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  • Dry January 2024..
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    Struggling, ngl. Did DJ once about 5 years ago and struggled then too. Trouble is it just seems right to have a glass of red wine while sitting in front of the fire. I’m determined to stick it out (quiz night tomorrow night could be tricky) as I’ll be vexed if I cave, but it’s a lesson in willpower.


    Free Member

    The co-op were selling off old stock of 8 cans of poodog punk for £3.60 and 4 cans of vocation life and death for £2.17. I now have 16 cans burning a laser beam of temptation into my mind, but, well you can’t turn that down, like, eh? Will definitely resist but the 1st of February may well be a damp day

    Full Member

    Started on Jan 2. My polar sleep stats have shown better sleep everyday since. While boozing over xmas my sleep was showing as pretty poor.

    Feeling more motivated in the mornings, and that is a good place to be for work etc

    Also my heart rate while sleeping is lower, and my heart rate variability is better too. Haven’t been able to get on the turbo enough, but when i have it feels easier to hold harder efforts.

    Not yet really losing weight, but hoping that may start to go down.

    Free Member

    18 days in and annoyingly I seem to be gaining weight!

    Free Member

    3 days in hospital on IV meds and being unable to eat anything more challenging than soup has added a real short term boost to the weightless with another 2kg this last week

    Full Member

    +1 for Guinness Zero, thanks for the tip. Done DJ for maybe 5 years now and it doesn’t get any more interesting. Birthday in early Feb helps though. 

    Free Member

    I seem to have finally shifted the cold I’ve had for the last two weeks so hoping to start feeling the benefits of no booze. It has made not drinking easier though as I’ve not been well enough to fancy a pint.

    Full Member

    The first weekend I thought a lot about having a beer, but resisted. Last weekend was easier, helped by having the odd Guinness 0.0
    I think I’m less tired, but not totally convinced. My sleep is no better, and crazy dreams!
    I had put on 4kg, and two of those have gone now, so definitely going to keep it up at least till the end of January. Stay strong

    Full Member

    The weight thing is interesting!

    I’ve lost just over 5kg… I think a lot of that is just not being “peckish” with the sugar highs and lows booze gives!

    Honestly, I’ve very little appetite…

    Not even fancying a drink in the slightest TBH..

    Me and the OH (who’s doing dry WEEKDAY Jan…) have really thought about our drinking..

    She’s SOOOO not a morning person. I’m massively annoying at all times..but moreso in the morning… NOT being hungover makes me more tolerable!


    Full Member

    I’ve ended up aiming for a Damp January, rather than a 100% Dry one. Quite pleased with how it’s going, too – I’ve been limiting myself to 3 decent beers a night at the weekend, and 100% dry during the week, which is what I’d like to drink year round. Here’s hoping the January Reset actually works!

    Full Member

    Erdinger Alkoholfrei last night after training, I have some 0% Guinness in the fridge which i’m saving for ’emergencies’ :-D

    Only 10 days for me but surprisingly I’m not missing it, although I haven’t been properly challenged yet – we’re out for a family meal on Saturday but I’ve decided to drive as I want to be up early on Sunday for a reliability.

    Weight wise as I wasn’t drinking loads anyway and my diet is reasonably okay, I have however noticed a slight downward trend of about a kilo but I’ve also knocked back some of the mid-morning snacking which is likely helping.

    All positive so far 👍

    Also, as a treat as a ‘low alcohol’ one, Small Beer Co do small cans of different varieties at around 2.1%, so a cheat but only a wee cheat 🙂

    Whereas some people say they don’t see the point in 0% beer – I don’t see the point in this.

    If I’m having a drink, I’m having a drink – this seems like the worst of both worlds and to me (I can’t speak for anyone else) is pointless.

    19 days in and sleeping SO much better.

    Weight hasn’t altered yet, but I don’t struggle with my weight anyway, even when drinking.

    Big plus for me is that I’m far more pro-active with things that need doing. When I’m drinking, I procrastinate

    Full Member

    Picked up 4 bottles of Brooklyn Special Effects in Tesco last night for £4.50 as a treat.

    Easily the best non-alc beer I’ve tried. Must give the Guinness a go at some point though.

    Free Member

    Thats a really good weight lose @DrP ! I weighed myself yesterday and I’m only down 6lb/2.7kg :(

    Thats by religiously sticking to below 2200 cal/day. No snacking, sensible breakfast/lunch+dinner. Nothing in between, apart from maybe a banana before exercise ( I did bonk twice in 1 night a few nights ago, pre run and then pre bootcamp, and required emergency energy bar!). I have a painful challenge this week – 2hrs of plank in 6 days! Ouch. Am 65mins into it, by breaking up a day into 4x5min planks.

