My Brother in Law bought some cheap chinese drop bars and seat post last year from e-bay.
The seat post gave up in spring snapping mid Strines ride, Oh how we chuckled as he rode back from Glossop stood up all the way, Of course we just left him as we all warned him they were shoite.
Bonfire Night this year he pulled a cheap eBay bought LED light from his pocket as he tried to explain to us about safety around fireworks and fires i asked him if he had read the posts on the interent about peoples charges catching fire.
Last weekend whilst out in our group he hit a pot hole and his bars snapped, 12 stitches in his chin, chipped and cracked teeth. Broken ribs and a very tender nose end thats missing some skin.
I personally wouldnt have bought them in the first place, he was warned but he’s never payed full price for anything. He has the cheapest tyres money can buy on His car, buys the cheapest washing machines, kettles, irons and replaces these often. I guess there is a market segment for this kind of buyer, i was once told Buy Cheap buy twice. He’s denying the fact that the carbon was to blame, I suppose he’s got to as he has a set of cheap Carbon wheels ready to roll. Along with his Cheapo 4.99 Tyres.
There are many posts from people who never have a problem and some that do, i’ve never witnessed it personally until he was unfortunate enough to come up short. The only positive from it. Some of the other riders have ditched their cheap carbon. I would steer well clear.