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  • EU Referendum – are you in or out?
  • kelvin
    Full Member

    The fact that someone with as much broad nationwide support, both personally and for his main policies, as Farage, can be elected as an MEP, but not as an UK MP, shows where the democratic deficit really lies.

    Full Member

    Bear in mind, people had never been given the chance to have a say about EU Bureaucratic system prior to that.

    You may wish to fact check that.

    Free Member

    This is an interesting thing to watch. I’m no fan of Tony Blair, have never voted Labour and never likely to but he has far more gravitas in this interview than any of the rhetoric coming from our current PM.


    Either way – the section from 34 mins onwards for 10 mins or so where he puts out his case for campaigning for Remain is well worth a listen… there’s clearly some background organising going on IMO but presumably whoever’s running it are holding their fire for now – certainly until after the election and once there’s more substance to the A50 process and a shape of a deal… he’s clearly hinting at a Remain campaign and fightback being worked on.

    Shame it’s him really as he’s so tainted but his considered seriousness is badly what we need right now. I personally think we need a younger version of someone of similar politics (centrist) with similar gravitas and seriousness to lead the fightback. Maybe they’re there sitting in the wings. Who knows…

    Free Member

    Here we go LEAVE.EU are now comparing negotiations with buying a s/h car 😆

    Free Member

    Yep when people start comparing running a country to owning a house or Brexit negotiations to buying a car you know they are completely out of their depth.
    The EU isn’t selling us anything at this point. If the UK takes NO DEAL (That is actually a deal it just doesn’t sound as good – it’s really called flouncing) they are negotiating a way to deal with us.
    The deal we end up with will be ratified by them first – they have the power to say no and chuck the UK out with nothing.
    The UK is about to find out what it feels like to negotiate from a position of being the weaker and smaller partner. It will be a shock.

    Full Member

    The difference with this flounce is it’s taking place up shit creek

    Full Member

    Aracer – interestingly that’s May’s position really isn’t it.

    “Before we negotiate the deal to leave I just want you to know I’m definitely leaving”

    Full Member

    The buying a car analogy is simply moronic as you can of course walk out of the showroom. What you can’t do with the whole brexit thing is say we don’t need the thousands of lorries a week that cross the channel bringing the food that feeds this country. Of course EU food producers need to sell us their products, but they can do so at a price of their choosing as our need is rather more fundamental than theirs. Leavers really do believe they are negotiating from a position of strength; the opposite it unfortunately the case.

    Free Member
    Full Member

    You know the more this idiocy goes on the more I’m glad I’m one of the 48.

    Free Member

    The more I’m glad I’m at the tail end of my career and can watch it play out without actually **** up my future.

    Full Member

    The more I’m glad I’m at the tail end of my career and can watch it play out without actually **** up my future.

    How do you think pensions work?

    Free Member

    My pension works on the basis of my savings and though I may take a modest hit I’m not really bothered on a personal basis.

    Just to be clear, I’m not looking forward to brexit and think it’s an absolutely insane idea.

    Free Member

    @oldnpastit as above, my pensions are a mix of defined benefit (from an American company) and Defined Contribution invested globally and up 27% last year

    What you can’t do with the whole brexit thing is say we don’t need the thousands of lorries a week that cross the channel bringing the food that feeds this country. Of course EU food producers need to sell us their products, but they can do so at a price of their choosing as our need is rather more fundamental than theirs

    The border doesn’t close under WTO you know 😯 We don’t have to charge WTO tariffs on food imports and food is available from many places other than the EU and frequently at much cheaper prices when looking at equivalent tariffs country by country

    Full Member

    food is available from many places other than the EU and frequently at much cheaper prices

    Which should kill off a good bit of our farming industry.

    Full Member

    The border doesn’t close under WTO you know

    Everything will require export licenses, import licenses, inspections (how else will they ensure we’re not sneakily exporting straight bananas?) and a ton more red tape.

    Free Member

    jamby we all know we can get food from places other than the EU its not saying anything of any value to say that you need to address the real issue with something other than extreme optimism

    Here are the views of the experts who are somewhat more concerned about WTO and tariffs than you are but what do they know eh

    Full Member

    chewkw – Member
    PJM1974 – Member
    Farage is no Jimmy Cranky that bow to EU bureaucratic system.

    It’s no use. I’ve read that sentence and have re-read it. I’ve even recited it backwards.
    It still makes no sense at all.