    Free Member

    Whereas some people say they don’t see the point in 0% beer – I don’t see the point in this.

    because a lot of the low alcohol beers, especially the lagers, taste a bit like fizzy water (which a lot of people think lager is in it’s full fat format at the best of times!). the small beer at 2% tastes noticeably better than the 0.5% low alcohol offerings and your are still getting very little ‘booze’ and less calories – bit pricey though

    there’s also a nice enough 3% lager called Gen!us which is brewed in Scotland and can be order on amazon – 1 unit of booze / 89 calories per can.

    i’m doing damp January to severely cut down on drinking. in the week i’ll tend to have a couple of nights where i have an M&S Czech lager at 0.5% (by far the best low alcohol lager ive tried), and then if that doesn’t satisfy the ‘craving’, have a bottle of the small beer at 2%. at the weekend i’ll have a few of the 3% Gen!us beers.

    whilst doing this isn’t really to the spirit of dry January, it means I’m drinking about the equivalent of 4 pints across the week – which would of previously been a “quick pint after work” or  “a couple of beers before we go to the pub” . Doesn’t lead to any meaningful weight loss though

    Full Member

    Whereas some people say they don’t see the point in 0% beer – I don’t see the point in this.

    If I’m having a drink, I’m having a drink – this seems like the worst of both worlds and to me (I can’t speak for anyone else) is pointless.

    the Small beer to me tastes like beer, smells like beer, just has much less alcohol.  I have had a supply of it for the past year or so, and it’s my goto beer out with Dry January.  A couple of cans on a Friday or Saturday night are very rewarding with none of the after effects, so for me it’s a win win.  Taste wise I prefer it to many of the regular strength canned beers.

    I have it on repeat order and have just received a notification that there is a case on it’s way to me .. :)

    Full Member

    the small beer at 2% tastes noticeably better than the 0.5% low alcohol offerings

    aye, this – Beavertown Nanobot is my current favourite.  IMO most of the 0.5’s taste like a beer substitute (some better than others!).  But I can have a 2.8% beer and it really does scratch that itch.

    Free Member

    Beavertown Nanobot is my current favourite

    sad news, i think they’ve stopped brewing it. used to be a favourite of mine too but looks like it been replaced by ‘Satellite’ as a 2.8% IPA – not tried it yet

    Full Member

    Apart from a small glass of fizz on my Dad’s birthday last weekend, I’ve still staying alc free.
    Not really been fussed by replacing with non-alc beers. I’ve had a couple so far, and am actually tempted to get a couple tonight.

    Main struggle for me has been weight – I’m trying to lose a stone. First week I lost 2 lbs. 2nd week nothing. Next weigh-in is Tues morning. I feel like I’m making slow progress, so will see what the scales say.
    I had got into the habit of snacking a lot – I think working from home 2 days a week hasn’t helped. I’m now finding it pretty hard to cut all that out. Much harder than the alcohol.

    Full Member

    Glad to hear that people aer managing to stay on the wagon by various means.

    My sleep has been better as I don’t wake up at 4am with tummy ache after too many beers, and I’m not hungover in the morning. I’m still only getting about 7 hours a night, but its better quality and I feel better in the morning.

    I still hanker after snacks, but nowhere near as badly as when I’m on the beer.

    I have refrained from AF beer this year, because despite it being cheaper, I was still spending more money on something I didn’t need, was consuming excess calories, and I still got a bloated feeling at the end of the night. I’m having 2 cups of Peppermint or Chamomile tea on a night instead.

    We have a get together with some frieds on the 4th of February, and we’ll definitely be drinking then, but intend to do another month off the sauce until the 6th of March (the wife at least).

    For too long I’ve needed to break my ‘no stop button’ approach to chugging beers, and I’m enjoying it. Its at this stage I wonder what I’m actually missing.

    Full Member

    I drunk a massive two bottles every evening from about a week before Christmas up until I’d run out, on the 3rd or 4th of January, and for that reason decided to give dry January a go. **** me, is it February yet!?

    Full Member

    Had just noticed that I felt I needed a drink more frequently than I have in the past, even if it was mostly just one or two bottles. This January I really miss getting to the weekend and not having a couple of bottles of ale.

    Full Member

    19 days in and all fine, better sleep, probably better mood. Weight went up a bit first few weeks and now back to where it was on 1st.

    Oddly feeling I could really go a large GnT right now, but resisting… May have a can of 0.5% beer with dinner shortly tho !

    Full Member

    Tried a few new ones last week. Really liked Big Drop Galactic Milk Stout.

    Also got a bottle of Pentire Coastal Spritz. Didn’t do it for me, maybe on a summer evening, or mixed with gin.

    Full Member

    Another Friday night completed ✅

    Free Member

    Hardcore boozer here.  I started DJ on the 3rd as I was working over xmas and new year and had a few beers and wine left over that needed tidying up.

    No booze cravings, other than for a bottle of red with a pasta and pizza dinner, but I held firm. However I am craving sugar really badly.  Ate a whole chocolate cake over two nights and 2 slices of M & S cheese cake and a mm’s chocolate bar last night!  I have been gorging on a catering size Wenslydale and Cranberry cheese as well.

    I am a strictly savory man and don’t normally go anywhere near deserts.  Help!

