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  • EU Referendum – are you in or out?
  • Drac
    Full Member

    I wonder if this was in that infamous plan we weren’t allowed to read on someone’s desk.

    Full Member

    so is Johnson gonna break the law?

    I reckon he’ll go try to get some sort of deal through then resign when it doesnt pass

    give it a few years & he’ll be rehabilitated by his usual columns in the torygraph, a spot on celebrity bake-off etc

    Full Member

    So, there was no iron fist, just a thumping great majority.

    Nope. More if you can have most MPs jumping to your tune (since they were mostly handpicked by you and have little or no local support) then you leave those few holdouts who have a lot of local support well alone. Especially if they rather inconveniently hold the same values as a large number of the members of the party and so going after them might prove rather painful.
    Far better to just parachute in handpicked candidates to each constituency as it opens. If they have no local basis then they will be dependant on your whims.

    Full Member

    so is Johnson gonna break the law?

    Who knows. The problem is he is completely without scruples and its whatever suits him best. Although even then its unclear as to whether he is thinking short term or long term best interests. He might be dreaming of how Churchill had several bad periods but still came out well.
    Then on top of that you have Cummings and co who want to burn things down so they can rebuild and its unclear how much influence they have on him. Whilst I doubt Johnson would want to be the one responsible for the destruction of the union or the tory party as it would look a bit shit in the history books who knows whether Cummings can convince him it would look good.

    Free Member

    Not leaving on the 31st and having an election before leaving are still till favourites on Betfair.

    Free Member

    so is Johnson gonna break the law?

    Not a chance.

    Even by the standards of an Old Etonian Tory MP, he really leads the world when it comes to looking after No1, so there’s absolutely no chance he’s going to risk prison on any crusade.

    No, what he we wants is to be loved by his fans, it’s the only thing that feeds his ego. Even if it’s the off-duty football hooligans chanting his name as they throw barriers at the Police outside parliament.

    He would love to get Brexit done, He’d really love to get No-Deal done by Jan 2020, he’d be forever in the good books of every super rich tax cheat in the UK if he could do that, but I don’t think he even thinks he can pull that off now, so all this “over my dead body” posturing stuff is for the fan base. He’ll make a huge amount of noise and fuss, but will stop short of doing anything that might actually lead to him seeing the inside of a Cell.

    I wonder if he thinks about Jeffery Archer, he, like Johnson was a bullshit artist who managed to weasel his way to the top of the Tory party. Archer thought he was above the law and I’ve read even as he was convicted of Perjury did think he’d go to prison, until he did. Of course they made him a peer so, well wasn’t all bad for him.

    Full Member

    Lemon driZzle? That really is cheating.

    Full Member

    Everyone knows this is coming…

    Full Member

    @binnery – I guess it’s pretty easy to keep track of 16 MPs.

    Full Member

    Nicky Morgan has to be next to go?

    Full Member

    anyone else enjoying gove having to declare not wanting to give info due to rights under the ECHR? 🙂

    Full Member

    Grieve motion passed to disclose yellowhammer and prorogue info…

    Full Member

    What does this practically mean though, if parly is due to close tonight?

    Free Member

    It’s means that BlowJo really shouldn’t have expelled 21 of his MPs

    Full Member

    Saw this from “Brexit News” being shared by a Pro-leave person on Facebook. Without wanting to sound overly dramatic it almost sounds like they’re trying to incite civil war…

    View: Bojo hints he could break the law rather than beg Brussels for another delay. A British Prime Minister who is willing to fight parliament on behalf of the people.

    He is fast becoming a hero!
    And he will go down in history as the greatest British PM ever!

    In fact, BoJo could become a greater PM than Churchill. The British Parliament is now full of William Joyce’s who are, openly and without shame, behaving like Lord Haw-Haw himself.

    The EU are a greater enemy to British sovereignty than their, Reich, founders ever were.

    Johnson is up against, so many, things Churchill never was. For one, his own Parliement has been infiltrated by the enemy.

    The EU is an advanced, ingrained establishment that has almost gained complete control of our country by stealth. It controls our politicians, our media, our academic institutions and by Common Purpose, mostly all of our public authorities.

    This enemy has, over the last 40 years, with the help of corrupt politicians, bought Britain piece by piece! The plan was almost complete before Cameron “blew it” with the Referendum!

    This is why, now, we see panic in Parliament! Remainers without shame, doing their dirty, underhanded, anti-democratic, anti-British, deeds in full view, without shame! These kinds of plots were always held behind closed doors. Not now, there is too much panic and not enough time to hide their swampy deeds.

    If Boris becomes the Martyr of Brexit and does whatever it takes to rid Britain of EU rule, he will have stopped the enemies secret plan to conquor Great Britain, the ultimate prize being, The city of london and all the money it commands!
    The same enemy who, when they realized they were going to lose WWII, they had to come up with another plan. They knew tanks, bombs and guns would always meet resistance so they had to think clever and go long. The EU was and is, simply, a Nazi trojan horse dressed up in, neo-liberal, colours that ALMOST went un-noticed!

