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  • Edinburgh Cycles Sheffield
  • westkipper
    Free Member

    Something that you might want to ponder regarding weighty-er members of staff, is that some really outstanding ex-fast-as-**** riders tend to put on weight after they leave the competitive s**t behind them. No more anorexia and weighing every calorie for them !
    So you're wrong to judge…
    unless they're that particular variety of bored lookin' hipster that bikeshops seem to employ a lot- they're all ***ts 😉

    Free Member

    unless they're that particular variety of bored lookin' hipster that bikeshops seem to employ a lot- they're all ***ts

    hee hee..and there was me thinking that they were only employed by climbing shops 😉

    Free Member

    ShoePolice – Member
    > a short tubby woman
    OK, so you've just described the ex-BMX world champion working in the Bike Chain in Edinburgh* who has been very helpful on my visits.

    Dasa says to say "Hi" next time you're in the shoppe – she has a box for you.

    The one she's gonna bury you in!

    Free Member

    ooh you do not want to see Dasa in a bad mood… nuh uh

    OP – are you really that judgemental over people who work in shops? First rule of retail, never ever judge a customer walking in the door on appearance it tells you nothing about them.

    It applies the other way around as well.

    You should send the person in question at EBC an apology.

    Free Member

    I just can't help thinking about Margaret Allen. She was never what you'd call petite and she was (is) quite quick on a bike….

    Free Member

    How nasty to declare someone to be 'short and fat' on a public posting after they attempted to help you. Does sneering at people boost your self esteem? How do you think that poor person will feel now if someone tips her off to this thread? Still, I bet people respect her and her abilities much more than they respect you now, after putting up such a mean elitist post.

    Free Member

    ….and only 2 Makitas were harmed in the making of said Northshore!!….

    For the purists out there, apologies in advance for use of 'screws'……long spiral nails don't seem to exist on these shores!!

    Hoping to be open early next week……the painting/filling/building was the easy bit it seems!

    Scott & Rich

    The Bike Tree

    Free Member

    FFS BikeChain and Midnighthour!

    What kind of world do you live in?? You pompous pair of pricks.

    The OP refered to someone as 'short and tubby' (not 'fat'), hardly the crime of the century. It was a description, an observation, not an insult.

    If you can honestly say you have never referred to anyone in terms which are anything but positive and flattering, you're not only lying to yourself, you're insulting all of our intelligences.

    Jeez, have you even read the rest of the thread?

    Free Member

    What kind of world do you live in?? You pompous pair of pricks.

    Ah such eloquence. Might use that one sometime.

    Free Member

    SigmaF that's good news

    Looking at the amount of sanding that was going off, i'd say you'd got some late nights this week 🙂

    Poison thanks you saved me a reply there

    sigma are you having a big opening day?

    Free Member

    There are some serious penis size issues on this forum at times.

    Also, ed bike. Newcastle store is my usual destination if i require something fast such as riding clothes or tyres.
    Staff are always helpful, and conduct themselves in a sensible fashion.

    Free Member

    Poisonspider – its not just the description but the assumption that someone who looks like that would know nothing about bikes.

    Full Member

    we're talking about The Edinburgh Bike Coop in Sheffield, not the Bike Chain in Edinburgh.

    Just to clarify.

    And we still want pics.

    Free Member

    pook, if I take pics of ladies large or otherwise my missus will probably take a dim view. No matter how innocent the cause may be.

    Plus how stalker am I going to look 😯

    Free Member

    TJ – 'I KNOW!!!!!' 😡

    Have you read the previous posts about gut reactions?? Particularly the example I gave of the financial advisor.

    It is a well proven and accepted psychological response. EVERYBODY and I mean EVERYBODY is pre-programmed through thousands of years of evolution to make instant gut reactions to things.

    The brain can then take over and make more rational and reasonable interpretations of what it sees and hears.

    The point I'm making, which most people seem to be missing, and would rather boo hoo about someone saying someone else was 'short and tubby', is that it is an unconcious human instinct to make generalisations and snap judgements about things.

    The OP was not being mean, he just called it the way his gut instinct told him to.


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