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  • EU Referendum – are you in or out?
  • yunki
    Free Member

    what have we got to offer then Jamba?

    Free Member

    yunki – Member
    don’t turn it into a comment on the class system chewkw.. that’s a cheap politicians trick

    Okay, you need to rephrase it because it sounded exactly like that i.e. the envy of class system. Nothing wrong with that hating the class system and the associated trouble. I am just describing your feeling.

    You are a long way from dropping to 3rd world standard. Firstly, your PM is NOT even in the “premier league” of becoming the recipient of US$ 1 Billion man, who is capable of playing golf with Mr President Obama. Secondly, it will not happen.

    it’s about the big elephant in the room which is that as a nation we have absolutely zero to bring to the table..

    there is not one product or service that we supply that someone else in the world can’t produce much better and much cheaper..

    beggars can’t be choosers

    I disagree that we bring nothing to the table because it would be unthinkable if that is the case coz we would be beggars long ago.

    Free Member

    what have we got to offer the world as a stand alone nation?

    what’s our function?
    how will we support ourselves?

    Full Member

    Uncontrolled immigration from an ever expanding list of poor EU countries is going to drive wages and working conditions down in the UK pushing more and more jobs down to minimum wage. How on earth is that good for working people ?

    What uncontrolled immigration?

    Free Member

    Uncontrolled immigration from an ever expanding list of poor EU countries is going to drive wages and working conditions down in the UK pushing more and more jobs down to minimum wage

    I do tire of the way you , IDS, Gove and Boris champion the rights of the workers to have greater protection from the nefarious forces of capitalism…I mean you did it in that post

    Youth unemployment is running at 25% in Europe, the French Predient is bypassing Parliament to personally push through Labour reforms as employers won’t hire kids as its too expensive

    I think you may be trying to argue the same point both ways to make it always the EU’s fault

    Its not really the fault of the EU what French employment law is.

    As our rate is not that high it surely shows the amount of freedom we have within the EU to do as we please[ and suggests we can accommodate migrant workers – your argument defeats your own view again] to achieve the economic goals we want – low pay and few employment rights . As both are in the EU the causes cannot be the EU

    Its bonkers to think the Tories in this country will give workers greater rights or that you would for that matter. Disingenuous as it was false.

    Free Member

    yunki – Member
    what have we got to offer the world as a stand alone nation?
    what’s our function?
    how will we support ourselves?

    Stop the overthinking. The sky will not fall and you will not be a beggar unless you want to.

    Free Member

    brilliant answer… thanks 🙂

    Free Member

    yunki – Member
    brilliant answer… thanks

    See that is not very hard isn’t it.

    Now you have to vote OUT.

    Yes, I know you will. 😛

    Free Member

    what have we got to offer the world as a stand alone nation?
    what’s our function?
    how will we support ourselves?

    have you thought of anything yet?

    anything? 😕

    Free Member

    BoJo’s anti-semitic ramblings

    Clutching at straws there DrJ, thats pure invention. Mentioning Hitler isn’t anti-semitic. Boris is a big supporter of Israel making regular visits to the country including the West Bank where more timid politicians fearing controversy won’t go. I think many Jews would find some truth in comparing the EU superstate project which combined with inward migration and substabtial expansion to the tone which existed in the past. In a time when Jews have been murdered in Belgian museums, shopping in Paris or mass executions at a Jewish owned concert venue by radicalised Islamists the EUs handling of the refugee crises “welcoming” well over a million people with no real idea of their background or beliefs does not make them feel safe.

    Free Member

    Oh come on!!

    enough skirting the real issues with nonsensical diversionary tactics, you’re a bright fella jamba with your finger on the pulse

    what have we got to offer the world as a stand alone nation?
    what’s our function?
    how will we support ourselves?