    For Boris to fight alongside the British people, against this “enemy” and for him to beat them; will make Boris greater than Winston Churchill!

    Free Member

    Whether you like brexit or not, you have to admit, Cummings and Boris have played an absolute belter. Pretty much 2 Wk’s time and we will be DONE with the E.U, either by an adjusted May deal, or with a no deal. You have to tip your hat sometimes..

    Full Member

    That’s the internet that is

    Full Member

    Pretty much 2 Wk’s time

    Why, what’s happening at the end of September? No Parliament sitting to vote on any form of WA, and no EU summit for any extension to be discussed. The only options for no deal are if the EU either don’t offer any extension or parliament vote not to accept the extension they offer.

    Full Member

    DONE with the E.U, either by an adjusted May deal

    Lol! You should probably recall that May’s deal effectively keeps us fully in the EU until we can resolve other issues, I. E. The backstop, with the caveat we become a silent partner sitting on our hands.

    Personally I’d take that over a no deal scenario, but “done with the EU”? Hahaha!

    Full Member

    Pretty much 2 Wk’s time and we will be DONE with the E.U, either by an adjusted May deal, or with a no deal.

    Neither of those are possible in “pretty much 2 Wk’s time”… even if they are 2 of the most likely outcomes… at some point. And neither of them take us out of the orbit of a large trading and standards setting body, or remove our borders with it.

    Full Member

    Whether you like brexit or not, you have to admit, Cummings and Boris have played an absolute belter. Pretty much 2 Wk’s time and we will be DONE with the E.U, either by an adjusted May deal, or with a no deal. You have to tip your hat sometimes..

    Nope sorry he’s destroyed his own party, made a need for a law to come into effect meaning no deal is illegal, suspended parliament trying to be clever which backfired and in 2 weeks time parliament will still suspended so nothing will be done.

    Full Member

    maybe our new brexiter can give us a few more details …………

    Full Member

    What’s blojos negative majority standing at currently?

    Full Member

    Cummings and Boris have played an absolute belter. Pretty much 2 Wk’s time and we will be DONE with the E.U,

    They haven’t and we won’t.

    If this is trolling, it’s woeful.

    If you actually believe it, you’re deluded.

    Full Member

    And with that they threw the dup under the bus

    Free Member

    Whether you like brexit or not, you have to admit, Cummings and Boris have played an absolute belter. Pretty much 2 Wk’s time and we will be DONE with the E.U, either by an adjusted May deal, or with a no deal. You have to tip your hat sometimes..

    I’ve read some drek on here, but this is surely amongst the most deluded 🙈

    Full Member

    DONE with the E.U


    Funniest quote of the day

    Full Member

    Neg 10mps…. Fatality!!

    Finish them!

    Full Member

    If this is trolling, it’s woeful.

    That did cross my mind but then I realised he probably is a Brexit supporter they’re really clutching at straws since they found out what democracy and Sovereignty is.

    Full Member

    Pretty much 2 Wk’s time and we will be DONE with the E.U,

    How’s that then?

    Full Member

    Nope sorry he’s destroyed his own party

    Thing is from Cummings viewpoint that isnt necessarily a bad thing.
    Obviously brexit and damage to our political system is the best outcome but short of that damaging the political system by destroying the tory party and spreading general hate, bile and mistrust is a win.

    Full Member

    Cummings doesn’t give a toss about the Tory party.

    It’s just another part of ‘the establishment’ that needs to be destroyed

    He’s just someone who wants to torch everything and watch the world burn

    He isn’t offering any answers or solutions as to what comes next

    Full Member

    Cummings doesn’t give a toss about the Tory party.

    Yup. Got to wonder how the interview went with the traditional where do you see yourself in five years”
    “laughing at the few remaining torys crying as their party goes extinct along with all the others”
    “good good. When can you start?”

    He isn’t offering any answers or solutions as to what comes next

    Thats not entirely true. If you look at his blog he has plenty of ideas. Its just they are mostly just copy and pastes of other peoples ideas with no real indication of how to apply them to the Uk political system.
    Thats probably best discussed on the Should Cummings resign thread though.

    Full Member

    The interview went ok because Boris doesn’t give a toss about the Tory party either

    Just a convenient temporary vehicle for both their oversized egos

    Full Member

    A laughed at the “majority” bit… and then realised that as no one is likely to get a majority, all policy proclamations from them are just as open to being squeezed into something else by Parliament… and LibDems probably wise (they’ve been burnt more than others) to make it clear that delivery depends on which other parties they have to work with. All policies have to be mutable in a hung parliament… be upfront about it…

    Full Member

    looking like Johnson is going to try resuscitate mays deal, with NI only backstop, & stuff the dup….

    Full Member

    A. will we get our bribe back?

    B. will the Dumbojo fan club vote for it?

    C. will my chocolate be subject to tariffs?

    Full Member

    Has Cummings given Johnson a bomb to drop into the debate tonight?

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