to get guarantees on this issue up front – quite sensibly IMO – and agree reciprocal arrangements, the remoaners get in a huff about playing polictics with peoples’s lives and using people as bargaining chips. Not shit Sherlock – of course the EU would never do such a thing would they?!

    Morning Joe, why the surprise, it’s been raining hard! 😉

    Free Member

    Don’t tar everyone with the same brush.

    no one has until you provide the evidence

    you seem to be suggesting that we may face some restrictions in the future. I agree,

    Why did you troll say this originlly to him then if you agree?

    Was it to balance up the attacks on the remain side?

    Are you suggesting that the EU are going to use human beings as bargaining chips?

    Glad you enjoyed your tennis and glad the winks are back to cover up your love of the troll

    What was the ban again …were you perhaps unfairly targeting someone and got banned…most would call this bullying…..anyway thanks for the lectures on bullying.

    Full Member

    May fell short on the guarantees (relative to the ones the EU gave) and they don’t apply to future FoM do they? The EU were quite open and fairly generous on citizens rights by comparison.

    May, as always, was all talk and incompetence.

    Free Member

    Tbh IGM I haven’t follow the details on FoM closely enough recently. I am getting my hiring in quickly instead. But as someone who is in complete support of total FoM, I was very happy for May to insist on this being agreed up from – yes make it an EXPLICIT bargaining point because you knew it would be an issue and the EU would have no problem bargaining with it.. But naive remoaners thougt that this was a bad idea immoral one. BIzarre….

    It was a rare occasion where I agree with her, in that it was important to have this agreed as a first and top priority. We should have stayed firm.

    Free Member

    yes make it an EXPLICIT bargaining point

    So not only did you attack him you now think with this statement

    Are you suggesting that the EU are going to use human beings as bargaining chips?

    you actually think we are and its a good idea 😯

    Perhaps when you get consistent an informed debate can break out?

    But naive remoaners

    Is this you being polite then with folk you disagree with

    Full Member

    It was a rare occasion where I agree with her, in that it was important to have this agreed as a first and top priority. We should have stayed firm.

    Actually the EU agreed with that too. May claimed to agree with it then backed off when she actually had to put something on the table.

    I do not find her impressive. If we had for example Ruth Davidson in the chair this would all be going a little better. Not that I always agree with Ruth, but she actually has some ability.

    Free Member

    I think I’m being accused of tarring everyone with the same brush.

    I of course do not recognise that in my posts, but hey…I’m just another delusional brexie

    Interested in why you have kept this type of crap up for the last few months then?? ‘fellow travellers’, ‘ISIS members have similar traits to a leave voters’, ‘worth noting that leave voters are racist’

    Desperately trying to tar everyone with the same brush by any chance?
    Quick tell us more about how you believe you’re some sort of kingmaker in the negotiations 😆

    Full Member

    JY – given I don’t regard myself as either naive or a remoaners (not actually sure what a remoaner is) I’m finding it difficult to take offence on a personal basis.

    Full Member

    theocb – kingmaker? Certainly not. Very small cog in a very large number of large machines.
    Keep trying. 😉

    And months? There’s years and years of this to go. The Brexies took 40 years to get another referendum, I’m hoping to get a result sooner, but I’m patient.

    Oh and find me the non-factual bit.

    Free Member

    Oh and find me the non-factual bit.

    I’m stumped tbh. Triple lollies.

    Free Member

    But on the living in Europe issue, IGM, you seem to be suggesting that we may face some restrictions in the future. I agree, this may be the case although the I am more optimistic that the EU would not be silly. BUt we shall see, BUT, and it’s an important BUT, when May hinted that she wanted to get guarantees on this issue up front – quite sensibly IMO – and agree reciprocal arrangements, the remoaners get in a huff about playing polictics with peoples’s lives and using people as bargaining chips. Not shit Sherlock – of course the EU would never do such a thing would they?!

    Someone’s been smoking something it seems. About the only thing the tories have agreed on from the start is that they want to end freedom of movement.

    Free Member

    IGM , you are much better informed on this that I am. Being a fan of full FOM I am very much in the minority on this issue and have blanked it out in the short term. It’s too depressing

    TBC and to repeat, I do not find May impressive (other than in the very short honeymoon period when she first became PM). As I have said before, I would prefer a combination of the likes of Hammond and Starmer than the current bunch. But that isn’t going to happen because petty party policies will always get in the way.

    (BTW I enjoy our debates and hope that comments on the previous page did not get misinterpreted)

    Free Member

    indeed captain – at least some of them. Crazy idea. But they are not alone in that stupidity. Both major parties have a xenophobic wing that have to be catered to.

    Free Member

    So it’s hardly the EU being silly then is it.

    Free Member

    Who said it was?

    Full Member

    Of the Westminster bunch, who sadly look a little second rate these days, I’ll agree with Hammond and Starmer.

    Sadly we appear to want grown ups as politicians – so no chance also agreed.

    BTW I enjoy our debates and hope that comments on the previous page did not get misinterpreted

    If and when I take offfence I will be very clear about that. I enjoy a robust debate and from my point of view that’s all it was.

    I did take offence at something someone else said on this forum, said so, we took it to the PM service, and I think sorted it out. No moderators were involved.

    Like I said, big boys rules. No harm / offence should ever be intended, but if it’s caused, folk know where they can PM me.

    Free Member

    Not even a debate tbh, just thought attempting to link Brexshiters to ISIS was far fetched. Very far fetched. Nothing more esp given the evidence at that point was the “one nutter”.

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