    Free Member

    yunki – Member

    what have we got to offer the world as a stand alone nation?
    what’s our function?
    how will we support ourselves?

    have you thought of anything yet?

    anything? [/quote]

    I am struggling to think of what EU got to offer the world to be honest.

    German cars? Nope. We drive Japanese cars in Asia. All EU cars are rip off in price by comparison and only the corrupted drives European cars … see … see … 😛

    Thinking of it we don’t need anything from EU in Asia.

    Okay … big planes but we can buy Boeing and big ships … nope, that’s China and S.Korea.

    Chemical? Pesticide? Ya, you export them to us.

    Free Member

    so we got nuffink? and the EU’s got nuffink?

    wouldn’t you feel a bit safer all huddled together with a big pile of nuffink?

    How are we going to make our little island haven work for us? I like the idea in theory, I just want to know about some basic practicalities

    Free Member

    What uncontrolled immigration?

    There is no control over immigration within the European Union, that is a key requirement of membership. As the EU made clear during Cameron’s roadshow its a core principal and not up for negotiation.

    Junky youth unemployment in Europe is out of control due to employment “protection” laws having the opposite effect and weak economies hamstrung by overbearing legislation and the inability of eurozone countries to set policy to suit their indvidual needs. Germany refused to allow the ECB to introduce QE when the US and UK did and the EU stumbled further as a result, they have now relented but too late, the opportunity was lost. The EU will slide further into recession before the watershed of a Greek default.

    Free Member

    Beef seems popular Chewkw, desperation for milk, wheat? Software, designs for the mega factories and much more. Find me a country that needs nothing and has nothing to offer. Put a group of those together and they have more to offer and bargain with

    Free Member

    Junky youth unemployment in Europe is out of control due to employment “protection” laws having the opposite effect and weak economies hamstrung by overbearing legislation

    Well they could just revert back to the EU minimum???

    Free Member

    Ok read them- 2011- seems to me a bunch of bankers [ and some elected politicians] went if you want our money this is what you have to do

    The Greeks were free to ignore it and I think, as they overthrew [ democratically] the govt its fair to say they did to some degree- no expert on this issue might be wrong there.

    When the IMF did this to the UK[70’s] – though we were in the Ec it was not causal- they did much the same with onerous terms and conditions the populace did not want to accept.

    Its business rather than democracy. Do they wield too much power – well its capitalism of course the holders of the wealth/capital have too much power but I am not sure that no EU would mean this does not happen. It would just be the IMF rather than European ones doing it. the former being less democratic than the later.

    Out of my depth on such lofty economic issues though tbh THM is probably the person best able to deal with this.

    Free Member

    It doesn’t seem like we’re going to get any sense out of jambalaya today which is a shame..

    he seems to have a bit of a one track mind at the moment 🙁

    How are we going to make our little island haven work for us? I like the idea in theory, I just want to know about some basic practicalities

    Free Member

    yunki – Member
    so we got nuffink? and the EU’s got nuffink?

    You got brand names if that helps? Yes? Branding hype? 😛

    wouldn’t you feel a bit safer all huddled together with a big pile of nuffink?

    All eggs in one basket? All in one boat? You will sink faster.

    How are we going to make our little island haven work for us.. I like the idea in theory, I just want to know about some basic practicalities

    58 million people in UK and none (just general assumption) of you can come up with a way to survive? The birthplace of Industrial Revolution? Crikey, you lot have brain rot! 😀

    mikewsmith – Member
    Beef seems popular Chewkw, desperation for milk, wheat? Software, designs for the mega factories and much more. Find me a country that needs nothing and has nothing to offer. Put a group of those together and they have more to offer and bargain with

    Beef so so but Chinese loves pork but at the rate of UK farmland turning into something else or to build houses, I bet piggy farming might be hard to come by. The animal welfare in EU is also debatable.

    Milk from NZ. Wheat from Russia me think. Software from India? Designs for mega factories? They are already mega in China.

