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  • Elfin's Tuesday Architectural Appreciation thread!! This week- Religion.
  • ski
    Free Member

    Some from inside Worcester Cathedral

    Worcester Cathedral Floor[/url] by scotiedog[/url], on Flickr

    Worcester Cathedral Quire Ceiling[/url] by scotiedog[/url], on Flickr

    Inside Worcester Cathedral[/url] by scotiedog[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    At the risk of incurring the wrath of the most high (Elfin, and possibly barnsleymitch) – everything expressed in the architecture and design of these buildings, is vile.

    Free Member

    Uh oh! It was all going so well…

    Free Member

    Ah diddums, someone’s not getting any attention, bless him. 🙂

    Had the good fortune to pop in to Winchester Cathedral with WCA, a few months ago. Wish I’d had more time. Must go back for a proper look one of these days:

    Free Member

    It just goes to show that people who don’t like religion are like Hitler, and they love him too.


    To each their own. Live and let live and that. I’m glad I’m able to enjoy and appreciate all forms of religious architecture, even though I’m not a follower of any particular faith. Imagine how dull and meaningless life would be, if you couldn’t?

    The sheer range and diversity of styles is simply incredible. Even within (roughly) the same religion.

    Free Member

    no rothko chapel yet? http://www.rothkochapel.org/

    and while not overtly religious, anything by james turrell

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member
    Ah diddums, someone’s not getting any attention, bless him

    Actually no, but thanks for giving me some. Unwanted though it is. From you.

    It just goes to show that people who don’t like religion are like Hitler, and they love him too.

    That is possibly the stupidest thing I have read.


    Free Member

    That is possibly the stupidest thing I have read.

    No. That is ^^^

    Full Member

    everything expressed in the architecture and design of these buildings, is vile.

    I’ve got a feeling that there may not be any actual meaning in that statement besides a wish to troll, but on the off chance that there is, please explain as I am genuinely curious in that point of view.

    Full Member

    Same question as trailmonkey. Please answer, enquiring minds would like to know.

    Free Member

    Without wanting to nourish Woppit’s desperate craving for attention, I find it somehow ironic that he works off Thomas More St (in Saint Katherine’s by the Tower). Now More, as every schoolboy knows, wrote the classic work Utopia, in which exists a place where there was, amongst other things, complete religious freedom and tolerance, yet an intolerance of atheism. 🙂

    Religious intolerance has sadly, as has been mentioned already in this thread, caused the destruction of priceless artefacts and architecture throughout the World, from ancient civilisations in South America, to the more recent destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan.

    Let’s keep safe what we’ve got, because one day, it will be gone.

    Free Member

    A fine example of a worthy place of worship…..

    Free Member

    Let’s keep safe what we’ve got, because one day, it will be gone.

    The survival of the Blitz by St Paul’s is interesting.

    Churchill knew what an important symbol it was and threw a huge amount of resources into protecting it. Far out of proportion to the lives at stake.

    Full Member

    Part of Luftwaffe strategy was to demoralise the British by bombing our cultural heritage. In order to target these areas, they used a German guide book to Britain written by someone called Baedeker and these raids became known as the Baedeker blitz. Towns such as Bath, Exeter and Cantebury that had no strategic value whatsoever were all given a pasting and much heritage destroyed and lives lost.


    Full Member

    Religious intolerance has sadly, as has been mentioned already in this thread, caused the destruction of priceless artefacts and architecture throughout the World, from ancient civilisations in South America, to the more recent destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan.

    Elfin – The Bamiyan Buddahs is an interesting case study. Originally, it had been stated that he statues were destroyed on religious grounds, however it was later claimed that the instigation for the destruction followed Taliban reaction to a UNESCO offer of funding for the statues preservation. The Taliban angrily claiming that money was available for statues whilst Afghan children were dying of starvation due to sanctions –

    If money is going to statues while children are dying of starvation next door, then it makes it harmful, and we destroy it

    Sayed Rahmatullah Hashimi quoted in Crosette 2001.

    Of course religious iconolasm as a political weapon is as old as the hills as these empty niches from my local church testify. A spooky resemblance to the empty niches of the Bamiyan buddahs I’m sure you’ll agree.

    P1010931[/url] by trailmonkey[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Very interesting, TM. Although I’m sure the religious thing had some influence on their actions. Idolatry is expressly forbidden in Islam, so the Buddhas wooduv bin contrary to the culture of the Taliban. I’m pretty sure if UNESCO were offering money to preserve an ancient mosque, things wouldn’t have turned out the way they did.

    Does go some way towards explaining the destruction of the statues, as previously it did seem just an incredibly intolerant and senseless act. Those statues have bin there since before Islam even began, and no-one seemed to be particularly bothered by them previously. I’d imagine the Muslims living in that area would’ve benefitted from tourism in the region.

    I’ve always had suspicions and doubts about the true reasons for their destruction. Thanks for that info.

    Full Member

    Any chance of a pic of the inside of the Asamkirche on Sendlingerstrasse? Baroque opulence a go go.

    Free Member

    Just for you Elf 😀 😳 8)

    Free Member


    I love you Emma. 😳

    One for you:


    Free Member

    one nundred!!!!!!! lol

    Edit: Knob 😆 😥

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