    On the positive I have bought a few flavoured teas which I am enjoying as a late night alternative drink and sleeping better.  No weight loss but hardly surprising given the newly developed sweet tooth craving.

    Free Member

    I had a couple of bottles of Ghost Ship 0% on Friday night. First alcohol free beers this year as I’ve also been trying to avoid normal and AF beers for weight loss. That hasn’t worked, I’ve lost nothing. Anyway, I woke up on Saturday morning feeling the same kind of just the beginning of a hangover that I would have if I’d had a couple of normal beers. I’m not a big drinker anyway.
    My sleep has definitely been better though so going to stick with it and keep avoiding the AF too.

    Free Member

    Good weekend for me – 10k PB at Newcastle 10k, and a 12 mile long run yesterday.

    Good sleep, healthy eating, no cravings at all. normally, i would have celebrated the 10k with a few beers, didn’t even cross my mind

    Full Member

    So honesty moment!

    The OH adn I stayed in a hotel friday night, and I had some wine and cocktails. In reality, I really didn’t fancy it, but thought I’d join her in a drink.
    Felt awful, and really regretted it…

    But i then met up with old uni mates and we went out for a curry – 3 of us weren’t drinking, 2 were. I felt fine, had fun, and it was a laugh!

    So, I drank on friday night, but didn’t enjoy it. And have no desire to touch booze for a while.
    Hey ho..


    Full Member

    Popped into a new bottle shop in town on Saturday, I believe they used to be called off licences 😀

    Managed to avoid the temptation of free Whiskey tasting but did buy a small bottle of tequila in the shape of a skull for the OH, as I think she’d like the bottle. Oh and an AF Thornbridge beer for me as it was only £1.65.

    Normally I would have gone to the nice pub for a swift pint but had a coffee instead.

    Feel like I’ve definitely broken the cycle, as there’s been a bottle of red in the cupboard for over a week and I just don’t feel tempted to open it. Previously that would have been opened without much delay.

    Free Member

    Burn the heretic!

    not really, it’s all about changing habits innit, which seems like you’ve succeeded in. Although you should flagellate yourself with a kipper for your weakness

    Full Member

    To quote Denzil in the Equalizer (1..which is the bes of the three by a long shot).. “progress not perfection”!


    Full Member

    Doing OK on the booze front, but the micro-pub over the road from me has a mini Belgium beer-fest this week & am tempted to nip over with my neighbour so I can hear all about his recent trip to Egypt. Probably won’t though, as I’m not sure it’s a good enough excuse and almost at the end of the month anyway.

    Food & staying on top of some steady weight-loss is still the challenge for me.

    Free Member

    Still on the wagon here.  I was hoping to start looking youthful from not drinking but realised it’s not the booze making me look old, it’s being old.  Other than that it’s been great.  Sleeping better, eating better, feeling better.

    Full Member

    I started this with the loophole that I could have a drink if I was on a night out (I don’t get many these days), so I allowed myself a few pints on Saturday night when meeting an old pal in Brighton.

    Had fun, felt mildly fuzzy the next day (cured by a very bracing walk at Beachy Head), and I will now refrain at least until 1st weekend of Feb, or possibly the 2nd when I’m in London for a gig anyway.

    So what are people planning to do when Jan ends? I’m thinking I’ll impose some slightly less stringent rules on myself, to avoid just returning to my previous habits.

    Full Member

    Had a cheeky pint on Saturday night, just the one with my curry…didn’t feel the need to carry on and drank water/coffee for the rest of the evening, think I’ve broken the habit which was my main objective.

    Club AGM tonight at our club house, also known as The Plough….soda and lime time for me.  

    Free Member

    Friends coming to stay in Feb half term, that’ll be juice laden, so holding off until then. Afterwards, dunno but certainly off it midweek and only on weekends if there’s a legitimate reason. Yeah, let’s go with that.

    Free Member

    Holding steady here – Guinness 0% is helping though I only have a couple at a time a few days a week as I find that’s enough.

    I think it’s the taste of beers that I like rather than the need to get pissed. I haven’t done a night out in Jan and that’s the thing I’ve found I’ve missed – the social aspect and meeting friends there. Dry Jan means not having a Fri or Sat night out to look forward to – def been a bit more of a social hermit though I will def be out a week on Friday!

    Also plan on drinking less in the house as my only dry days were Mon and Tues! 😬

    Free Member

    So what are people planning to do when Jan ends? I’m thinking I’ll impose some slightly less stringent rules on myself, to avoid just returning to my previous habits.

    Certainly thinking about dry until end of July – after lakeland 50. may even go full on Dry 2024…

    Full Member

    So what are people planning to do when Jan ends? I’m thinking I’ll impose some slightly less stringent rules on myself, to avoid just returning to my previous habits.

    this too I reckon.

    Not much of a pub goer, so it’s largely in the house. The cupboards are full of booze, as is the norm, and haven’t felt any real temptation, so will see how it goes.  Am of bike due surgery recovery till med Feb, so plan to keep it going till then at least.

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