    You can offer advance “thinking” technology wise but you have to manufacture them elsewhere or it is not possible, i.e. Design in EU or UK but made in 3rd world, basically this only benefits a few.

    Yes, you can put a group together but you do not have to do so politically.

    Free Member

    ahhh… history

    we’re gonna sell history?

    Free Member

    yunki – Member
    ahhh… history
    we’re gonna sell history?

    You mean history in political spin?
    It’s all their fault! 😀

    Free Member

    I’m starting to wander if chewkw is a second log in created by someone else to inject a big load of baffling bullshit every time the questions get too tricky to answer 😆

    quick.. someone’s being practical.. roll out the de-railer!!

    Free Member

    Full Member

    jambalaya – Member

    I have not met a passionately Remain supporter, not one yourself included. The ones I’ve spoken to who are passionate are passionaltely against their perception of a Leave supporter rather than pro-EU

    In my experience all the brexiters I’ve listened too come over, not as passionate, but as completely and utterly barking mad. Proper mental! I think that most people try to avoid being shouted down by complete fruit-loops, so will tend to keep their heads down, and just use their vote in the logical ‘whatever Ian Duncan Smith says… the opposite of that’ box

    Free Member

    yunki – Member
    I’m starting to wander if chewkw is a character created by someone else to inject a big load of baffling bullshit every time the questions get too tricky to answer

    quick.. someone’s being practical.. roll out the de-railer!!

    No, no it’s not difficult to answer but it is just tedious to explain the obvious. i.e. what do EU has to offer to the world?

    I am not good at twisting and turning words or to spin like some of you lot coz you are good at spinning.

    So no I am not talking bullshit but perhaps I am not anal enough to comb for the fine points. As you lot always like to say … ” … the devil is in the details …” (exactly the bureaucratic approach with something to hide).

    mikewsmith – Member

    That’s a 90kg – 100kg porky!

    I used to work in Kent looking after nearly 400 pigs btw shoveling pig shite that no British people wanted to do.

    Free Member

    jambalaya – Member
    BoJo’s anti-semitic ramblings

    Clutching at straws there DrJ, thats pure invention. Mentioning Hitler isn’t anti-semitic. Boris is a big supporter of Israel making regular visits to the country including the West Bank where more timid politicians fearing controversy won’t go. I think many Jews would find some truth in comparing the EU superstate project which combined with inward migration and substabtial expansion to the tone which existed in the past.

    How do they feel about Galloway being such a prominent member of GO? (2)

    How do you feel about funding and volunteering for an organisation with Galloway in such a prominent position?

    Free Member

    Mentioning Hitler isn’t anti-semitic

    Its what you said when Ken did this so I admire the way you consistently apply your principles irrespective of the political support you give the person saying it.

    I think many Jews would find some truth

    Is it not racist to suggest Jewish people are stupid?

    Free Member

    Is it not racist to suggest Jewish people are stupid?

    Only if you believe ‘Jewish’ is a race rather than a faith.

    Full Member

    Well it’s alright endlessly arguing about trade agreements, but when we have absolutely nothing to trade it’s a bit of a moot point

    Absolutely nothing to trade in results in exports of approx £43billion a month. NB, I’m a remainer but let’s not resort to scare-mongering eh? Boris relies on that to support the Brexit argument because he has nothing else to support his xenophobic views.

    Neanderthals went extinct because they did not adopt to change quick enough. At least that is one line of the story or being breed out.

    Brilliant. You don’t know, but you reckon it might on or other of these. Or both. Your wisdom knows no bounds. Tell me again how we should remain in the EU. Or come out?

    Full Member

    Well, the thread has gone full retard this morning. I only came in for a bit of light lunchtime reading, but…

    Free Member

    Only if you are mistaken enough to believe ‘Jewish’ is a race rather than a faith.

    You may wish to look up the race relations act and then we can see how well you back pedal 8)

    Free Member

    The Flying Ox – Member
    Well, the thread has gone full retard this morning. I only came in for a bit of light lunchtime reading, but…

    For your entertainment since you starting posting Simpson.