    Ignore it and move on.
    You are not ready to understand that yet.
    You don’t need to know everything in this world you know.
    Yeah, we’re aware of that; what we don’t know is what the actual **** you’re talking about 90+% of the time!

    Full Member

    CZ – is this the first time I’ve agreed with you? I forget sometimes in all the fun around here, but I thought you were a right wing Brexy and even you don’t get Chewkw.
    Ah well.

    Free Member

    Had an interesting conversation this evening. Was dropping off some glasses I’d found (they had an address inside the glasses case – a long way from where I found them, but I happened to be over that way).

    An elderly couple – was having a pleasant chat, not really wanting to talk politics, but somehow they brought up the subject of the election tomorrow. I don’t like to stereotype, but elderly seemingly comfortably well off couple in a constituency which always votes in a Tory MP I thought I could guess and I wasn’t wrong. Happy to tell me that they’d voted to leave and the main reason appeared to be because they didn’t think our country could cope with all the immigrants.

    As I said, I wasn’t really wanting to talk politics – didn’t want to spoil the warm glow I had from doing a good turn – but I suggested I thought our country needed immigration, that the immigrants did jobs Brits didn’t want to do, and that doubtless there were lots of immigrants working in the fields around there (we were in the heart of farming country). They agreed with me that the local farm was the biggest strawberry grower in the country, that it employed lots of immigrants, and whats more that they all seemed very decent people, prepared to do a hard job and always looking smart in the way Brits didn’t. I simply pointed out that was what most immigrants were like and left it at that – hopefully I made them think just a little bit.

    Free Member

    aracer – Member

    Had an interesting conversation this evening. Was dropping off some glasses I’d found (they had an address inside the glasses case – a long way from where I found them, but I happened to be over that way).

    Nice one. 🙂

    Full Member

    aracer: I drink with a local farmer who voted leave because of immigrants. We pointed out that he regularly sung the praises of the incredibly hard working immigrants working for him. He agreed they were great but he “meant the other ones”. 🙄

    Free Member

    He agreed they were great but he “meant the other ones”.

    It’s amazing how people think. Being an immigrant that blends in means you’re not one of them…

    Free Member

    It’s amazing how people think. Being an immigrant that blends in means you’re not one of them…

    So how many people actually voted to keep out “immigrants” and how many voted to keep out Muslim immigrants???

    Free Member

    Right, now we have a completely screwed up parliament, looking really strong and stable! WTF happens now!

    Free Member

    WTF happens now!

    Anybodies guess, but I’d say it’s either not happening, or will be much softer. We simply won’t be able to get it through parliament without a large majority in the timescale offered by A50.

    Full Member

    I think the EU negotiating team have some free time on the 19th.

    Free Member

    Barnier…..what’s the words “laughing his tits off”

    Free Member

    Barnier…..what’s the words “laughing his tits off”

    I’d imagine they all are.

    Free Member

    I am too

    Free Member

    I am too

    Look, I know my “two year” thing was a bit silly but let’s not be too cruel here. 🙂

    Free Member

    well if it was difficult before it has got a lot more complicated now.

    Free Member

    Though I’m still expecting a better long term outcome for a bit of short term pain.

    Full Member

    This whole brexit thing is going swimmingly, no issues or disruptions whatsover.

    Free Member

    Its pretty much going exactly to plan. Just like it was laid out in the leave campaign. I bet the remoaners and project fear are feeling pretty stupid now

    Full Member

    The ability of Brexit to damage both the Tories and the country as a whole is really quite impressive

    Free Member

    mrmo indeed, the election result makes a deal much more dofficult to reach. It was hard enough when we had the UK government trying to work with 27 nations all with different objectives. Now the EU faces much the same.

    A no-deal / WTO Brexit now looks much more likely

    Oh the great irony of the EU saying they are “ready” – they coud have started talks on issues like UK/EU citizens 11 months ago. Idiots

    This SKY News piece echos my views, the EU are rightly concerned. There isn’t a snowballs chance in hell a minority government is going to agree any “exit bill” as thats much more electoral suicide than WTO tariffs


    Free Member

    @kimbers Brexit wasn’t the issue at the GE imo, on that the Tories where clear leaders. They lost their way on “austerity” eg conversations over police cuts and the controversial social care policy (ironic as Labour want (need to) to raise Inheritance Tax for everyone)

    Thise think a minority government (we don’t have a hung pariament) means softer Brexit could get a very nasty surprise

    Free Member

    I think it’s going to be cancelled then………….

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