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  • Elon Musk
  • thols2
    Full Member

    I think the Musk fanbois stick to the electric car thread.

    Full Member

    Well, he paid $44b and its now valued at $4b, which is actually quite an impressive achievement

    Full Member

    Well, on the bright side, he did make a small fortune, he just started with a large fortune.

    Full Member

    Is it $13b borrowed for that purchase? I dont want to even try imagine owing that much money (although google suggests its Twitter that owes it)

    Free Member

    He didn’t buy twitter, he bought a fully formed user base for his new online banking project. It doesn’t really matter that he’s lost loads of users as they aren’t the kind of people who would have signed up to his one stop shop anyway.

    I’m not suggesting he’s clever but if he can tap into the MAGA bunch with his free speech as long as it’s my free speech thing and then get them to bank with him, he’ll see the returns he wants.

    Full Member

    TBF, it’s as likely that this was done inadvertently as deliberately.

    Full Member

    Apparently it’s a breaking-of-links issue rather than a deletion issue. Which is worse, but is probably more easily fixable/reversible if applicable.

    Full Member

    The’ll be restoring from backup as we speak.

    Full Member

    He didn’t buy twitter, he bought a fully formed user base for his new online banking project.

    This would be the same banking project that was such a good idea that the PayPal board forced him out when he tried it there.

    I’m not honestly sure that this was the ulterior motive when he bought Twitter (which I think was a combination of his enthusiasm for ‘free speech’ and it being too good an offer for the Twitter board to pass up) but it might be now.

    Behind it all, he’s a massive self-publicist who got lucky and who isn’t as clever as he or his f@n80is think.

    Full Member

    I’m not honestly sure that this was the ulterior motive when he bought Twitter

    Free Member

    Question for everyone really, Do you trust Twitter more now or before Musk took over?

    Full Member

    Question for everyone really, Do you trust Twitter more now or before Musk took over?

    I’ve entirely stopped using it, it’s just toxic garbage. If X was the last bank/social-media mashup on the planet I still would not use it.

    Full Member

    Yep, I’m off it for good too. I miss Fesshole and Anon Opin but I’ll survive on the snippets in the b3ta weekly email….

    Full Member

    Question for everyone really, Do you trust Twitter more now or before Musk took over?

    I’ll answer this by not actually answering it

    Also dont fancy trying to hang on to the MAGA crowd if they need to sign in with facial recognition.

    I currently used Twitter with fake details and a VPN.

    For those in GDPR, youd be consenting to sending your data outside of GDPR from what I can see.

    Full Member

    Absolutely nothing has changed on Twitter for me, apart from the logo and more ads for stuff i dont care about. I never ever look at anything on the “for you” tab.

    Full Member

    Just to partly correct that last post of mine

    Full Member

    @imkster Surely that’s rhetorical?

    Some kind soul gave me a Bluesky invite today – seems a but rustic (eg. no iPad support) and not many people obviously on it but we’ll see…

    Full Member

    This is a handy refresher on Musk’s bullshittery.

    Free Member

    This would be the same banking project that was such a good idea that the PayPal board forced him out when he tried it there.

    Yeah, it’s really unlike billionaire old white men to hold a grudge and try to prove they they were right all along, even if that comes at the distraction of technology and society.

    Full Member

    Is Musk really this stupid or is he just trolling?

    Full Member

    Stealth ads now. Just not a trustworthy service. But I guess everyone here has already dumped it… yeah?

    X, formerly Twitter, caught running unlabeled ads in users’ Following feeds

    Full Member

    I just block any promoted posts. I don’t follow many people so they don’t need to be labelled for me to see if they’re an ad or not.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    A $1 a year fee does seem so low that it may be being used to stop bots, unless those pesky bots have their own card/bank account.

    Free Member

    Payment plans don’t stop bots, they tax them.

    Free Member

    Fair enough, good luck to him – he could do with more money. If it ends up with people no longer using X because he charges them then no great loss to the world is it.

    Full Member

    Seems like a plan to get card details out of users so he can push them towards using it as a payment platform.

    expect to see X appearing on your shopping website of choice along with PayPal etc

    Full Member

    Yeah, I agree with @jonnyboi. Elon wants X to be some catch all site that everybody uses for everything, which includes banking and on line transactions

    Full Member

    Do people really want to give their banking details to someone who lives by the tech-knobber “Move fast and break things” mantra?

    Well obviously we did with PayPal, but he had Peter Thiel and Co. To keep an eye on things then…

    Full Member

    He’ll only hang on to your details for 30 days while he engages the services of an operation in Israel to make sure YOU’RE legit. F right off mate. aren’t you on f’ing mars yet? get lost.

    Full Member

    He should stick to building rockets rather than trying to become the new Messiah.

    He clearly has the social skills of the balrog from lord of the rings.

    Full Member

    X really sucks at the moment but the concept isn’t bad.  i  think that initially WhatsApp was meant to charge 1EUR to your phone account every year but that never actually happened.  The problem now is that so many people are stuck in the idea that it SHOULD be free and will never pay that it has killed the space it could be :(

    Full Member

    Well obviously we did with PayPal, but he had Peter Thiel and Co. To keep an eye on things then…

    Peter Thiel is a libertarian ****

    Thats all I have to say

    Full Member

    Whatsapp did have a charging mechanism- then facebook bought it and made it free to get people on board. Couldn’t possibly hazard a guess as to how they’re making money off it instead.

    Full Member

    Question for everyone really, Do you trust Twitter more now or before Musk took over?

    I trust it about as far as I could spit a rat, but I’m still on there, mainly because there are a number of artists using it who I follow, and it’s a way of directly insulting various Republikkkans.
    Satan will host the Winter Olympics before I give the likes of Muskrat any financial details. Unless they were his…

    Some kind soul gave me a Bluesky invite today – seems a but rustic (eg. no iPad support) and not many people obviously on it but we’ll see…

    Eh, I’ve got Bluesky on my iPad, seems no different to what’s on my iPhone, there’s an app in the iPad App Store.

    Full Member

    X really sucks at the moment but the concept isn’t bad. i think that initially WhatsApp was meant to charge

    You know that whatsapp is facebook, as in Meta/zucckerberg right?


    X is Musk/tesla

    Full Member

    @swanny853 theres also a business account version of whatsapp that is paid for. Quite amusing that Meta paid half what Musk paid for Twitter, has tripled the user base to two billion by cutting subscriptions for and is making money…

    Full Member

    Well I haven’t used twitter/X for around 8 years, no longer have an account as far as I’m aware. But there’s absolutely nothing that Musk has done to it since his purchase that makes me want to sign up again. A 1$ a year ‘verification’ charge isn’t going to encourage me.

    Strange that he bought X for 44billion, when it was free to use but now he wants to charge based on the premise that a pay to use system gets rid of bots. From what I’ve read his monthly charge hasn’t go rid of the problem, so it’s a dumb idea that a lower charge will.

    Full Member

    It’s got to the point where I’d rather have the bots than all the real life neo-nazis he keeps encouraging.

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