    Free Member

    exports of approx £43billion a month

    what the blinking heck are we exporting exactly?

    Full Member

    what has the EU to offer to the world?

    A political body to combat the power of Global Corporations e.g. Murdoch, various controls in the EU has stopped Murdoch from controlling all news media within the EU.
    The UK gov’t is beholden to Murdoch, his mouthpieces (the Times & the Sun) have consistently spouted anti-EU propaganda.

    Was that simple enough for you?

    Free Member

    Junky, I know you remember what Livingstone said and it was quite different. You do need also to look at who said what and their past “form”

    @Lifer Galloway isn’t part of Vote Leave. There is a very good reason I chose to join and support Vote Leave instead of Grass Roots Out, I was delighted to see Vote Leave designated as the official campaign.

    quick.. someone’s being practical.. roll out the de-railer!!

    Sounds familiar 😉

    Well, the thread has gone full retard this morning. I only came in for a bit of light lunchtime reading, but.

    Best stick to the Bike Forum for that although I appreciate your engagement in this absolutely vital topic

    On other news we had the Cable/Obsourne/Balls show today with added gravy from Mr Ryan Air himself. I thought it quite amusing O’Reilly was talking about investment into UK/Europe when he’s placed such a huge order for Boeings being up all the forward supply of Dreamliners (he knows how to corner a market and drive out competition – all legitimately of course). All those Boeings bought with not a trade deal in sight. A number of his deals with regional airports have been declared illegal state aid and of course he had the huge row with France where he was circumventing French employment law at his Marseille maintenance facility (now largely closed down as he lost). Have to admire him for his think skin though

    Free Member

    DaRC_L – Member

    what has the EU to offer to the world?

    A political body to combat the power of Global Corporations e.g. Murdoch, various controls in the EU has stopped Murdoch from controlling all news media within the EU.[/quote]
    To the world. Not just EU.

    The UK gov’t is beholden to Murdoch, his mouthpieces (the Times & the Sun) have consistently spouted anti-EU propaganda.

    Crikey, does that mean he can spin better than others hence he got to go?

    Was that simple enough for you?

    You answered the wrong question. i.e. wrong answer = Nil point.

    Free Member

    what the blinking heck are we exporting exactly?

    £1bn a month of our money to the EU for starters 😉

    High tech engineering
    Software and technology
    Services – advisory etc

    Making basic stuff is pointless as Labour costs are so much lower elsewhere in the world, we need value added products

    Full Member

    There is a very good reason I chose to join and support Vote Leave instead of Grass Roots Out

    Free Member

    ,[1] I know you remember what Livingstone said and it was quite different. [2]You do need also to look at who said what and their past “form”

    1. Not really they were both talking bollocks about hitler and were both somewhere between inaccurate/stretching a point to breaking and just wrong.

    2. Well Boris does have a long standing reputation for racist outburst from pickaninny to water melon smiles. so again both have had questionable racist outbursts

    Be consistent

    personally I think they are both dicks who have made some questionable outbursts on racial matters but you are free to ignore the evidence and think they are different.

    remember supporting fact check to check the EU figures – surely by now you know what the correct amount is it costs is due to the rebate and the money we get back. Why say something you know is not true?
    Its 8.5 billion so hardly a small figure by anyone standards

    Full Member

    Best stick to the Bike Forum for that although I appreciate your engagement in this absolutely vital topic

    Well yesterday I was trying to ask questions that don’t seem to have been asked/answered in the wider public domain (e.g. advantages of blanket trade deals that suit nobody in particular), but today it’s accusations of racism and “Well, yes, apart from the £40-odd billion per month in automobilia/petrochemicals/pharmaceuticals/etc., what do we actually export? That’s right: nothing!” bollocks.
    I see nothing vital here.

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