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    Well, I have always found Musk an odious, creepy, 12 children, Trump supporting creep…. and now he has proved this by giving poor Tommy Robinson his Twitter account back (albeit in November) and questioned what Robinson has done to stir up hatred. Add to this is comments that “civil war in the UK in inevitable”… puts him right at the top of the bellend list for me. Strange view point from someone who is an immigrant too.


    Free Member

    You don’t count as an immigrant if you’re rich and white ;)

    Free Member

    People like Trump and Musk surf main stream media as their main way to stay updated.

    Given the biases and hyerbolic predeliction of these outlets, it’s inevitable they end up with myopic views of the world that lack any depth or understanding or nuance.

    Full Member

    We need a social media regulatory body with teeth to start imposing substantial fines on social media companies that don’t moderate extremist content. Sure it would open up the free speech slippery slope debate and claims of the government trying to silence criticism etc. but it’s pretty obvious to many of us that letting social media companies moderate themselves isn’t working.

    Whether it’s a case of they just don’t take it seriously enough (and invest sufficient resources) e.g. Facebook or if they’re run by an absolute bell-end that’s not fit to run a lemonade stand let alone global companies like X. £1m per day fines would be a good starting point and use some of the proceeds to help deal with some of the issues they cause.

    Full Member

    What, Elon ‘calls a man who does a dangerous cave rescue a paedophile’ Musk turns out to be a throbber? That Elon Musk?

    Full Member

    It would be nice to see some repercussions to trying to stir up racial hatred – refusal of entry into the UK next time he has to come here would  be great. He’s not a head of state, he’s an ”entrepreneur” so **** him.

    Full Member

    Isn’t there already a thread dedicated to detailing exactly how much of a **** he is?

    Full Member

    His own daughter seems to have the measure of the man.

    Full Member

    When a tech co says won’t increase transparency or roll out safety features because it might threaten their market share, that’s not “reasonable”. In the long term, arrogance like that risks leading to orbital bombardement by anti-trust regulators with crowds cheering each new crater as it erupts
    Baldur Bjarnason (@baldurbjarnason.com) Aug 5, 2024 at 11:44

    A few people saying that unless Musk sorts Twitter’s act out HMG might ban it which will hurt him quite a lot, though really if you’re still using Twitter or buying a Tesla you probably need to ask yourself ‘why?’

    Full Member


    Deleted Twitter, the day he brought it out. Won’t buy his cars, won’t buy his wall charger. Perhaps some perspective here Trump he he supported actually almost caused civil war when he lost an election. America get you gun laws under control, before criticizing us.


    Full Member

    Be interesting if she gives the eulogy at his funeral

    Free Member

    I think that he’s a moderately talented guy who’s got lucky and struggles to process that.

    Full Member

    I’ve refused to buy his Model S. He’s not likable.

    Free Member

    puts him right at the top of the bellend list for me.

    Nah, that position is firmly held by Putin, and he won’t be slipping down the ranks anytime soon.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    First class merchant banker..

    Full Member

    Your periodic reminder that Elon’s whole ‘coming out’ as a Right Winger  a few years back was prompted because he knew that sexual assault allegations from a former employee were about to go live and he knew this would lose him many of the progressive liberal supporters who bought his cars.

    Sadly his calculation that this shift would win him a whole new crop of online sycophants who don’t really take offenses against ‘uppity’ women seriously and who will defend him to the hilt against ‘woke cancel culture’ has been proven depressingly accurate.

    Full Member


    Elton on Elon


    Stark was a great book when it came out, I think I’d be too scared to read it again now it needs moving to tbe non-fiction corner!

    Free Member

    take your terminally online weird stoner friend who has a lot of strange and contradictory opinions on anything, and give them a few billion dollars and you’ll have something that looks a lot like musk

    Full Member

    Good take about why we should be giving up Twitter:

    Nothing I have to say is important enough to fund hatred.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Is there a degree of testing the water here, so that they can decide what is possible with algorithms, disinformation etc if Trump gets beat?

    Or is my tin foil hat affecting my brain waves?

    Full Member

    I understand why we don’t (because we don’t want to offend by implication), but I suspect not enough is made of Musk’s autism in trying to understand why he gets it wrong so repeatedly.

    He would make a much better Mavel character than he does a functioning human.

    Full Member

    Your periodic reminder that Elon’s whole ‘coming out’ as a Right Winger  a few years back was prompted because he knew that sexual assault allegations from a former employee were about to go live and he knew this would lose him many of the progressive liberal supporters who bought his cars.

    Sadly his calculation that this shift would win him a whole new crop of online sycophants who don’t really take offenses against ‘uppity’ women seriously and who will defend him to the hilt against ‘woke cancel culture’ has been proven depressingly accurate.

    This whole post applies to Russell Brand as well.

    Full Member

    What became of platforms like Mastodon and Threads? Both were touted as the new Twitter when Musky started mucking around with it, but I guess they didn’t gain the critical mass to take on Twitter?

    Free Member

    They became so awfully full of right wing knobs that not even right wing knobs would use them?

    Free Member

    Mastodon is still chugging along quite happily.

    Free Member

    Limmy said it best: Musk is Tony Stark for incels.

    Full Member

    What became of platforms like Mastodon and Threads? Both were touted as the new Twitter when Musky started mucking around with it, but I guess they didn’t gain the critical mass to take on Twitter?

    Mastodon is geeky AF, Threads is a Meta product so not without its own problems, Bluesky was in invitation-only beta and probably missed its moment, most people who give up Twitter just give up rather than looking for an alternative?

    Full Member

    This whole post applies to Russell Brand as well.

    Was going to mention him but was trying to keep it brief, he pretty much copied Elon’s method line by line with an disappointingly similar result.

    I suspect he won’t be the last to at least try it.

    not enough is made of Musk’s autism in trying to understand why he gets it wrong so repeatedly.

    Autism, doesn’t make you sexually assault your employees, as Elon is currently accused of doing by multiple Female staff members. He’s also paid sizable hush money to other women who’ve accused him of similar in the past. you know, like innocent people do.

    Full Member

    Just checking in to see if the consensus is still that he’s a proper ****. Glad to see it is still the case. Man’s a dick.

    Free Member

    We should stop linking to X. That would teach him.

    Free Member

    Is anyone up to speed on X suing advertisers for not advertising on X (I think I mean conspiring to dissuade)

    Full Member

    @piemonster The suggestion is it’s more about silencing critics for fear of expensive litigation than anything else. Notably he’s not taking on eg. Disney.

    Full Member

    or buying a Tesla you probably need to ask yourself ‘why?’

    I know people who have cancelled Tesla orders, giving Musk’s behaviour as the reason.

    Full Member

    Also influencers need to be regulated once above a certain audience size.

    Full Member

    I understand why we don’t (because we don’t want to offend by implication), but I suspect not enough is made of Musk’s autism in trying to understand why he gets it wrong so repeatedly.

    Let’s not use autism too excuse his words and actions

    Full Member

    Is his middle name Lynx?

    Full Member

    Let’s not use autism too excuse his words and actions

    I’m not saying we should, or saying everyone with autism is a tool. He is a tool in addition to being autistic. But it’s part of who his is. I’d say of all of his businesses, social media is the one he is least capable of understanding his responsibilities, because of his autism.

    Full Member

    I’d say of all of his businesses, social media is the one he is least capable of understanding his responsibilities, because of his autism.

    By all accounts he doesn’t really understand automotive engineering or rocketry, not because of autism but because he’s totally unqualified in both.

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